
Dazzathedrummer (@dazzathedrummer) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: June 20th, 2012
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  • Posted a reply to Semi-Newby custom page content not included in Members restriction, on the site Forums:
    Ok, so some more detail. My custom page below. what I want to do is…

  • Posted a reply to Semi-Newby custom page content not included in Members restriction, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your reply. It’s more a conceptual question really - the code itself sits…

  • Created a topic, Semi-Newby custom page content not included in Members restriction, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I've dabbled in Wordpress for many years and I'm j…

  • Posted a reply to Format font dynamically – what am I doing wrong?, on the site Forums:
    Ah - that makes a lot of sense! I'll change my field names to 'Unavailable',…

  • Created a topic, Format font dynamically – what am I doing wrong?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm trying to format a custom event type based on…

  • Posted a reply to Having trouble ordering by custom date field, on the site Forums:
    I managed to figure it out. It turns out that I must have entered my…

  • Created a topic, Having trouble ordering by custom date field, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm trying to date order a list of posts where th…

  • Posted a reply to Trying to learn about filtering custom fields, on the site Forums:
    @howdy_mcgee what I mean by excluding other types is... The band can enter three or…

  • Created a topic, Trying to learn about filtering custom fields, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm trying to learn how to filter custom posts on…

  • Posted a reply to WP_Query not filtering post type, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to WP_Query not filtering post type, on the site Forums:
    Hahaha!!! ...and I’ve been staring at it for so long! Thanks! I’ll no doubt be…

  • Created a topic, WP_Query not filtering post type, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm new to WP dev and just trying my hand at cust…

  • Posted a reply to Creating an events table…, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your reply. I’m going to try using Advanced Custom Fields to add fields…

  • Created a topic, Creating an events table…, on the site Forums:
    Hi, This is just a hypothetical/conceptual question. …