Papers by Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta
Archaeopress Publishing eBooks, 2019
This contribution aims to clarify the role of Tiberio Alfarano († 1596) in the context of the Vat... more This contribution aims to clarify the role of Tiberio Alfarano († 1596) in the context of the Vatican Basilica and its clergy, to which he belonged as chierico beneficiato. In particular, this research investigates Alfarano's autograph manuscripts preceding the Descriptio of 1582, with a particular focus on the biographical profile of the author. These manuscripts, many of which are held in the Archive of Saint Peter's Chapter, display the progressive evolution of Alfarano's work during the papacy of Gregory XIII Boncompagni (1572-1585). Starting from the Jubilee of 1575, this Pontiff left a fundamental mark in aint Peter's Basilica, in terms of both the construction of the new building, and the renewal of worship inside of it. In this period, Alfarano's ambitions and range of interests hit a turning point. Indeed, as the construction of the new Saint Peter's Basilica continued, Tiberio Alfarano showed an increased awareness of the importance of his work for the preservation of the historical memory of the Old Basilica of Saint Peter. In addition, he stressed the connection between him-as a member of the Chapter-and the liturgical choices of the pope.
This contribution aims to clarify the role of Tiberio Alfarano († 1596) in the context of the Vat... more This contribution aims to clarify the role of Tiberio Alfarano († 1596) in the context of the Vatican Basilica and its clergy, to which he belonged as chierico beneficiato. In particular, this research investigates Alfarano's autograph manuscripts preceding the Descriptio of 1582, with a particular focus on the biographical profile of the author. These manuscripts, many of which are held in the Archive of Saint Peter's Chapter, display the progressive evolution of Alfarano's work during the papacy of Gregory XIII Boncompagni (1572-1585). Starting from the Jubilee of 1575, this Pontiff left a fundamental mark in aint Peter's Basilica, in terms of both the construction of the new building, and the renewal of worship inside of it. In this period, Alfarano's ambitions and range of interests hit a turning point. Indeed, as the construction of the new Saint Peter's Basilica continued, Tiberio Alfarano showed an increased awareness of the importance of his work for the preservation of the historical memory of the Old Basilica of Saint Peter. In addition, he stressed the connection between him-as a member of the Chapter-and the liturgical choices of the pope.
Researches on Christian Archaeology, Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages 1st International confe... more Researches on Christian Archaeology, Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages 1st International conference of PhD students Rome, 5th-7th February 2018 edited by Chiara Cecalupo, Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta, Priscilla Ralli
RACTA 2018: Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e Altomedioevo
The aim of this paper is to present new arguments for the discussion of the question whether the ... more The aim of this paper is to present new arguments for the discussion of the question whether the mausoleum of Marcianus was built before or after the ba¬silica of Sant’Eufemia in Grado. The standing structures of this small building are partially preserved and the stratigraphy of its walls have been analyzed al¬so with the help of old photos from the excavations south of the basilica be-tween 1915 and 1921 and the restoration of the mausoleum in the years 1946-1951. In order to understand the many phases of the walls, all known drawings of the building have been examined together with the documentation conserved in the private archive of Vigilio de Grassi in Grado and at the Soprintendenza di Belle arti e paesaggio in Trieste. The study has shown that the south wall of the mausoleum may belong to an earlier building which hade been built against the south wall of the cathedral.
Calls for Papers and Posters by Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta
II Coloqui internacional entre doctorandos y doctores investigadores Roma, 1-3 de febrero 2021 PR... more II Coloqui internacional entre doctorandos y doctores investigadores Roma, 1-3 de febrero 2021 PRIMERA CIRCULAR Los doctorandos del Pontificio Instituto de Arqueología Cristiana se complacen de anunciar el II Coloquio de Investigaciones de Arqueología Cristiana, Tardoantigüedad y Altomedievo. El coloquio, en línea con la internacionalidad y interdisciplinariedad que ha caracterizado el Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana desde su fundación, tendrá el propósito de divulgar nuevos estudios y estimular nuevos horizontes de investigación. DISCIPLINAS Arqueología, epigrafía, iconografía, historia, topografía, arquitectura, ciencias arqueométricas, historia del arte, literatura cristiana antigua, liturgia, hagiografía, museología y todas las demás disciplinas relativas, sin limitaciones geográficas. La temática deberá hacer referencia a un periodo de tiempo entre los siglos III-X. MODALIDAD DE PARTICIPACIÓN Será posible participar presentando extractos de investigaciones doctorales (en curso o finalizadas hace menos de tres años desde la publicación del presente aviso) en forma de comunicaciones (de una duración de 20 minutos) o de póster que permanecerán expuestos mientras dure el evento. Se puede enviar la candidatura propia a través del siguiente formulario de participación a la dirección antes del 6 de octubre de 2020. Los resultados se comunicarán el 15 de noviembre de 2020.
PRIMA CIRCOLARE I dottorandi del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana sono lieti di annun... more PRIMA CIRCOLARE I dottorandi del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana sono lieti di annunciare il II colloquio Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e Altomedioevo. Il colloquio, in linea con l'internazionalità e l'interdisciplinarietà che hanno caratterizzato il Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana fin dalla sua istituzione, avrà scopo di divulgare nuovi studi nonché di stimolare nuovi orizzonti di ricerca. DISCIPLINE Archeologia, epigrafia, iconografia, storia, topografia, architettura, scienze archeometriche, storia dell'arte, letteratura cristiana antica, liturgia, agiografia, museologia e tutte le altre discipline relative, senza limitazioni geografiche. Ogni tema dovrà riferirsi ad un periodo di tempo tra i secoli III-X. MODALITÀ DI PARTECIPAZIONE Sarà possibile partecipare con estratti di ricerche dottorali (in atto o concluse da meno di tre anni dalla pubblicazione del presente avviso) sotto forma di interventi (della durata di 20 minuti) o di poster che resteranno affissi per tutta la durata dell'evento. Si può inviare la propria candidatura tramite la scheda di partecipazione all'indirizzo entro il 6 novembre 2020. I risultati saranno resi noti il 15 novembre 2020.
II. Internationale Tagung für Doktoranden und PhD (RACTA II)
Rom, 1.-3. Februar 2021
ERSTER RUNDB... more II. Internationale Tagung für Doktoranden und PhD (RACTA II)
Rom, 1.-3. Februar 2021
Researches on Christian Archaeology, Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Researches on Christian Archaeology, Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
2nd International Meeti... more Researches on Christian Archaeology, Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
2nd International Meeting of PhD students Rome, 1st-3rd February 2021
Recherches d’Archéologie Chrétienne, Antiquité Tardive et haut Moyen-âge
Recherches d’Archéologie Chrétienne, Antiquité Tardive et haut Moyen-âge 2ème colloque internatio... more Recherches d’Archéologie Chrétienne, Antiquité Tardive et haut Moyen-âge 2ème colloque international entre doctorants et post-doctorants
Rome, 1-3 février 2021
The PhD students of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana promote the International Co... more The PhD students of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana promote the International Conference Researches of Christian Archaeology, Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, in order to stimulate the discussion about ongoing or recently concluded doctoral researches.
The conference will be an important moment of exchange and reflection between researchers of different branches and nationalities, in connection with the interdisciplinary and interna-tional character of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana since its foundation, with the aim of disseminate new studies and stimulate researches on new topics.
The researches will concern literary, historical and archaeological issues concerning the peri-od from the 3rd to the 10th century, according to the single geographic peculiarities.
Institutional sponsors:
Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Römisches Institut
Los doctorandos del Pontificio Instituto de Arqueología Cristiana promueven el congreso de Invest... more Los doctorandos del Pontificio Instituto de Arqueología Cristiana promueven el congreso de Investigaciones de Arqueología Cristiana, Tarda Antigüedad y Alto Medioevo con la finalidad de estimular el debate y el diálogo a partir de los estudios doctorales en curso o recientemente concluidos.
El congreso será un momento de intercambio y de reflexión entre investigadores de diferentes disciplinas y países, en línea con el enfoque internacional e interdisciplinar que han caracterizado el Pontificio Instituto de Arqueología Cristiana desde su fundación, con el objetivo de divulgar nuevos estudios así como estimular nuevos horizontes de investigación.
Las investigaciones en ámbito literario e histórico-arqueológico se concentrarán dentro del arco cronológico de los siglos III – X.
Les doctorants du Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana promeuvent le colloque de Re-cherc... more Les doctorants du Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana promeuvent le colloque de Re-cherches d’Archéologie Chrétienne, Antiquité tardive et haut Moyen-âge afin d’encourager le débat et de favoriser les échanges à partir des études doctorales en cours ou récemment terminées.
Le colloque sera un moment de réflexion entre chercheurs toutes disciplines et tous pays con-fondus, en cohérence avec les intentions qui caractérisent le Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana depuis son établissement. La discussion a pour but de divulguer les résultats de nou-velles recherches ainsi que de stimuler de nouveaux horizons d’étude.
Les recherches qui concernent les domaines historique, littéraire et archéologique feront réfé-rence à l’arc chronologique du IIIe-Xe siècle, selon les différentes spécificités historico-géographique.
Die Doktoranden des Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana freuen sich, Sie zum In-ternatio... more Die Doktoranden des Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana freuen sich, Sie zum In-ternationalen Kongress Forschungen der frühchristlichen Archäologie - Spätantike und Frühmittel-alter einzuladen, um eine Diskussion über laufenden Doktorarbeiten einzuleiten.
Der Kongress wird ein Moment für Austausch und Überlegungen zwischen Forschungen der verschiedenen Disziplinen und Länder sein, im Einklang mit dem Grundsätzen der internatio-nalen und multidisziplinären Charakter des Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana.
Ziel des Kongresses ist es, neue Studien zu verbreiten und neuen Forschungen-möglichkeiten zu öffnen. Die Themen sollen sich auf die Zeit zwischen dem 3. und dem 10. Jahrhundert be-ziehen.
Books by Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta
RACTA 2018 Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e Altomedioevo, 2019
Papers by Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta
Calls for Papers and Posters by Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta
Rom, 1.-3. Februar 2021
2nd International Meeting of PhD students Rome, 1st-3rd February 2021
Rome, 1-3 février 2021
The conference will be an important moment of exchange and reflection between researchers of different branches and nationalities, in connection with the interdisciplinary and interna-tional character of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana since its foundation, with the aim of disseminate new studies and stimulate researches on new topics.
The researches will concern literary, historical and archaeological issues concerning the peri-od from the 3rd to the 10th century, according to the single geographic peculiarities.
Institutional sponsors:
Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Römisches Institut
El congreso será un momento de intercambio y de reflexión entre investigadores de diferentes disciplinas y países, en línea con el enfoque internacional e interdisciplinar que han caracterizado el Pontificio Instituto de Arqueología Cristiana desde su fundación, con el objetivo de divulgar nuevos estudios así como estimular nuevos horizontes de investigación.
Las investigaciones en ámbito literario e histórico-arqueológico se concentrarán dentro del arco cronológico de los siglos III – X.
Le colloque sera un moment de réflexion entre chercheurs toutes disciplines et tous pays con-fondus, en cohérence avec les intentions qui caractérisent le Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana depuis son établissement. La discussion a pour but de divulguer les résultats de nou-velles recherches ainsi que de stimuler de nouveaux horizons d’étude.
Les recherches qui concernent les domaines historique, littéraire et archéologique feront réfé-rence à l’arc chronologique du IIIe-Xe siècle, selon les différentes spécificités historico-géographique.
Der Kongress wird ein Moment für Austausch und Überlegungen zwischen Forschungen der verschiedenen Disziplinen und Länder sein, im Einklang mit dem Grundsätzen der internatio-nalen und multidisziplinären Charakter des Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana.
Ziel des Kongresses ist es, neue Studien zu verbreiten und neuen Forschungen-möglichkeiten zu öffnen. Die Themen sollen sich auf die Zeit zwischen dem 3. und dem 10. Jahrhundert be-ziehen.
Books by Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta
Rom, 1.-3. Februar 2021
2nd International Meeting of PhD students Rome, 1st-3rd February 2021
Rome, 1-3 février 2021
The conference will be an important moment of exchange and reflection between researchers of different branches and nationalities, in connection with the interdisciplinary and interna-tional character of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana since its foundation, with the aim of disseminate new studies and stimulate researches on new topics.
The researches will concern literary, historical and archaeological issues concerning the peri-od from the 3rd to the 10th century, according to the single geographic peculiarities.
Institutional sponsors:
Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Römisches Institut
El congreso será un momento de intercambio y de reflexión entre investigadores de diferentes disciplinas y países, en línea con el enfoque internacional e interdisciplinar que han caracterizado el Pontificio Instituto de Arqueología Cristiana desde su fundación, con el objetivo de divulgar nuevos estudios así como estimular nuevos horizontes de investigación.
Las investigaciones en ámbito literario e histórico-arqueológico se concentrarán dentro del arco cronológico de los siglos III – X.
Le colloque sera un moment de réflexion entre chercheurs toutes disciplines et tous pays con-fondus, en cohérence avec les intentions qui caractérisent le Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana depuis son établissement. La discussion a pour but de divulguer les résultats de nou-velles recherches ainsi que de stimuler de nouveaux horizons d’étude.
Les recherches qui concernent les domaines historique, littéraire et archéologique feront réfé-rence à l’arc chronologique du IIIe-Xe siècle, selon les différentes spécificités historico-géographique.
Der Kongress wird ein Moment für Austausch und Überlegungen zwischen Forschungen der verschiedenen Disziplinen und Länder sein, im Einklang mit dem Grundsätzen der internatio-nalen und multidisziplinären Charakter des Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana.
Ziel des Kongresses ist es, neue Studien zu verbreiten und neuen Forschungen-möglichkeiten zu öffnen. Die Themen sollen sich auf die Zeit zwischen dem 3. und dem 10. Jahrhundert be-ziehen.