
dkrahl (@dkrahl) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: July 2nd, 2013
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Default language, on the site Forums:
    Hi We have a Spanish website. The admin default lan…

  • Posted a reply to Klarna refund, on the site Forums:
    Thank you.

  • Created a topic, Klarna refund, on the site Forums:
    Hi,Thanks for the excellent plugin. How does a Klarna …

  • Posted a reply to Usuario no activo para compra Bizum, on the site Forums:
    Live mode is working just fine, the test mode does only work with the test…

  • Posted a reply to Refund Failed: No transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    live mode is working just fine, thank you Jose.

  • Posted a reply to Refund Failed: No transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    Hi Jose, Here is the log file for a new order paid with Bizum and…

  • Posted a reply to Refund Failed: No transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    Thank you Jose, the refund amount shows now correctly. When clicking the button, it states…

  • Created a topic, Refund Failed: No transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    Hi again, I am still in Test Mode. A test purchase …

  • Posted a reply to Usuario no activo para compra Bizum, on the site Forums:
    Hi Jose, So its our test numbers, apparently. Thanks for the swift reply. Mil gracias,

  • Created a topic, Usuario no activo para compra Bizum, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Sorry for my Spanish. Gracias por el plugin. To…

  • Created a topic, Issue with mobile view on Enfold, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thank you for this beautiful plugin. On mobile …

  • Created a topic, Custom Field positioning, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the very user-friendly plugin. I need to…

  • Posted a reply to Coupon not showing in pop-up, on the site Forums:
    Excellent customer support that fixed the issue within one hour after this request with CSS…

  • Created a topic, Coupon not showing in pop-up, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Nice plugin. Woocommerce coupon created, select…

  • Created a topic, Attach ICS file or ICS URL to email notification, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I am using the latest free version plugin. Is it…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot enter Custom URL, on the site Forums:
    Hi and thank you for the swift reply. Version I will reach out via…

  • Created a topic, Cannot enter Custom URL, on the site Forums:
    Hi and thanks for this excellent plugin. I have a stra…

  • Created a topic, Auto-generating parent-child – without coding, on the site Forums:
    Works without any issues. Saved me a lot of time and h…

  • Posted a reply to Assign automatically as child post, on the site Forums:
    Hi Jeff, Thanks for taking your time, your approach sounds sensible. I will contact the…

  • Created a topic, Assign automatically as child post, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I have the following user case scenario and…

  • Posted a reply to Message received from user – how to visit sender’s profile, on the site Forums:
    To improve the above and link all avatar images in the message chat overview, also…

  • Posted a reply to Message received from user – how to visit sender’s profile, on the site Forums:
    Figured it out. For anyone interested, class-profile-magic-chat-system.php line 278. Set a href to the slug,…

  • Created a topic, Unread message email notifications not sending, on the site Forums:
    Hi, User A is online and sends user B a message. User…

  • Created a topic, Message received from user – how to visit sender’s profile, on the site Forums:
    Hi, User A sends user B a message. User B does not kn…

  • Created a topic, Shortcode and <<all events, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Great plugin, thank you. a) Is it possible to ca…

  • Created a topic, Bug showing past events, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm using this shortcode to show all past events …

  • Created a topic, Bug showing past events, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I am using the following shortcode to display all…

  • Posted a reply to bbpress extension problems, on the site Forums:
    Another update: I found the bbpress user settings in the groups settings and a) and…

  • Posted a reply to Stop auto scrolling, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the quick answer. No plugin conflict. Issue was fixed by styling the anchor…

  • Posted a reply to bbpress extension problems, on the site Forums:
    Update: If I am using the shortcode [profilegrid_forum_area] on any page, it will then update…

  • Created a topic, bbpress extension problems, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Im using the latest bbpress, latest wordpress, la…

  • Created a topic, Stop auto scrolling, on the site Forums:
    Hi, How do I deactivate the auto-scrolldown happening…

  • Posted a reply to Timeline Template Style 3: featured events style not applying, on the site Forums:
    Nice reading from you Satinder. Error found, it was due to some modification in the…

  • Posted a reply to Timeline 3: All day events not showing correctly, on the site Forums:
    There is a workaround setting the start time on 1 Oct to 8 AM and…

  • Created a topic, Timeline 3: All day events not showing correctly, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have an all day event running 1-3 October. Howe…

  • Created a topic, Timeline Template Style 3: featured events style not applying, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm using the latest version of your plugin and …

  • Posted a reply to Template customisation and Close button to make menu disappear, on the site Forums:
    Hi again, Found answers to the template 5 opened by default by modifying lines 160…

  • Created a topic, Template customisation and Close button to make menu disappear, on the site Forums:
    Hi and thank you for the great plugin. Would you mind …

  • Posted a reply to Timeline Template Style 3: styling question, on the site Forums:
    Hey Satinder, Thank you, works great. This also overwrites the colors for the featured events…

  • Created a topic, Timeline Template Style 3: styling question, on the site Forums:
    Hi, In the timeline view, the round "month-year" boxe…

  • Posted a reply to Timeline Template Style 3: more link and remove comma, on the site Forums:
    Nevermind, I have figured out: get_post_meta( $event_id, 'eventcustomurl', true); Hope this helps someone,

  • Posted a reply to Timeline Template Style 3: more link and remove comma, on the site Forums:
    Hey Jyoti. Thank you for the quick reply. To try, I have managed to tell…

  • Created a topic, Timeline Template Style 3: more link and remove comma, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for coding such a great plugin. I'm using the t…

  • Created a topic, Add category to profilegrid_blogs, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Is there any way to add categories to the custom…

  • Created a topic, Change profilegrid_blogs slug, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Is it possible to customise the /profilegrid_blog…

  • Posted a reply to Password recovery link for wp login php, on the site Forums:
    Unfortunately no reply form the author but in case someone needs to figure this out,…

  • Posted a reply to Password recovery link for wp login php, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for the quick response. In your plugin settings, I removed the option for…

  • Created a topic, Password recovery link for wp login php, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is such a time saver and creates nearly al…