
baramagnus (@baramagnus) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: May 24th, 2010
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  • Posted a reply to Site breaks with PHP8.3, on the site Forums:
    Thanks again for wanting to help. I'll just run PHP 8.1 and I'll write you…

  • Posted a reply to Site breaks with PHP8.3, on the site Forums:
    I will need to check this on Monday. My websites migrated to a new server.…

  • Posted a reply to Site breaks with PHP8.3, on the site Forums:
    Thanks again,debug.log says:[22-Jul-2024 07:51:29 UTC] PHP Fatal error: ob_end_flush(): Cannot use output buffering in output…

  • Posted a reply to Site breaks with PHP8.3, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Thanks for helping me further. It is not intl. It is activated with PHP…

  • Posted a reply to Site breaks with PHP8.3, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! As the header said, I used PHP8.3. I downgraded to 8.1, and it works…

  • Created a topic, Site breaks with PHP8.3, on the site Forums:
    I have just updated to PHP8.3, and the site breaks. I …

  • Posted a reply to Not working for Denmark, on the site Forums:
    Sorry. I did not get the other plugin to work either. Thanks for trying.

  • Posted a reply to Not working for Denmark, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for trying. I just need the plugin for a small thing. Our company is…

  • Posted a reply to Not working for Denmark, on the site Forums:
    United States! Yet says Denmark

  • Posted a reply to Not working for Denmark, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your quick answer! I tried dk first. I thought that was the code.…

  • Created a topic, Not working for Denmark, on the site Forums:
    I got it to work with Norway, but I can't make it work…

  • Posted a reply to Simple shortcodes, on the site Forums:
    Hi @bentangible and thank you so much for explaining this. I am ideally looking for…

  • Created a topic, Simple shortcodes, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I don’t need to create loops but I just need simpl…

  • Created a topic, From ACF/CPT UI to Pods, on the site Forums:
    I’ve created a custom post type and some fields with A…

  • Created a topic, Awesome plugin, on the site Forums:
    It is the best. I can highly recommend Pro version

  • Posted a reply to Before and after for date fields, anyone getting it to work?, on the site Forums:
    @peterpolow Thanks so much for engaging in this issue. It seems like you have made…

  • Posted a reply to Before and after for date fields, anyone getting it to work?, on the site Forums:
    @oekoplatt The workaround: I’m adding yet another field with an end date, e.g. a field…

  • Posted a reply to Before and after for date fields, anyone getting it to work?, on the site Forums:
    Yes, you have understood this correctly. 1) I have a calendar page with event titles…

  • Posted a reply to Before and after for date fields, anyone getting it to work?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, and thanks for wanting to help me. I don’t want to use the date…

  • Posted a reply to Before and after for date fields, anyone getting it to work?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your suggestions. I'm afraid I can't get it work. It would be awesome…

  • Created a topic, Before and after for date fields, anyone getting it to work?, on the site Forums:
    I must begin by saying how much I love this plugin: A …

  • Created a topic, Flawless, on the site Forums:
    Works flawless. Easy to use

  • Created a topic, Awful idea, on the site Forums:
    I love Wordpress but this is just the most stupid idea…

  • Posted a reply to Link to profile pages of attendees, on the site Forums:
    Thank you so much! This was exactly what I needed. But I decided on using…

  • Created a topic, Link to profile pages of attendees, on the site Forums:
    I want attendees to be able to communicate after an ev…

  • Created a topic, Truly amazing, on the site Forums:
    Astra is my new first choice together with Elementor. …