
alexislevrai (@alexislevrai) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: March 2nd, 2009
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  • Created a topic, Migration from Modewine Polylang Theme Strings, on the site Forums:
    Hello,I migrated from Polylang Theme Strings by Modewi…

  • Posted a reply to Confirmation email before stock update, on the site Forums:
    Okay thank you

  • Created a topic, Minimize CSS and JS, on the site Forums:
    Hello, As you probably know, minimising CSS and Js…

  • Created a topic, Confirmation email before stock update, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I'm using this code below to show the stock…

  • Posted a reply to Tax_query brake attachment size and srcset, on the site Forums:
    I finally figure out the issue. Wasn't my code, wasn't a plugin overriding code, wasn't…

  • Posted a reply to Tax_query brake attachment size and srcset, on the site Forums:
    Glad to read that I'm not doing it wrong. It sounds like the call is…

  • Posted a reply to Tax_query brake attachment size and srcset, on the site Forums:
    The thing is that I'm trying to display all the post from a custom post…

  • Posted a reply to Dashboard link conflict with Woocommerce VAT Number, on the site Forums:
    Yeah my fix work fine for now, it was more to let you know :)

  • Posted a reply to Dashboard link conflict with Woocommerce VAT Number, on the site Forums:
    The url is probably created by VAT-Number plugin but it overide the dashboard url in…

  • Created a topic, Tax_query brake attachment size and srcset, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I'm have a post Query with tax_query, both a…

  • Created a topic, Dashboard link conflict with Woocommerce VAT Number, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I've the official VAT Number plugin from Wo…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress 6.4 broke Polylang, on the site Forums:
    I finally found a solution. After flushing permalink dozen of time, changing link format, nothing…

  • Created a topic, WordPress 6.4 broke Polylang, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Since last night update (6.4 then 6.4.1) Po…

  • Posted a reply to Page in multilanguage (Polylang) for categories, on the site Forums:
    I've create a topic on their (Polylang) support section, I will let you know here…

  • Created a topic, Multilingual categories doesnt appear in Sitemap, on the site Forums:
    I'm using the fantastic Polylang with the also fantast…

  • Posted a reply to Page in multilanguage (Polylang) for categories, on the site Forums:
    To be honest I really don't know, from what I can see in you plugin…

  • Created a topic, Page in multilanguage (Polylang) for categories, on the site Forums:
    Hi there Just love XML Sitemap Generator for Google…

  • Created a topic, Polylang support, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, A support of Polylang plugin (one of the…

  • Posted a reply to 7.3.8 cause wordpress crash, on the site Forums:
    Alrigth I don't see it in wordpress for now, I will wait for that. Thank…

  • Created a topic, 7.3.8 cause wordpress crash, on the site Forums:
    Here is the error An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined array key “voucher”, on the site Forums:
    Nice that was quick !

  • Posted a reply to Undefined array key “voucher”, on the site Forums:
    Also faced this error this morning after an automatic update during the night. Everything was…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout woocommerce-invalid class for radio, on the site Forums:
    Mmmhhh okay, lot of doubt about that, but I will gave a try. What page…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout woocommerce-invalid class for radio, on the site Forums:
    Here it is ! ### WordPress Environment ### WordPress address (URL): Site address (URL):…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout woocommerce-invalid class for radio, on the site Forums:
    Hi, It's not really an error. It's more a bug of something in the UI…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout woocommerce-invalid class for radio, on the site Forums:
    Hi Doesn't change a thing … :(

  • Posted a reply to Checkout woocommerce-invalid class for radio, on the site Forums:
    Hi No via ftp with my code editor as any developper creating a wordpress theme…

  • Posted a reply to [WooCommerce] Checkout woocommerce-invalid class for radio, on the site Forums:
    Hi Nami, I'm doing that in the function.php. I add_action( 'woocommerce_before_order_notes', 'booking_infos_checkout_field' ); Then there…

  • Created a topic, Checkout woocommerce-invalid class for radio, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I add some extra field in my checkout proc…

  • Created a topic, Woocommerce core text, on the site Forums:
    Hello there, I'm using Polylang on my Wordpress/Wooc…

  • Posted a reply to Problem file download, on the site Forums:
    Done 🙃

  • Posted a reply to Problem file download, on the site Forums:
    In the ms-downloads folder from the music-store pluging folder, a file is create called ""…

  • Created a topic, Problem file download, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I have a problem with download when it's p…

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce Bookings ressources problem, on the site Forums:
    Yepp that' what a I want to do but there is no Woocommerce Bookings in…

  • Created a topic, Woocommerce Bookings ressources problem, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I have a problem with ressources in Woocom…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined class constant ‘VERSION’, on the site Forums:
    Super thank you for to notifying me. I will make some test during holidays and…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined class constant ‘VERSION’, on the site Forums:
    @niklasinpsyde Thanks for the update ! I prefer to wait for the final fix :)…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined class constant ‘VERSION’, on the site Forums:
    Hi @niklasinpsyde Right, I'm using woocommerce booking. So I'm happy to read that you are…

  • Created a topic, Undefined class constant ‘VERSION’, on the site Forums:
    Hello, After updating Mollie for WP I facing an erro…