
allfrom1supply (@allfrom1supply) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: December 18th, 2023
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  • Posted a reply to Protect emails and phones, on the site Forums:
    Steven you are a magic man. I right clicked on the email and expected to…

  • Posted a reply to Protect emails and phones, on the site Forums:
    Or maybe I misunderstood. So if I look at the code I see clean html,…

  • Posted a reply to Protect emails and phones, on the site Forums:
    Well I did a ready fire aim! I purchased the plugin again and then realized…

  • Created a topic, Protect emails and phones, on the site Forums:
    Hi Steven. I am using the slim-plus template so am una…

  • Posted a reply to Category Count, on the site Forums:
    You can skip this. I was able to work out a solution with Javascript. Thanks.

  • Created a topic, Category Count, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to show the total number of connections…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    I tried this early on but didn't know anything about the trailing forward slash and…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Hi Steven. I added those parameters and just tested it using the links…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Steven. I will try this at the end of day when they are done…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    The test page is here the categories are 3, 4 and 5 [cn-content condition=is_category…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Oops spoke too soon. It does not work as expected - it does search but…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Okay skip it. I did get it working, only I could not get the search…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    I will ask a question to shorten the learning curve if you don't mind (old…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Thanks. I started on it last night for a bit and will definitely have questions.

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Steven. I'll dig through this information. I appreciate your help. Will let you know…

  • Posted a reply to Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Okay so we have three searches as that is the way I was asked to…

  • Created a topic, Clear Search, on the site Forums:
    Hi again. Final question (for today ;)) Is there a …

  • Posted a reply to Excerpt-Plus Email, on the site Forums:
    Okay your last email clued me in. I deactivated the license for the Contact add-on,…

  • Posted a reply to Excerpt-Plus Email, on the site Forums:
    No luck. I temporarily removed the additional css to see if somehow I hid it,…

  • Posted a reply to Excerpt-Plus Email, on the site Forums:
    Well I did switch templates but see that the email is still not showing. Sorry…

  • Posted a reply to Excerpt-Plus Email, on the site Forums:
    I am sorry Steven. The situation is fluid. I was asked to make some changes…

  • Created a topic, Excerpt-Plus Email, on the site Forums:
    Hi again. I am trying to get the email address to show…

  • Posted a reply to Question About Gridder/Profile Page, on the site Forums:
    Sorry please disregard. I did figure it out and after it all they decided they…

  • Created a topic, Question About Gridder/Profile Page, on the site Forums:
    Hi. I have another potentially boneheaded question: …

  • Posted a reply to Double notes, on the site Forums:
    That was it -sorry. Forgot all about that.

  • Created a topic, Double notes, on the site Forums:
    Hi Steve, Not sure if this is a bug for the plugin …

  • Posted a reply to Gridder show category description?, on the site Forums:
    That's fine - thanks. Figured I'd ask. I can probably work out something with css…

  • Created a topic, Gidder show category description?, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Is it possible to show the category description wi…

  • Posted a reply to Collapse/expand search by category group, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Steven. It is resolved - I took a much needed vacation and just got…

  • Created a topic, Collapse/expand search by category group, on the site Forums:
    This probably falls under feature suggestion, unless s…

  • Posted a reply to Enhanced Categories & Display Orders Questions, on the site Forums:
    I just added a review. Thanks very much for your excellent product and superior support.

  • Created a topic, Awesome plugin with Great Support, on the site Forums:
    We decided to use Wordpress for a support site for our…

  • Posted a reply to Enhanced Categories & Display Orders Questions, on the site Forums:
    Wow. You are awesome. That did it. 👍

  • Posted a reply to Enhanced Categories & Display Orders Questions, on the site Forums:
    Correction it is actually the notes block with a gallery inserted.

  • Posted a reply to Enhanced Categories & Display Orders Questions, on the site Forums:
    First off, thanks for taking the time to respond. The item I want to move…

  • Created a topic, Enhanced Categories & Display Orders Questions, on the site Forums:
    Okay another couple questions with my apologies for th…

  • Posted a reply to Facilities tags searchable?, on the site Forums:
    You can ignore this post. It looks like I can do what I want with…

  • Created a topic, Facilities tags searchable?, on the site Forums:
    Hi. I have text search enabled but notice that the…

  • Posted a reply to Multi_Category Search > Default Radius and…, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. 👍

  • Posted a reply to Multi_Category Search > Default Radius and…, on the site Forums:
    Thanks you. The import/export tools made that painless. Two thumbs up.

  • Created a topic, Multi_Category Search > Default Radius and…, on the site Forums:
    Sorry to abuse with a second question so quickly but t…

  • Posted a reply to Multi_Category Search Help, on the site Forums:
    Ah, Thank you. So I can create a parent "Services" category? I'll give that a…

  • Posted a reply to Multi_Category Search Help, on the site Forums:
    Well I think I jumped too soon. I saw the fields appear and thought "AH…

  • Posted a reply to Multi_Category Search Help, on the site Forums:
    Sorry it ended being the bane of programmers - one unmatched single quote- that kept…

  • Created a topic, Multi_Category Search Help, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Hoping I can get some help with setting this up. L…