
docestudio (@docestudio) – WordPress user profile |

WordPress Origin Story

Our Marketing Manager started using WordPress in 2013 and she loved it. We started offering WordPress services in 2014 and begin moving all our old website clients from html to WordPress in 2015.

  • Member Since: July 23rd, 2016
  • Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Website:
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  • Created a topic, La versión gratis cumple con todo lo que necesito, on the site Forums:
    El plugin es excelente con la versión gratuita... seri…

  • Created a topic, Excelente herramienta, on the site Forums:
    Llevo varios años utilizando esta barra de notificació…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin even using the free version, on the site Forums:
    I've use ExactMetrics for a while on a few websites an…

  • Created a topic, Beautiful login, on the site Forums:
    Looks beautiful and simple to config.

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    I have this plugin in a few pages and all of them work…

  • Created a topic, Is great! ¡Es genial!, on the site Forums:
    Un sitio web en más de un idioma puede ser complicado…

  • Created a topic, Tiene potencial, pero no está listo, on the site Forums:
    El editor Gutenberg está genial... si no tienes prisa…

  • Created a topic, Excelente herramienta de seguridad, on the site Forums:
    Si tu página tiene como dirección de acceso ".../wp-…

  • Created a topic, Excelente!, on the site Forums:
    Llevo más de 600 facturas procesadas en https://Betti…

  • Created a topic, Great protection!, on the site Forums:
    I'm installing it in every WordPress website.