
actopix (@actopix) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: July 27th, 2017
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  • GitHub: ACTOPIX
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  • Posted a reply to Error DateTimeZone when using Display Conditions, on the site Forums:
    Hi Leap13, Yes it works fine on my end with this version ! Thank you…

  • Posted a reply to Error DateTimeZone when using Display Conditions, on the site Forums:
    Hi,Here is the phpinfo content : Regards

  • Created a topic, Error DateTimeZone when using Display Conditions, on the site Forums:
    Hi,I noticed an error when using Display Conditions on…

  • Created a topic, Not compatible with Wordfence login recaptcha, on the site Forums:
    Hi,I had to desactivate the plugin because it breaks t…

  • Created a topic, My content (pages and images) is being deleted !, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I activated the BLC 2.0 with the connection to WPM…

  • Posted a reply to Compatibility issue with SiteGround Optimizer, on the site Forums:
    Thank you @niklasinpsyde ! I was struggling with it for days..

  • Created a topic, LinkedIn API scope error, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I just installed the LinkedIn social login and…

  • Created a topic, Best multisite mapping domain tool !!, on the site Forums:
    I was struggling to make Polylang domain mapping work …

  • Created a topic, Awesome Plugin !!, on the site Forums:
    I'm using it for a while in my websites and I love the…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple Slideshow on the same page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm using SiteOrigin Page Builder.

  • Posted a reply to Multiple Slideshow on the same page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Okay it came from the page builder widget "Meta Slider" witch for a strange…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple Slideshow on the same page, on the site Forums:
    Hi @kbatdorf, Actually they are two different slideshows. But it's true the same image is…

  • Created a topic, Multiple Slideshow on the same page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I am trying to display multiple image slideshows…

  • Posted a reply to BuddyPress Registration Error, on the site Forums:
    Okay I found the error, it came from Invisible Recaptcha plugin witch wasn't activated for…

  • Created a topic, BuddyPress Registration Error, on the site Forums:
    Hey, I have a problem with the BuddyPress registrati…

  • Posted a reply to Credit Card Checkout Form broken, on the site Forums:
    Hey, I think I have this problem too and I solved it with a bit…

  • Posted a reply to Menu Protection Hide if is member, on the site Forums:
    Hi Predrag, This wasn't diplaying because I configured Replace Menu the wrong way... ! It…

  • Posted a reply to Menu Protection Hide if is member, on the site Forums:
    Hi Predrag, I'm fine thank you and you ? Thank you for the quick answer,…

  • Created a topic, Menu Protection Hide if is member, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I wanned to know if it is possible to hide menu …

  • Posted a reply to KYC doc upload form BUG, on the site Forums:
    Hi Patrol74, Yes I'm also using WC Vendors Pro above WC Vendors. Thanks for your…

  • Posted a reply to KYC doc upload form BUG, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I also have a 403 forbidden error when I try to add a KYC…

  • Posted a reply to KYC doc upload form BUG, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I checked the PHP logs and there's no error with the plugins php files.…

  • Created a topic, KYC doc upload form BUG, on the site Forums:
    Hey, I just updated the Mangopay Woocommerce plugin …