Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- As an admin, go to Special:Communityconfiguration/HelpPanel
- Add (Main) to Namespaces with the help panel disabled in both reading and editing mode and Save changes.
- Go to Special:Homepage, find an arbitrary Add Link (or add Image) task and click it
What happens?:
Visual Editor loads at the selected page. No Structured Edit appears.
What should have happened instead?:
Structured editing interface appears normally.
This is happening because HelpPanel::shouldShowHelpPanel() first checks whether the namespace is disallowed via Community Configuration, and only when it is not, it checks whether we're currently in a Suggested Edit mode. In other words, disabling Help Panel in a specific namespace has precedence over being in a structured mode.
Originally reported as T377783: [cswiki betalabs] Structured tasks do not load editing surface .
Acceptance Criteria
When an user selects a suggested edit in Special:Homepage, Help panel is always enabled during that edit session, even when it would be otherwise disabled (based on site configuration and/or user preferences).