Acceptance criteria
Given I am an organizer
When I go to Special:EnableEventRegistration
Then the agreement text for viewing PII should be shown
And a checkbox should be shown to accept the agreement
Given I am an organizer
When I go to Special:EditEventRegistration
And I have not accepted the PII agreement
Then the agreement text for viewing PII should be shown
And a checkbox should be shown to accept the agreement
Given I am an organizer
When I go to Special:EditEventRegistration
And I have accepted the PII agreement
Then the agreement text for viewing PII should be shown
And a checkbox should be shown that is disabled.
Given I am an organizer
When I go to Special:EventDetails
And I am viewing the Response Statistics tab
And I have not accepted the PII agreement
Then the agreement text for viewing PII should be shown
And a checkbox should be shown to accept the agreement
And a button to submit the acceptance should be shown.
Given I am an organizer
When I go to Special:EventDetails
And I am viewing the Response Statistics tab
And I have accepted the PII agreement
Then I should see the standard content for the response statistics tab
Given the environment is a wikimedia foundation wiki
the PII agreement text should read: "I agree to handle the participant information collected during event registration with care and in accordance with Wikimedia Foundation's Terms of use."
Given the environment is not a wikimedia foundation wiki
the PII agreement text should read: "I agree to handle the participant information collected during event registration with care."
All other text should be as per the below designs.
Clickwrap appears when the event creator is enabling registration. Design specs | Clickwrap appears here for additional organizers or if the event creator didn't accept when enabling registration. Design specs |