Books by Barnabás Szekér
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Papers by Barnabás Szekér
Magyar Filozófiai Szemle [Hungarian Philosophical Review; ISSN 0025-0090], 2018
Erstveröffentlichung der 1869–1870 in Wien entstandenen Tagebucheinträge des ungarischen Philosop... more Erstveröffentlichung der 1869–1870 in Wien entstandenen Tagebucheinträge des ungarischen Philosophen Bernhard (Bernát) Alexander (1850-1927). Über die Möglichkeit der relativ unvermittelten Einblicke in die sog. Österreichische Philosophie unmittelbar vor der Ankunft Franz Brentanos hinaus erhebt Alexanders Text offenbar auch selbstständige literarische und philosophische Ansprüche.
Az Esterházyak fraknói ifjabb ága / Mladšia fraknovská línia Esterházyovcov, szerk. Strešňák Gábor, 2017
ELŐSZÓ 2015. május 26-27-én került megrendezésre a kora újkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok számár... more ELŐSZÓ 2015. május 26-27-én került megrendezésre a kora újkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok számára a III. KoraújkorÁSZ konferencia. Újdonság volt a korábbi évek gyakorlatához képest, hogy a konferencia szervezői és egyben a kötet szerkesztői három egyetem (CEU, ELTE, PPKE) történeti doktori programjaiból érkeztek, így a 2015-ös KoraújkorÁSZ jó példájává vált a különböző egyetemek közötti együttműködésnek. Örömünkre szolgált, hogy a jelentkezők magas száma lehetővé tette, hogy 2015-ben kétnapos konferenciát szervezzünk, amely során hat szekcióban összesen 21 doktori hallgató mutathatta be kutatásainak legújabb eredményeit. A konferencia részvevői öt magyarországi egyetemről, a CEU-ról, az ELTE-ről, a ME-ről, a PPKE-ről és a SZTE-ről érkeztek, és a megtartott változatos előadásoknak köszönhetően a közönség egy tartalmas, a kora újkort sokszínűen bemutató konferencián vehetett részt.
A couple of decades ago Zoltán Fallenbüchl and Domokos Kosáry had an interesting debate about eig... more A couple of decades ago Zoltán Fallenbüchl and Domokos Kosáry had an interesting debate about eighteenth-century education in Hungary. Certain figures led Fallenbüchl to conclude that instead of an increase, the Ratio Educationis reform of the age of enlightened absolutism resulted in a decrease in the enrolment figures of (Catholic) secondary schools. Kosáry thought that this conclusion was wrong and the apparent decrease was a result of misinterpretation. The present study first briefly summarises nineteenth- and twentieth-century historical interpretations of this educational phenomenon, and continues with the analysis of the enrolment figures and composition of student groups in a Pest secondary school which had been operated by the Piarist Order since 1717. Two periods are analysed and compared: one well before the reforms were enacted (1736–1741) and the other immediately after (1776–1781). The analysis suggests that the changes in the size of student body seems to have been shaped by a more complex web of interrelationship than the debaters had thought: enrolment figures show that, even within the smaller segment of Catholic high schools, changes were far from synchronic and applicable across all schools. It is clear that students attending Catholic secondary schools at the end of the 1770s were altogether fewer than around mid-century and that the education reform had something to do with this decrease. However, figures from the Piarist school in Pest and others do not prove that this decrease was the result of a concerted governmental effort to target certain social groups’ access to secondary education, as Fallenbüchl argued. Kosáry, however, pointed out an important factor contributing to this decrease, realising that one of the reasons for the decreasing student numbers was the consistent separation of levels of education, specifically the new practice of categorising students in preparatory classes as elementary school pupils. Even during the immediate years of the reform, government-level central measures can hardly be used to explain all changes that occurred. Thus, it is worthwhile to seek other explanations, such as the uncertainty or stabilisation following the discontinuation or change of school authorities, or changes in the practice of attending or enrolling in school.
Based on the diary-entries of Archabbot Benedek Sajghó, the present paper introduces the role of ... more Based on the diary-entries of Archabbot Benedek Sajghó, the present paper introduces the role of the Archabbot of Pannonhalma in the Diets of the 18th century. This investigation contributes to the examination of the role of the religious orders in political events. The Archabbot's entries were recorded between 1722 and 1725; their majority concentrates on the events related to the Diet of 1722/1723. His text does not correspond with the Diet's official diaries; it only highlights and details personal points of view and emphasises events which were significant for the Archabbot and the Order, thus, instead of the history of the Diet in general, the text rather provides information about the Archabbot's activity. Sajghó's activity covered four issues of outstanding significance for the Order: Reclaiming the signet of notary function; A debate about the order of session with the Pauline superior; The case of tithes in Somogy County with the county gentry and the Chapter of Veszprém; He submitted appeals and intervened for reclaiming titular abbeys.
He remained passive concerning issues that did not influence the Order directly. The diary gives information about the Archabbot's visits and banquets as well. As far as the visited persons were concerned, these were also related to affairs to be settled (unfortunately, no detailed accounts are available).
As outlined above, the Archabbot made use of the opportunities provided by the Diet primarily for the sake of his own and his Order's interests, he did not take an active part in national politics – and he must have shared such a position with others at the Diet.
The study based on a database, which contains the register records of students from the nobility ... more The study based on a database, which contains the register records of students from the nobility in the school's first 30 years (1717 – 1747). Although the roll of the school constantly changed due to the bad relationship between the city council and the Piarists, moreover to plagues and other reasons, the percentage of the noble students remained relative stable (between 20 and 30%). The secondary school barely had any student from the right (Buda) side of the Danube, but not only did the catchment area of the school extended to the region of Pest (such as Pest, Heves, Nógrád, Bács counties and the Jászság), but to the northeastern counties of Hungary (e.g.: Pozsony, Nyitra, Trencsén counties) as well. Therefore we assume that there was a common catchment area of the Piarist schools in Hungary. (Translation: András Koltai)
Book Reviews by Barnabás Szekér
Sic Itur Ad Astra, 2015
Recenzió [Book review on]: Szijártó M. István [szerk.], A történelem mint hivatás: A Benda-emlékk... more Recenzió [Book review on]: Szijártó M. István [szerk.], A történelem mint hivatás: A Benda-emlékkonferencia előadásai, Budapest, 2015.
Books by Barnabás Szekér
Papers by Barnabás Szekér
He remained passive concerning issues that did not influence the Order directly. The diary gives information about the Archabbot's visits and banquets as well. As far as the visited persons were concerned, these were also related to affairs to be settled (unfortunately, no detailed accounts are available).
As outlined above, the Archabbot made use of the opportunities provided by the Diet primarily for the sake of his own and his Order's interests, he did not take an active part in national politics – and he must have shared such a position with others at the Diet.
Book Reviews by Barnabás Szekér
He remained passive concerning issues that did not influence the Order directly. The diary gives information about the Archabbot's visits and banquets as well. As far as the visited persons were concerned, these were also related to affairs to be settled (unfortunately, no detailed accounts are available).
As outlined above, the Archabbot made use of the opportunities provided by the Diet primarily for the sake of his own and his Order's interests, he did not take an active part in national politics – and he must have shared such a position with others at the Diet.