
douvan (@douvan) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: May 3rd, 2011
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  • Created a topic, Conflict with MemberPress, on the site Forums:
    Error in member checkout. "ERROR: 1" MemberPress Su…

  • Posted a reply to Vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), on the site Forums:
    Thank you Codexin. Your efforts are appreciated. Looking forward to a resolution. Your plugin is…

  • Created a topic, Work with Event Tickets Plus, on the site Forums:
    I would love for your plugin to worth with Event Ticke…

  • Created a topic, Great new features in 2023, on the site Forums:
    This plugin works great! CPT and Taxonomies make this …

  • Created a topic, More Visibility Rules – Does not work with RCP, on the site Forums:
    Visibility rules do not work with Restrict Content Pro…

  • Created a topic, Menu Item Visibility Control <= 0.5 – Admin+ Arbitrary PHP Code Execution, on the site Forums:
    Hopefully, a fix is being worked on and will be releas…

  • Created a topic, Custom Post Types, on the site Forums:
    Any thoughts about adding the ability to hide CPT?

  • Created a topic, Unparsable structured data, on the site Forums:
    Unparsable structured data Parsing error: Missing ','…

  • Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site Forums:
    Also looking for a fix. Thank you.

  • Created a topic, Great Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Works perfectly! I've added the code in /js/map_data.j…

  • Created a topic, User has access to restricted content before being approved, on the site Forums:
    When a new user registers in Restrict Content Pro, the…

  • Posted a reply to LSCache caching functions on this page are currently unavailable, on the site Forums:
    Where does it say parallel mode is only for initial testing? How can I test…

  • Posted a reply to LSCache caching functions on this page are currently unavailable, on the site Forums:
    Hi, How can I run LiteSpeed in parallel with Apache, where LiteSpeed is first? Thank…

  • Posted a reply to LSCache caching functions on this page are currently unavailable, on the site Forums:
    Can you please provide more details to your reply? What do you mean by "main…

  • Created a topic, LSCache caching functions on this page are currently unavailable, on the site Forums:
    Running Apache and LiteSpeed in parallel by running Li…

  • Posted a reply to ERROR : Content, title, and excerpt are empty., on the site Forums:
    Hi, Thanks for the reply. I'm using the Import Export Lite version. So there is…

  • Created a topic, ERROR : Content, title, and excerpt are empty., on the site Forums:
    Log [06:12:22] Record #1 [06:12:22] ERROR : Content, t…

  • Created a topic, The parameters passed to the API were invalid. Check your inputs!, on the site Forums:
    Messages are not sending. This is a new install. I h…

  • Created a topic, The Membership setting must be turned on, on the site Forums:
    The nag notice "The Membership setting must be turned …

  • Posted a reply to Disable Premium, on the site Forums:
    Hi @ionutcalara, There is an error on the line where "return" begins. See screenshot…

  • Created a topic, Disable Premium, on the site Forums:
    I'd like to be able to disable premium banks. I added …

  • Created a topic, Easy, simple and works great – well organized submissions, on the site Forums:
    Great support! Replied within 12 hours. Remember thi…

  • Created a topic, status failed, on the site Forums:
    Magic Post Thumbnail status failed. Does not work for …

  • Created a topic, Messages All Duplicated in Email Log, on the site Forums:
    Every message is duplicated in the Email Log report. I…

  • Created a topic, Forbidden. Message seems to be spam, on the site Forums:
    *** Forbidden. Message seems to be spam. *** I'm usin…

  • Created a topic, Error: Translation set not known in WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    Getting this error message while trying translate. Us…