Papers by Gérard-François DUMONT
Population & Avenir
Le moindre examen des dynamiques de population des territoires français met en évidence un très l... more Le moindre examen des dynamiques de population des territoires français met en évidence un très large éventail. Mais comment expliquer de si considérables différences ? Cela provient-il exclusivement du solde naturel ou du solde migratoire ? Et, lorsque ces deux déterminants s’exercent dans le même sens, lequel a-t-il le plus d’importance ? Une typologie peut-elle être établie à l’échelle des départements français ? [ The slightest examination of the population dynamics of French territories reveals a very wide range. But how can such considerable differences be explained? Does this come exclusively from the natural balance or from net migration? And, when these two determinants operate in the same direction, which is more important? Can a typology be established at the level of the French departments? ]
Armand Colin eBooks, Jun 1, 2022
Armand Colin eBooks, Jul 18, 2022
Armand Colin eBooks, Jun 1, 2022
Armand Colin eBooks, Jul 18, 2022
Espace populations sociétés, 1996
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Social Science Research Network, 1994
Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 2007
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2017
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Apr 1, 2017
The author analyzes the "proximate", "distant" and "distant-distant"... more The author analyzes the "proximate", "distant" and "distant-distant" determinants of natural and migratory movements. Then he examines the explanatory factors for a certain renaissance of rurality, which leads him to propose the concept of "demographic re-generation". It explains the riots of the rise in the number of single-person households and shows the slowing down of the urbanization of the French littoral with the eventual deployment, eventually, under the effect of climatic changes, a negative heliotropism.
Population & Avenir
Selon les définitions ou projections démographiques les plus courantes, les populations du monde ... more Selon les définitions ou projections démographiques les plus courantes, les populations du monde seraient en train de converger vers un niveau d’équilibre de la natalité et de la mortalité. Y aurait-il donc une mondialisation démographique avec des pays dont les dynamiques naturelles seraient toutes équilibrées ? Et une telle mondialisation des comportements démographiques, pourtant démentie par le passé, serait-elle le futur de l’humanité ?
International Centre for geopolitical studies – Centre international d’études géopolitiques, 2013
French Abstract: La France compte le nombre de plus eleve de naissances dans l’Union europeenne. ... more French Abstract: La France compte le nombre de plus eleve de naissances dans l’Union europeenne. Cela tient-il a une dynamique demographique semblable selon les territoires francais ? Quels sont les facteurs politiques et culturels explicatifs ? Quel est le role de l’immigration ? N’y a-t-il pas un paradoxe francais sur l’immigration ?English Abstract: France has the highest number of births in the European Union. This takes it to a similar population dynamics under French territories? What policies and cultural factors? What is the role of immigration? Is there not a French paradox about immigration?
French Abstract: Dans l’histoire demographique de la France, l’annee 2015 restera-t-elle un doubl... more French Abstract: Dans l’histoire demographique de la France, l’annee 2015 restera-t-elle un double incident de parcours ou un vrai tournant? Au plan quantitatif, les change-ments sont incontestables: nette diminution des naissances, decrochage a la baisse de la fecondite, forte hausse des deces. Une analyse approfondie suppose aussi de choisir la bonne echelle geographique.English Abstract: In the demographic history of France, 2015 she will remain a double blip or a real turning point? Quantitatively, the changes are indisputable: net decrease in births, dropping to the fertility decline, soaring death. Further analysis also means choosing the right geographical scale.
ERN: Urban Economics & Public Policy (Topic), 2015
Les evolutions demographiques sont extremement contrastees selon les pays euro-peens et, a l’inte... more Les evolutions demographiques sont extremement contrastees selon les pays euro-peens et, a l’interieur des pays, les dynamiques territoriales sont tres differenciees. Les changements demographiques ont de nombreux effets.
Papers by Gérard-François DUMONT
Pour garantir la pertinence de son étude, l’auteur a retenu des métropoles intermédiaires comparables, soit 7 capitales régionales : Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Metz, Montpellier, Orléans et Rennes. Leur attractivité a été comparée à partir de 7 critères relatifs à la population et à l’emploi, tant à l’échelle de l’unité urbaine qu’à celle de la ville-centre.
Il en ressort une hiérarchie claire. La métropole la plus attractive à l’échelle de l’unité urbaine est Montpellier et à l’échelle de la commune-centre Orléans. Plusieurs facteurs expliquent ce classement. Les métropoles qui ont investi dans l’innovation sont plus attractives que celles où persistent des activités industrielles traditionnelles. De même sont mieux classées celles dont l’économie est diversifiée et qui ont valorisé leurs réseaux de transport. La manière dont la métropole exerce ses fonctions de capitale régionale entre également en ligne de compte.
[This study was designed to compare the attractiveness of the intermediaries regional cities. Urban units between 200 000 and 500 000, are characterized by economic functions whose level does not present a significant transnational radiation, but still have many assets, size limits, for example, diseconomies of agglomeration. To ensure the relevance of the study, the author has retained comparable interim metropolises, 7 regional capitals: Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Metz, Montpellier, Orleans and Rennes. Their attractiveness was compared from 7 criteria for population and employment, both at the level of the urban unit to that of the city center. It shows a clear hierarchy. The most attractive city-wide urban unit is Montpellier and across the town center Orleans. Several factors explain this ranking. The cities that have invested in innovation are more attractive than those which persist traditional industrial activities. Similarly higher ranking ones whose economy is diversified and have valued their transport networks. How the city's services in the regional capital also comes into play.]
Dans la première partie, l’accent est mis sur les populations, leurs caractéristiques et leurs évolutions en considérant différentes échelles de territoires. La deuxième partie est centrée sur le peuplement et propose une analyse de la distribution spatiale dans les territoires français. Enfin, la troisième partie détaille les façons dont les territoires déterminent ou accompagnent les évolutions des populations et les dynamiques de peuplement.
Les chapitres, rédigés dans un souci didactique, s’appuient sur les données les plus récentes, et sont enrichis par des cartes, encadrés, figures et tableaux et, enfin, par une bibliographie. Cet ou-vrage est complété par un chapitre annexe détaillant les recommandations des jurys pour les épreuves écrites et orales, par un lexique et un riche index géographique (plus de 500 références).
L’ensemble de cet ouvrage dresse aussi un panorama complet de la géographie et des dyna-miques des populations des territoires de la France métropolitaine et des outre-mer, saisis dans leur diversité, à diverses échelles. Et il propose des analyses prospectives qui permettent de mieux com-prendre le présent en interrogeant le futur.
[Populations, settlement and territories: these three terms are closely linked. It is therefore by questioning their interactions in France that these notions of populations, settlement and territories are apprehended in this book. Three different ways of reading these interactions are proposed.
In the first part, the focus is on populations, their characteristics and their evolution by considering different territorial scales. The second part focuses on settlement and proposes an analysis of spatial distribution in French territories. Finally, the third part details the ways in which territories determine or accompany population changes and settlement dynamics.
The chapters, written with a didactic concern, are based on the most recent data, and are enriched by maps, boxes, figures and tables and, finally, by a bibliography. This book is completed by an appendix chapter detailing the recommendations of the juries for the written and oral exams, by a glossary and a rich geographical index (more than 500 references).
The book also provides a complete overview of the geography and population dynamics of the territories of metropolitan France and its overseas territories, in all their diversity, at various scales. It also proposes prospective analyses that allow us to better understand the present by questioning the future.]
[This book first presents the demographic fundamentals of the geopolitics of Se-negal. Then he analyzes why, since independence in 1960, Senegal has a stable inter-nal geopolitics compared to that of most countries of the African continent. Thus, in more than half a century of independence, Senegal has never experienced any milita-ry regime or domination of political life by the military. Its political and geopolitical situation is marked, with the exception of two localized crises, by a civil concord that contrasts with many African countries. Finally, the book explains the two main Sene-galese crises and the country's place in regional and global geopolitics. It ends with chronological landmarks. This book offers keys to understanding the exceptional geopolitics of Senegal in Africa from the independence of the country to the second political alternation.]
Ce rapport donne des exemples de projets de connexions directes de leviers à activer. L’exigence du développement endogène implique, et impose, une nouvelle culture du politique. Il y a là les termes d’une clarification d’une nou-velle ingénierie d’accompagnement au développement en lien direct avec les leviers locaux et les dynamiques territoriales. Cet accompagnement vise une « intelligence territoriale » capable de favoriser et stimuler la constitution et l’essor de réseaux mobilisables.
[The failure of a territorial policy is when a territory is lived as abandoned, which is the case of the department of Creuse, in Limousin, in the French region Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Yet, contrary to representations of a remote, neglected and aging Creuse, the reality of modernist and visionary statements by the actors of this department also arises. An inverted landscape. For many, looking at the horizon is thinking the unthinkable. Walking through the Creuse and meeting its actors, we see a new canvas unfolding : not that of a green campaign, recluse, lost in its past, but a colorful mosaic of virtuous dynamics, with this demand expressed : the need proactive support.
This report gives examples of projects of direct connections of levers to activate. The requirement of endogenous development implies, and imposes, a new culture of politics. These are the terms of a clarification of a new engineering development support directly related to the local le- viers and territorial dynamics. This support aims at a "territorial intelligence" capable of favoring and stimulating the constitution and growth of mobilizable networks.]
Pourtant, derrière la réalité incontestable de ces quatre processus, des analyses précises montrent qu’il n’en est rien. Leur déploiement est non seulement varié selon les territoires, mais il connaît également une forte diversification géographique en fonction de leurs intensités et de leurs calendriers. Si bien que, contrairement aux idées reçues, il n’y a aucune convergence démographique selon les pays, ni donc de mondialisation en démographie. Les études prospectives laissent même entrevoir des divergences accrues.
Pour le démontrer, cet ouvrage propose une étude fine et totalement renouvelée de la géographie des populations du monde, en expliquant clairement les grands concepts, puis en analysant les dynamiques locales et les scénarios du futur.
[Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, four major demographic trends have been observed on a global scale: the generalization of the demographic transition, the globalization of migration, the rise of urbanization and the aging of the population; and the idea of a homogeneous and convergent evolution of populations seems to impose itself.
Yet, behind the indisputable reality of these four processes, precise analyzes show that it is not so. Their deployment is not only varied according to the territories, but it also knows a strong geographical diversification according to their intensities and their calendars. So that, contrary to popular belief, there is no demographic convergence according to the countries, nor of globalization in demography. Prospective studies even suggest more divergence.
To demonstrate this, this book proposes a fine and completely renewed study of the geography of the world's populations, by clearly explaining the major concepts, then analyzing the local dynamics and the scenarios of the future.]
Avec cet ouvrage, les enseignants d’histoire-géographie-EMC sont invités à emmener leurs élèves dans un véritable « parcours du monde ». Ils pourront ainsi appréhender sa complexité et aborder la nécessité de mettre en œuvre une démarche scientifique pour le comprendre. Une première partie est consacrée à l’opportunité que représentent le travail par compétences et les parcours éducatifs pour enseigner le développement durable en cours de géographie.
Puis viennent dis séquences pédagogiques clés en main proposant aux enseignants : 1. des mises au point scientifiques qui viennent éclairer les concepts clés ; 2. des études de cas concrets répartis sur plusieurs continents ; 3. des mises en perspective permettant d’élargir la réflexion de la situation locale vers des problématiques globales ; 4. des élargissements interdisciplinaires et relatifs aux parcours éducatifs des élèves.
Ce livre comprend des annexes téléchargeables (, afin de mener à bien les séquences proposées grâce à des : questionnaires et fiches d’activités pour analyser les cas concrets ; dossiers documentaires différenciés favorisant le travail en petits groupes ; des schémas, cartes, jeux de rôles et autres documents originaux.
[How to build a teaching cycle around questions of settlement and spatial organization to enable sustainable development to be dealt with according to the college's geography programs (cycle 4) in France? With this book, history-geography-EMC teachers are invited to take their students on a real "world tour". They will be able to grasp its complexity and address the need to implement a scientific approach to understand it. The first part is dedicated to the opportunity that skills-based work and educational pathways represent for teaching sustainable development in geography.
Then come turnkey pedagogical sequences offering teachers: 1. scientific updates that shed light on key concepts; 2. concrete case studies spread over several continents; 3. put in perspective allowing to widen the reflection of the local situation towards global problems; 4. interdisciplinary enlargements and relating to the educational pathways of pupils.
This book includes downloadable appendices (, in order to carry out the proposed sequences thanks to: questionnaires and activity sheets to analyze the cases concrete; differentiated documentary files favoring work in small groups; diagrams, maps, role plays and other original documents.]
Clarifier les concepts, proposer des méthodes adaptées pour comprendre, évaluer et gérer ces nouvelles réalités territoriales, tels sont les objectifs de cet ouvrage.
Après avoir expliqué en quoi consiste la gouvernance territoriale et la manière dont il faut la décrypter, il présente une méthodologie claire et raisonnée de diagnostic des territoires : étude spatiale, conduite d’entretiens, constitution de grilles d’analyses… en montrant notamment comment effectuer des comparaisons pertinentes. Il propose ensuite une application approfondie de ces concepts et méthodes à un certain nombre de villes françaises (Annonay, Pont-à-Mousson, Vitré…) dont les résultats offrent des enseignements pouvant convenir à tout type de territoire.
Un ouvrage indispensable pour les étudiants en géographie, en urbanisme et aménagement, ainsi que pour tous les acteurs impliqués dans le développement local des collectivités territoriales.
[Reform of the regions, new intercommunal card, budgets of local authorities ... French territories have never been so much at the heart of public debates. And, faced with the challenges of globalization, decentralization and sustainable development, their apprehension is ever more complex.
Clarifying the concepts, proposing adapted methods to understand, evaluate and manage these new territorial realities, these are the objectives of this book.
After explaining what territorial governance consists in and how to decipher it, it presents a clear and reasoned methodology for diagnosing territories: spatial study, conducting interviews, setting up analysis grids ... showing how to perform relevant comparisons. He then proposes a thorough application of these concepts and methods to a number of French cities (Annonay, Pont-à-Mousson, Vitré ...) whose results offer lessons that can be adapted to any type of territory.
An indispensable book for students in geography, urban planning and development, as well as for all the actors involved in the local development of local authorities.]
[These are the proceedings of a series of interdisciplinary symposia held at the College de France during the 1980-1981 university year. The topics covered during the course of these symposia include the basic foundation of political demography, population poli-cies in Eastern Europe, how economic theory manages to divorce itself from demo-graphic realities, historical demography, and the mysteries of fertility.]
A côté des différents points de vue qui permettent d'appréhender une population dans ses caractéristiques à une date donnée, dans sa dynamique, dans son évolution possible, il y a également les questions démographiques telles qu'elle apparaissent au regard de l'économie d'un point de vue théorique et d'un point de vue pratique. C’est l'objet du Titre II qui porte sur la démographie économique.
[This is a textbook on demography aimed at students in the social science. In the first part, the author introduces methods for the analysis of population statistics and demographic trends, including the use of data from censuses and surveys, spatial distribution, age and sex distribution, migration, fertility, mortality, nuptiality, natural increase, demographic indicators, and population projections. The second part, which is concerned with economic demography, examines the evolution of population theory since Malthus and the relationship between population factors and economic growth. The geographical focus is worldwide, with particular attention given to France.]
[The future of the French management-level pension system is analyzed in the light of current economic and demographic developments. The system, which involves the exchange of resources between generations, is outlined, and the various political, eco-nomic, and demographic factors that could affect its future are assessed. The author con-cludes that the system is designed to achieve a measure of solidarity rather than conflict between generations, and this contributes significantly to general social cohesion.]
Gérard-François Dumont dévoile dans ce livre les caractéristiques des migrations internationales. Il explique la diversité de leurs formes en proposant chaque fois des exemples éclairants. Il remonte à la pluralité des causes, ce qui permet de bien distinguer les facteurs politiques, les effets des évolutions géopolitiques, le rôle des dynamiques économiques, l'influence de la révolution des transports, ou les conséquences des changements démographiques.
Enfin, Gérard-François Dumont analyse la géographie des migrations qui façonnent les peuplements. Ce livre est enrichi de notes, d'illustrations et d'un index des noms cités.
[This is a general review of international migration at the global level, and of the factors that affect migration trends. The author describes the various forms that international migration takes and gives examples of each type. He also analyzes various forms that international migration, including political factors, recent geopolitical changes, economic factors, the revolution in transport and communications, and recent demographic changes. Finally, the author describes some of contemporary migration trends that are affecting the demographic composition of various populations around the world.]
[This is a report presented to the French Conseil économique et social and unanimously at its session of June 25-26, 1996. The author first examines the general factors which are affecting the populations of the 22 regions of France, as well as the differences among these regions. Next, the regions are analyzed individually for developmental and demographic trends. Finally, the need to take the specific demographic situation in each region into account when planning for that region’s devel-opment is stressed. The author emphasises the need to prevent a polarization of the French population, in which most of the population would be concentrated in inland urban centers and in the population, in which most of the population would be concentrated in inland urban centers and in the coastal trip, leaving the rest of the country largely unpopulated. In its recommendations, the report also proposes to fill in the statistical shortcomings, notably by reforming the population census.]
[The demographic situation in France en 1992 is reviewed. Attention is given to regional differences in fertility. The author also examines the implications of the clo-sing of maternity centers in certain sparsely populted rural areas.]
Elle suppose également l’analyse des autres pays d’Europe, soit ceux candidats à l’Union eu-ropéenne, et ceux qui s’y refusent, sans oublier les batailles pour des « dépouilles » de l’ex-URSS, comme l’Ukraine. Batailles qui appellent à comprendre la stratégie d’une Russie paradoxale mais en quête de puissance. Enfin, l’analyse permet d’illustrer les défis de l’Europe par neuf scénarios de prospective géopolitique.
En outre, les enjeux de l’Union européenne sont pensés en lien avec l’histoire et les fonction-nements politiques et administratifs de cette institution, sans omettre le prise en compte du « Brexit ».
[Europe, this region stretching from the Atlantic coast to Russia, sees practice the twenty-first century new power rivalries. Their study presupposes an exact knowledge of the geography and recent history of Europe, made of division, reunification and dissension. Understanding the geopolitical parameters of Europe also requires decryption of the European Union, its assets, its contradictions and weaknesses.
It also requires analysis of other European countries, those candidates to the European Union, and those who refuse it, not to mention the battles of the "spoils" of the former Soviet Union, such as Ukraine . Battles callers to understand the strategy of a paradoxical but Russia in search of power. Finally, the analysis illustrates the challenges facing Europe by new geopolitical prospective scenarios.
In addition, issues of the EU are thought related to the history and the political and administrative functioning of the institution, not to mention the account taken of the "Brexit".]
[Multiple factors lead Northern countries to seek alternative energy sources to oil and less environmental impact, such as: awareness of environmental issues; Possible shortages of fossil fuels; political instability in oil producing regions or likely to hold oil reserves. In this context marked more by the beginning of new geopolitical scenarios related to the operation of non-conventional hydrocarbons (shale gas, oil sands ...), the question arises whether the Middle East will remain a challenge major geopolitical.]
[Three questions are studied. Is there a relationship between population growth and economic growth? Is the population growth potential or hinder the development of South Asia and East? How can economic growth in South Asia and East lead to the development?.]
[Three questions are studied. What is the situation in Africa deal with development issues? Is the African always "bad part"? What are the challenges of economic, demographic and socio-environmental facing Africa?]
[The concern of international management of maritime spaces resulted in 1948 with the founding of the IMO (International Maritime Organisation). In 1982, the importance of maritime areas as a development lever is affirmed with the Montego Bay Convention (Jamaica) that concludes the Third Conference on the Law of the Sea convened by the UN. Since, sustainability issues have significantly transformed the question of maritime areas, notably because of the issues raised by the effects of global warming. In a sustainability perspective, the challenge is to ensure a safer and more equitable management of the world's maritime spaces as spaces of production and as spaces of movement. Must be distinguished: first the productive potential of these spaces; secondly, their circulation function as a support for transport, bridges or interfaces.]
[The study of the development of sustainable cities requires treating different issues. How the actors that act on an urban scale they are trying to meet the challenges of cities in different regions of the world? How do we move from a model sustainable city in a sustainable way of development of cities? That is to question the adaptation of sustainable development in different regions of the world. Three examples, Curitiba (Brazil), Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) and Masdar City (UAE) are analyzed.
[This text proposes a synthetic analysis of the geography of Islam, its diversity and its demographic evolution.]
[Texts and figures depicting a demographic world becoming one-sided, with identical dynamics, have been plentiful - to the point of flooding virtually every textbook presenting the demographic transition. However, the opposite is actually happening: a demographic fragmentation of the world's populations, with a variety of evolutions that sketch out a new world, or more accurately, differentiated worlds.]
La "transition démographique" est définie comme une période pendant laquelle les taux de mortalité et de natalité passent d'un niveau élevé à un niveau faible. Pendant cette période, la fécondité, après avoir stagné à un niveau élevé, diminue à mesure que les taux de survie des nouveau-nés et des enfants s'améliorent. Pour les pays européens, elle est sans doute terminée depuis les années 1970 en raison des faibles taux de mortalité infantile. Les pays européens se trouvent donc dans une période post-transitionnelle. Il est important de se demander comment la fécondité des nations européennes évolue dans cette période post-transitionnelle.
Comme toute région du monde, les Balkans se caractérisent par un espace géogra-phique et un peuplement dont Albert Londres, un maître du journalisme d’investigation, démontrait la grande difficulté à le comprendre. Est-il possible de le démentir ? Dans ce dessein, étudions la géopolitique du peuplement des Balkans en sui-vant une démarche novatrice, qui s’affranchit de la logique d’une étude État par État, en analysant le peuplement non à partir des nationalités juridiques ou des États de rési-dence (les habitants de l’Albanie, de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, de la Bulgarie, de la Croa-tie…), mais à partir des nationalités (c’est-à-dire les albanais, les bulgares, les croates, les grecs, les serbes…) quel que soit leur territoire étatique de résidence ou leur appar-tenance juridique. L’angle adopté ici est celui de la nationalité, au sens courant d’usage dans différents pays, fondé sur une conception ethnique : un ensemble de caractères communs partagés par un groupe humain, très souvent la langue ou, tout particulière-ment dans les Balkans, la religion. Il s’agit donc d’examiner les « groupes humains » présents dans les Balkans, indépendamment des frontières politiques intra-balkaniques. Il importe donc d’apprécier la répartition selon les nationalités, la plus ou moins grande compacité de leur peuplement et leur distribution selon les États.
[Faced with the principles of spatial justice first explained, this publication asks whether France is getting closer to spatial justice or, on the contrary, is moving away from it. Whatever the diagnosis, it is important to reflect on what would be desirable to better contain spatial injustice or to move towards more spatial justice.]
Despite its size, 2.5 million km2, the Mediterranean can be considered as a lake due to the revolution in air transport which reduces space-time. Does the analysis of the evolution of the settlement and populations of this lake show a fragmentation? The answer to this question is positive because it highlights a multiplicity of demographic imbalances: settlement, natural demographic evolution, migratory dynamics, age composition, perspectives, all of which can be summarized by the great demographic shift of the 2010s, which modifies the ingredients participating in this "law of numbers" that is emphasized by the geopolitics of populations
[This chapter examines the physical and human geography of France in the same way, insisting first on the unity and diversity of physical geography. Then the main elements of human geography are first placed in their historical dimension, since all human geography is part of a long-term logic, if only because it now takes about a century to renew a population.]
[Since its independence in 1821, Colombia has enjoyed almost continuous democratic rule, but its geopolitical history is often punctuated by internal violence in a disunited region.]
[In each territory of our planet, population changes are the result of multiple factors, whose variable combination over time generates an extremely varied geography of settlement, birth rate, mortality and migration. Geography is therefore not a secondary discipline for understanding population dynamics. It is a discipline without which it is simply impossible to access and understand them.]
[On the one hand, there would be a "France of metropolises", the only one that is dynamic and adapted to globalization, to the point that the State has deemed it necessary to legislate three times to ensure the "affirmation of metropolises". On the other hand, there are the other territories, essentially rural areas, unfit for innovation and doomed to decline. Many paradigms use references that give the impression that rural areas are doomed. It is therefore important to identify the paradigms that justify policies that promote a territorial divide. Then it will be necessary to question the veracity of these paradigms in the face of the dynamics of rural areas.]
[Worldwide, the satisfaction of food needs is both insufficient and unequal. Insufficient because of undernourishment. Unequal because the proportion of undernourished people varies greatly not only between different regions of the world, but also within these regions. Let us first look at the general picture in the world, and then in the different regions. This requires first clarifying the definition of undernourishment: this term refers to the situation of people whose dietary energy intake is permanently below the minimum dietary energy requirement necessary for a healthy life and moderate physical activity. The number of undernourished people is calculated by multiplying the estimates of the prevalence of undernourishment by the total population for each country.]
[The geographical system that France forms, like that of other countries, is characterized by the existence of metropolises, i.e., agglomerations of significant size in relation to their environment. Within the metropolis that is by far the most populous in France, Paris is without context this center, as attested by multiple factors, whether it be its demographic importance, its density, unparalleled in France, of head offices, or its unparalleled place in the transportation networks. The phenomenon of the polarization of territories by Paris is therefore a major characteristic, the geographical dimension of which it is interesting to measure. For this purpose, we have three objective criteria, administrative, urbanistic and spatio-economic, which we should first present. But these criteria, which lead to precise areas, deserve a critical examination that will be the subject of a second part.]
[In June 1992, the Rio Declaration set out a global action plan for sustainable development, a plan called Agenda 21. In its article 28, this declaration emphasizes the essential role of the territories, which are responsible for drawing up and implementing an action program known as "Local Agenda 21", an action program defining the objectives and means of implementing sustainable development in the territory. The understanding of what a Local Agenda 21 is for the development of French territories is less a matter of legislative developments, or of an a priori defined method of use, than of the experiences of the communities. The lessons learned from these experiences first highlight the fact that any implementation of a Local Agenda 21 raises two preliminary questions that this publication examines in a first point. Then, the concretization of a Local Agenda 21 requires the implementation of several stages, which will be the subject of a second point.]
[The process of globalization cannot be without geographical consequences and, therefore, without effect on the development strategy of French territories. In reality, the term "globalization" covers three distinct but complementary dimensions that have an impact on the regions. Each of these three dimensions contributes to defining a new conception of French regional planning strategy, and in this publication we analyze the first two.]
[Russia's population situation can be defined a priori as a real paradox, with a country that is by far the largest in the world and yet ranks only eighth in the world in terms of population. This first feature is accompanied by a disparity in population size among the 89 administrative units of the Russian Federation. Another disparity in Russia's population is urbanization. There are additional questions. Does the geographical contraction that has led the geopolitical actor Russia to often take the place of the USSR (for example, as a member of the UN Security Council) mean a human homogenization that would have made Russia the exclusive homeland of Russians, of people who speak the Russian language together? Similarly, should the return of the Orthodox Church be interpreted as representative of a country that recognizes itself solely in this religion? Finally, has the fall of the Iron Curtain, which has opened Russia to new migratory flows, brought about a new distribution of the country's population, which would give importance to the proportion of foreigners in its population?]
[Russia's population is first and foremost the result of a heritage that explains a very uneven age pyramid. This demographic heritage is of great importance, especially because it determines the current and future number of women of childbearing age and, therefore, one of the components explaining the number of births, even if the latter also depends on the fertility of these women and possible migratory flows influencing these numbers. Therefore, to know the population of Russia, it is necessary to measure its composition by age and sex, which partially explains its demographic evolution. The latter is characterized by a phenomenon that was unprecedented in this country during the period of peace, a decrease in the population since 1992. After examining the intensity of this decline, it is necessary to look for its causes.]
[The principle on which the European Union was founded, long before it adopted this name with the Maastricht Treaty, is that of creating a common migratory area. Even if this objective is only achieved with maximum intensity within the framework of the member countries of the Schengen area, it is indeed all the countries of the European Union that belong to a regional organization that has harmonized many of its regulations to create a regional unity. However, at the same time as European construction was progressing, the world was undergoing a process of globalization. Consequently, one may wonder whether, on the one hand, European unification and, on the other hand, globalization have not resulted in a globalized migratory system for the European Union, i.e., not only migratory exchanges with the whole world, but also a homogeneity of these exchanges in the various member countries of the Union. Various elements lead to a positive response to this question, but it must nevertheless be strongly qualified.]
[As its official title has indicated since the Maastricht Treaty, the process initially initiated in Western Europe in the 1950s has the ambition of creating a true "union". This regional organization, the European Union, is therefore a process of globalization, i.e. of erasing the effects of borders, on the scale of a region of the world. What are the consequences of this unification of the Union on the demographic evolution of its countries? Is the natural demographic regime also characterized, like the European economic system, by a process of globalization? At first it is possible to answer this question in the affirmative, but a more detailed analysis leads to a strong qualification of this initial approach.]
[The migratory movements that cross the world at the beginning of the 21st century are motivated by causes similar to those of previous centuries: political, religious, economic or demographic. But they are taking place in a new context, that of globalization, and it is important to ask how it influences them. Globalization has several complementary but distinct dimensions. The first is the normative dimension, covering formal decisions taken by political authorities. The second dimension is technical, encompassing all material or immaterial means that reduce space-time. Finally, the third dimension is that of praxis, i.e. the decisions taken by economic agents. Let us examine how each of these three dimensions influences international migration.]
[Since the work of Adolphe Landry, published in 1934 in his book entitled The Demographic Revolution, and the formulation made by Notestein in 1945, the demographic analysis of the contemporary world has made extensive use of the demographic transition scheme. This pattern has two stages, one characterized by an increase in the rate of natural increase, the second by its deceleration. The result is a structural change in the demographic regime from high mortality and birth rates to a regime of lower mortality and birth rates. Many countries have completed their period of demographic transition, and the spread of this process may give the impression that it is becoming more global. Nevertheless, various developments raise questions about the limits of this globalization.]
[This text summarizes the management of major climate events in coastal areas in various regions of the world: Tuvalu, Maldives, Kiribati, Louisiana, Florida and the Netherlands. It then draws lessons from these experiences, considering that we must move from "risk awareness to a culture of prevention".]
[France is conducting a territorial reform, relating in particular that the removal of nine regions. The geographic and economic analysis leads to highlight the many negative effects of this reform that has absolutely not been reflected.]
[Gérard-François Dumont says report on the “outlook on the Global Agenda 2015”, prepared by Committed to improving the state of the world for the World Economic Forum, or Forum of Davos.]
[Gérard-François Dumont analyzes the various factors that explain the difficulties of the Schengen area and explains the migratory pressures in the Mediterranean and Calais, with periodic clashes between illegal immigrants and police and between communities.]
[Gérard-François Dumont comments on land reform projects presented in France to include the elimination of the counties to strengthen the powers of the prefects.]
[Commenting on the book that led to “the roots of European identity”, Gérard-François Dumont identifies the four specific values of this identity]
[Gérard-François Dumont and Pierre Verluise analyze the text of Roger Cohen, New York Times, who presents a scenario trigger a Third World War.]
[The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant sum the last Christian families from Mosul to leave, convert or pay a tax, under penalty of being murdered. The analysis of Gérard-François Dumont is that violence should concern well beyond the Christians of Iraq.]
[Considering the territorial reform, decided by surprise by President François Hollande, reducing the number of regions in France, Gérard-François Dumont shows that it will generate more disadvantages than advantages.]
[Number of considerations on territorial organisation of France ignore geographical realities. Gérard-François Dumont decrypts these realities by providing useful international comparisons.]
[According to geographer Gérard-François Dumont, territorial redistribution does not respond to economic necessity, but it avoids the real reform.]
[Territorial reform announced by François Hollande reducing the number of regions mistreats the territorial identity of certain French regions have a long history. Gérard-François Dumont shows that it is not safe...]"
[Gérard-François Dumont comments ten economic, demographic, financial or environmental facts summarizing our time.]
Gérard-François Dumont and Philippe Crevel analyzes the draft land reform that the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, was officially recorded in the Council of Ministers of 14 May 2014.
Gérard-François Dumont and Benedict Valicourt analyzes the project of territorial reform that the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, announced acceleration.
[Gérard-François Dumont and Alain Renaudin comment, in detail, a poll on the proposals of the Prime Minister of the French Republic, Manuel Valls, announcing that he wants to halve the number of regions in France]
[Gérard-François Dumont says the proposals of the Prime Minister of the French Republic, Manuel Valls, announcing that he wants to halve the number of regions in France]
The members of the European Union are so many models of territorial organization. Despite a general regionalization process influenced by the European Union, the power and autonomy of the regions of Europe are highly diversified across countries and even within countries. The EU administration she manages to take into account this plurality of models? Regionalization is inevitable?
Après une période d’importante augmentation, le nombre d’étudiants de l’enseignement supérieur français stagne. Il devrait demeurer stable dans les années 2000 en raison des niveaux déjà connus de fécondité et de l’évolution du taux de scolarisation.
La répartition démographique des étudiants montre une singularité du système français, marqué par une diversité d’institutions exerçant des missions différentes. Une approche économique permet d’évaluer l’évolution de la part du Produit Intérieur Brut consacrée à l’enseignement supérieur. Cette proportion apparaît insuffisante compte tenu des besoins du futur.
[This reading note shows how much this book puts into perspective the fundamental links between archeology and geopolitics.]