
182tage (@182tage) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: September 2nd, 2023
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  • Posted a reply to Orderby not correct with smaller numbers, please ‘year’ param, on the site Forums:
    Well thank you. When this way is blocked, i will try the way with $wpdb->get_results()…

  • Posted a reply to Orderby not correct with smaller numbers, please ‘year’ param, on the site Forums:
    After some days of watching, comparing and analyzing i found out: There is a time…

  • Posted a reply to Orderby not correct with smaller numbers, please ‘year’ param, on the site Forums:
    Hi Hector, sorry if i wasn't clear enough. The custom field used for sorting comes…

  • Created a topic, Orderby not correct with smaller numbers, please ‘year’ param, on the site Forums:
    Dear Hector, Thank you for this great plugin which …

  • Posted a reply to Menu does not toggle on mobile, on the site Forums:
    Hello properlypurple, thanks for asking. No, the issue is still existing in the background. I…

  • Posted a reply to Menu does not toggle on mobile, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for taking that further look. When i switch back the theme, the trouble…

  • Posted a reply to Menu does not toggle on mobile, on the site Forums:
    Hi jordesign, thank you for answering. I implemented this section because of the problem. Because…

  • Created a topic, Menu does not toggle on mobile, on the site Forums:
    For a few days the menu does not work as usual on mobi…

  • Posted a reply to How to delete black border?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you Alvaro, this was indeed a solution. It is surprising and so embarrassing simple.…

  • Posted a reply to How to delete black border?, on the site Forums:
    You might not understand the problem which is the resisting 5px black border/stripe on top…

  • Created a topic, How to delete black border?, on the site Forums:
    The Theme twentysixteen has an ugly black border. I st…