Books by Giorgos Bourogiannis
Cypriot pottery styles, 2019
A short survey of Cypriot pottery styles from the Chalcolithic period to Roman times
Papers by Giorgos Bourogiannis
This licence allows for copying any part of the online work for personal and commercial use, prov... more This licence allows for copying any part of the online work for personal and commercial use, providing author attribution is clearly stated. Some rights reserved. No part of the print edition of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher in writing. Materials provided by third parties remain the copyright of their owners.
Black-on-Red (BoR) is one of the most extensively discussed pottery wares of ancient Cyprus. It i... more Black-on-Red (BoR) is one of the most extensively discussed pottery wares of ancient Cyprus. It is a distinctive class of pottery of the Cypro-Geometric (CG) and Cypro-Archaic (CA) periods, with black-painted geometric decoration on a usually shiny red or orange slipped surface. Due to its fine-quality fabric and decoration, BoR became one of the most popular ceramic products of Cyprus and was widely exported, especially during the 9th and 8th centuries BC. The Aegean holds a prominent position in the discussion of BoR, being an area where this pottery class was imported and, in certain cases, closely and copiously imitated. The typological uniformity of BoR vessels from Aegean contexts reflects specialised production and consumption patterns, during a period of increased contacts between Cyprus and Greece. Given the validity of BoR as a tool to examine questions that are pertinent to trade and cross-influence in the Early Iron Age (EIA) Mediterranean as a whole, the paper investigates the chronological range of BoR imports from the Aegean, with a focus on securely-dated contexts. The ultimate goal is to produce a reliable Aegean contribution to the discussion of BoR, with due consideration of questions related to its chronological range, extra-insular distribution and origins.
C'est tout cela, bienveillance, soutien, sollicitude, partage des connaissances, qui a créé des l... more C'est tout cela, bienveillance, soutien, sollicitude, partage des connaissances, qui a créé des liens forts avec tant de jeunes chercheurs qui sont passés par ses cours : philologues, historiens, épigraphistes, archéologues … Ils sont nombreux, et aujourd'hui dispersés, eux aussi, sur des rivages variés, mais ils savent ce qu'ils doivent à Maria Giulia, les Miriam, Sara, Nicola, Bruno, Adriano, Alessandro, et tant d'autres ; il n'est donc pas étonnant, mais très bienvenu qu'ils aient souhaité offrir ce beau cadeau à une personne qui leur est chère, qui est un point de référence pour eux, et un modèle pour nous tous. Tout au long de sa carrière, en effet, Maria Giulia a formé de jeunes esprits en leur enseignant les langues sémitiques, l'épigraphie, la rigueur d'une approche attentive aux menus détails, mais aussi aux contextes historiques dans lesquels le plus modeste graffito peut prendre son sens. On lui doit d'ailleurs, sur les écritures ou sur Carthage, des synthèses éclairantes, sobres et documentées, solides et brillantes à la fois. C'est donc une joie d'écrire ces quelques phrases sans doute trop personnelles, entre souvenir et hommage, un bonheur d'être associé à ce cadeau d'amitié et d'estime pour Maria Giulia que nous fêtons aux quatre coins de l'Europe et au-delà.
The chapter is also available in Italian
Classical Cyprus. Proceedings of the International Conference at the University of Graz, Austria, 21–23 September 2017, Κυπριακά vol. 5, Wien, 37–55, 2020
Terres cuites classiques de Marion. Importations grecques et fabrications locales. Fouilles récen... more Terres cuites classiques de Marion. Importations grecques et fabrications locales. Fouilles récentes à Polis Chrysochous .
Phoenician activity forms an integral part of every discussion about trade, contacts and cultural... more Phoenician activity forms an integral part of every discussion about trade, contacts and cultural interaction in the Early Iron Age Aegean. This is largely the outcome of Phoenician involvement in major aspects of the cultural transformation of Greece in the early first millennium BCE: the restoration of maritime contacts with the eastern Mediterranean, the expression of an orientalising artistic style and the introduction of the alphabetic script. Although extensively examined, all these issues have gained new momentum in recent years, also thanks to new archaeological discoveries that reinvigorated our interest in cultural and economic interaction between Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean. Based on archaeological and textual evidence, the article explores the nature of Phoenician presence and activity in the Aegean between the late 11th and the early 7th century BCE, with due consideration also of questions about terminology, the historical setting in Phoenicia and its possible reflection on Near Eastern evidence from the Aegean, and the role played by other agents of maritime contacts, primarily the Cypriots. . The author wishes to thank the anonymous reviewers for their thorough comments that helped to improve the quality of this paper. Warm thanks are also due to Drs Ida Oggiano, Tatiana Pedrazzi and Giuseppe Garbati for their help during different stages of this study and for sharing some of their most recent work with me.
Interpreting the Seventh Century; Tradition and Innovation, 2017
Understanding Relations between Scripts II: Early Alphabets
This article contributes to the ongoing debate on the relationship between sanctuaries and the te... more This article contributes to the ongoing debate on the relationship between sanctuaries and the territoriality of the Iron Age polities of Cyprus. The sanctuary site of Agia Irini, at the locality Alonia, is used as a case-study to test hypotheses regarding the connection between extra-urban sacred space and the formation of political and cultural identities. After a short introduction to the theme, a combination of archaeological (context and iconography) and geographic data is implemented in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analyses in order to contextualise the centrality of this sanctuary within its political, economic, cultural and symbolic landscapes. The discussion proceeds with the examination of pottery evidence from the sanctuary, both published and unpublished, in order to reveal if and how site based analysis of a category of material may help to further reveal the significance of this sanctuary as a central place, albeit lying in an un-central landscape.
North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the early Iron Age Edited by Łuk... more North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the early Iron Age Edited by Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò and Marek Węcowski Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
Archaeopress Archaeology Interpreting the Seventh Century BC explores the ra... more Archaeopress Archaeology Interpreting the Seventh Century BC explores the range of archaeological information now available for the seventh century in Greek lands. It combines accounts of recent discoveries (which often enable reinterpretation of older finds), regional reviews, and archaeologically focused critique of historical and art historical approaches and interpretations. The aim is to make readily accessible the material record as currently understood and to consider how it may contribute to broader critiques and new directions in research. The geographical focus is the old Greek world encompassing Macedonia and Ionia, and extending across to Sicily and southern Italy, considering also the wider trade circuits linking regional markets.
Les relations entre la Grèce et le Proche-Orient sont indiscutablement un sujet que la professeur... more Les relations entre la Grèce et le Proche-Orient sont indiscutablement un sujet que la professeur Kourouconnaît très bien. Elle a d’ ailleurs réussi à combler de nombreux vides dans ce domaine de recherche.
Les Phéniciens jouent toujours un rôle primordial dans ses articles, à travers lesquels elle cherche à identifier à la fois les dynamiques issues de ces relations et la manière dont ont été influencées les deux régions, tout comme, en fin de compte, la Méditerranée orientale, centrale et occidentale.
Books by Giorgos Bourogiannis
Papers by Giorgos Bourogiannis
Les Phéniciens jouent toujours un rôle primordial dans ses articles, à travers lesquels elle cherche à identifier à la fois les dynamiques issues de ces relations et la manière dont ont été influencées les deux régions, tout comme, en fin de compte, la Méditerranée orientale, centrale et occidentale.
Les Phéniciens jouent toujours un rôle primordial dans ses articles, à travers lesquels elle cherche à identifier à la fois les dynamiques issues de ces relations et la manière dont ont été influencées les deux régions, tout comme, en fin de compte, la Méditerranée orientale, centrale et occidentale.
conference Ancient Cyprus Today: Museum Collections and New Research Approaches to the Archaeology of Cyprus. Scholars from Europe, Americaand Australia took the opportunity to engage with many currentmethodological and substantive issues. This volume contains 31 papers,all extensively revised for publicaton. They cover a wide range of topics, including the study and display of museum collections, site management, archival documentation and digitisation, new fieldwork and methods of scientific analysis, and many aspects of material culture. The result is an up-to-date overview of archaeological research and heritage management in Cyprus.
The Action falls under the Fourth Strategic Objective of the Operational Programme (OP) 'Education and Lifelong Learning’ (EdLL), entitled 'Supporting the Human Capital in order to Promote Research and Innovation' of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013 which is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and National Resources.
The website, entitled: Kyprios Character. History, Archaeology & Numismatics of Ancient Cyprus is currently under construction but you can leave your email and receive information as soon as it goes live.
The website will include by July 2015 a complete numismatic bibliography, a numismatic database including at least 1.500 Cypriot coins that were given permissions for online publication, together with more than 50 scientific essays on the history and archaeology of ancient Cyprus, written by external scientific collaborators from around the world.
The website will finally propose news, a calendar of events and links related to the history, archaeology and numismatics of ancient Cyprus.
Understanding Relations Between Scripts II:
Early Alphabets
21st and 22nd March 2017
Room G.21, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
Aegyptiaca Project website:…/