
Vladinator (@alexpty) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: September 7th, 2014
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, stuck in downloading for 24 hours, on the site Forums:
    this plugin doesn't work, keep telling me download wil…

  • Created a topic, Uploadin…. for last 24 hours, on the site Forums:
    nothing works... few minutes tuns to 24 hours and stil…

  • Created a topic, Diesn’t work, still getting notifications, on the site Forums:
    Howdy! Plugins failed to update on your site at XXXXXX…

  • Posted a reply to Increase number of items above 5000, on the site Forums:
    thank you, just what i was looking for. client want to scroll down this particular…

  • Created a topic, Increase number of items above 5000, on the site Forums:
    Hello, i know, you limited number of items in a drop d…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with Wp Hardening, on the site Forums:
    Yes, just enabled REST API and it's working, Doh... my fault, should've known that Thank…

  • Created a topic, Conflict with Wp Hardening, on the site Forums:
    Hello, i just installed WP hardening plugin and cannot…

  • Created a topic, conflict with Wordfence, on the site Forums:
    i just installed this plugin and cannot connect Wordfe…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot override template in theme files, on the site Forums:
    this doesn't work for me

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    sure i can, but i want a free users to see that you are screwed…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    i am your paid customer, i have 5 licenses, don't you think i didn't update…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    sorry, i rolled back to 3, it cost me too much money, but you can…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    try GymEdge by RadiusTheme

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    i am using 5 different themes for different sites, how do you think theme developers…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    i am not a developer, i am a licensed LP user, your updates should not…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    Update: all SEO and permanink URL are changed as per This LP4 Documentation Are you…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    Update: cannot add new lessons to existing course anymore

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    Update: no headers and menu on new LP generated pages

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    Update: Woocommerce payment integration is not working anymore. do you want me to start new…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    Update: Enrolled student cannot access courses anymore. we are getting up to 6 messages that…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    it doesn't work as i wrote in a header of this post, at least with…

  • Posted a reply to Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    doing restore now, 2 weeks of work wiped off, not to mention hustle to communicate…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with “enrollement”, on the site Forums:
    same here, this update has so many bugs, practically wipes out completely working production site

  • Created a topic, Theme override is not working, too many bugs in 4.0, on the site Forums:
    upgrade to 4 completely destroyed my website, theme he…

  • Posted a reply to If… then or replace statements, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, it's so simple!

  • Created a topic, If… then or replace statements, on the site Forums:
    Hello, i am really stuck with this, need some help. i …

  • Posted a reply to Stop this annoying advertising please, on the site Forums:
    Sorry, Michael, did you actually read my post? Resolved by uninstalling this bogus plugin, thank…

  • Created a topic, Stop this annoying advertising please, on the site Forums:
    This plugin really became a sore eye on WordPress, con…

  • Posted a reply to bug with elementor, on the site Forums:
    use this plugin for now, they are working on the problem already:

  • Created a topic, Line icon is missing from Font Awesome, on the site Forums:
    Hello, i cannot find Line messenger icon in Font Aweso…

  • Posted a reply to Fatal Error on last version (4.0), on the site Forums:
    this is what worked for me:

  • Posted a reply to Where could i find actual “search” field?, on the site Forums:
    i was referring to backend search. i need extended search for custom taxonomies in admin

  • Created a topic, Where could i find actual “search” field?, on the site Forums:
    it may sound like a dumb question, but where is a sear…

  • Posted a reply to A non-numeric value encountered : I18n.php, on the site Forums:
    Resolved for me, thank you

  • Posted a reply to A non-numeric value encountered : I18n.php, on the site Forums:
    is this a racist remark?

  • Posted a reply to A non-numeric value encountered : I18n.php, on the site Forums:
    update, adding these lines to wp-config will suppress the messages: ini_set('display_errors','Off'); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL ); define('WP_DEBUG',…

  • Posted a reply to Error in /Tribe/I18n.php on line 253 and wrong language, on the site Forums:
    i have the same problem, developer seems to ignore that many sites affected, just search…

  • Posted a reply to A non-numeric value encountered : I18n.php, on the site Forums:
    I have the same error with the same lines added to WP-config, running latest WordPress…

  • Created a topic, how to see which question was unswered wrong, on the site Forums:
    hi, is there any way to see which quiz questions were…

  • Posted a reply to Just stop working after latest WP update, on the site Forums:
    widget display blank, no tweets showing

  • Created a topic, Just stop working after latest WP update, on the site Forums:
    Have this plugin for ages and now it stopped working. …

  • Posted a reply to Didn’t expect WordPress to allow this garbage plugin, on the site Forums:
    Ok, this is a review. I have 120 WordPress websites created and after automatic update,…

  • Posted a reply to SNAP to Blogger link, on the site Forums:
    same problem here

  • Created a topic, Most recent problems with this plugin, on the site Forums:
    Just want to let you know that i had HTTP ERROR 500 an…

  • Posted a reply to Sudden Incompatability after update, on the site Forums:
    hello @cocreation i know what you saying, but i have clients on GoDaddy, Hostgator and…

  • Posted a reply to Sudden Incompatability after update, on the site Forums:
    @cocreation php updates handled by the hosting company and not always an option for shared…

  • Posted a reply to HTTP Error 500, on the site Forums:
    I have the same problem on all sites i have this plugin installed after last…

  • Created a topic, No Support and cannot buy Pro Version, on the site Forums:
    Forums are dead, no support from author. I wanted to b…