John Dixon
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Queen's University Belfast
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Queen's University Belfast
Queen's University Belfast
The Open University
Nottingham Trent University
Papers by John Dixon
and diversity has identified a paradox. On the one hand,
such processes may engender positive intergroup contact
experiences, improving intergroup attitudes and relations.
On the other hand, they may have the opposite effect,
exacerbating negative intergroup relations and generating
new forms of avoidance and exclusion. The present
research explored one aspect of this paradox. Building on a
field survey conducted with Indian residents (n = 364) of a
suburb of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, we demonstrate
how their relative proximity to areas occupied by ‘incoming’
Black African residents has shaped their perceptions of
intergroup threat and associated reactions such as contact
avoidance, boundary fortification and support for policies
resisting desegregation. At the same time, we demonstrate
how such effects are moderated by residents' wider
experiences of positive interracial contact. In conclusion, we
emphasize the need to better integrate psychological work
on the contact hypothesis with work in companion
disciplines such as urban studies and human geography.
has been a topic of discussion in the GIS literature for many years.
Fuzzy approaches have frequently been suggested as solutions,
but none have been adopted. This is likely due to difficulties associated
with determining suitable membership functions, which are
often as arbitrary as the crisp boundaries that they seek to replace.
This paper presents a novel approach to fuzzy geographical modelling
that replaces the membership function with a possibility distribution
that is estimated using Bayesian inference. In this
method, data from multiple sources are combined to estimate the
degree to which a given location is a member of a given set and
the level of uncertainty associated with that estimate. The Fuzzy
Bayesian Inference approach is demonstrated through a case
study in which census data are combined with perceptual and
behavioural evidence to model the territory of two segregated
groups (Catholics and Protestants) in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
This novel method provides a robust empirical basis for the use of
fuzzy models in GIS, and therefore has applications for mapping a
range of socially-derived and otherwise vague boundaries.
stereotypes; b) ingroup identification and threat; or c) feelings of anxiety, fear and insecurity. Educational settings have been the main context studied, followed by leisure and recreational places, public urban places and public transport. The paper also identifies three areas of potential future research, highlighting the need to: (1) capitalise on methodological innovations; (2) explore systematically how, when and why the intersectionality of social categories may shape microecological practices of contact and separation; and (3) understand more fully why micro-ecological patterns of segregation are apparently so persistent, as well as how they might be reduced.
mobile methodologies. This paper discusses the advantages of GPS-based technologies and walking interviews to a recent activity-space segregation study in
Belfast, Northern Ireland, and reflects on methodological issues posed by the ‘postconflict’ field site.
pairs of social categories, such as an advantaged majority (e.g., ‘Whites’) and a
disadvantaged minority (e.g., ‘Blacks’). We argue that this two-group paradigm may
obscure the workings of intergroup power by overlooking: (1) the unique dynamics of
intergroup relations involving three or more groups, and (2) the way some two-group
relationships function as strategic alliances that derive meaning from their location within a wider relational context. We develop this argument through a field study conducted in a grape-farming town in South Africa in 2009, focusing on an episode of xenophobic violence in which a Zimbabwean farm worker community was forcibly evicted from their homes by their South African neighbours. Discursive analysis of interview accounts of the nature and origins of this violence shows how an ostensibly binary ‘xenophobic’ conflict between foreign and South African farm labourers was partially constituted through both groups’ relationship with a third party who were neither victims nor perpetrators of the actual violence, namely White farmers. We highlight some potential political consequences of defaulting to a two-group paradigm in intergroup conflict studies.
and diversity has identified a paradox. On the one hand,
such processes may engender positive intergroup contact
experiences, improving intergroup attitudes and relations.
On the other hand, they may have the opposite effect,
exacerbating negative intergroup relations and generating
new forms of avoidance and exclusion. The present
research explored one aspect of this paradox. Building on a
field survey conducted with Indian residents (n = 364) of a
suburb of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, we demonstrate
how their relative proximity to areas occupied by ‘incoming’
Black African residents has shaped their perceptions of
intergroup threat and associated reactions such as contact
avoidance, boundary fortification and support for policies
resisting desegregation. At the same time, we demonstrate
how such effects are moderated by residents' wider
experiences of positive interracial contact. In conclusion, we
emphasize the need to better integrate psychological work
on the contact hypothesis with work in companion
disciplines such as urban studies and human geography.
has been a topic of discussion in the GIS literature for many years.
Fuzzy approaches have frequently been suggested as solutions,
but none have been adopted. This is likely due to difficulties associated
with determining suitable membership functions, which are
often as arbitrary as the crisp boundaries that they seek to replace.
This paper presents a novel approach to fuzzy geographical modelling
that replaces the membership function with a possibility distribution
that is estimated using Bayesian inference. In this
method, data from multiple sources are combined to estimate the
degree to which a given location is a member of a given set and
the level of uncertainty associated with that estimate. The Fuzzy
Bayesian Inference approach is demonstrated through a case
study in which census data are combined with perceptual and
behavioural evidence to model the territory of two segregated
groups (Catholics and Protestants) in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
This novel method provides a robust empirical basis for the use of
fuzzy models in GIS, and therefore has applications for mapping a
range of socially-derived and otherwise vague boundaries.
stereotypes; b) ingroup identification and threat; or c) feelings of anxiety, fear and insecurity. Educational settings have been the main context studied, followed by leisure and recreational places, public urban places and public transport. The paper also identifies three areas of potential future research, highlighting the need to: (1) capitalise on methodological innovations; (2) explore systematically how, when and why the intersectionality of social categories may shape microecological practices of contact and separation; and (3) understand more fully why micro-ecological patterns of segregation are apparently so persistent, as well as how they might be reduced.
mobile methodologies. This paper discusses the advantages of GPS-based technologies and walking interviews to a recent activity-space segregation study in
Belfast, Northern Ireland, and reflects on methodological issues posed by the ‘postconflict’ field site.
pairs of social categories, such as an advantaged majority (e.g., ‘Whites’) and a
disadvantaged minority (e.g., ‘Blacks’). We argue that this two-group paradigm may
obscure the workings of intergroup power by overlooking: (1) the unique dynamics of
intergroup relations involving three or more groups, and (2) the way some two-group
relationships function as strategic alliances that derive meaning from their location within a wider relational context. We develop this argument through a field study conducted in a grape-farming town in South Africa in 2009, focusing on an episode of xenophobic violence in which a Zimbabwean farm worker community was forcibly evicted from their homes by their South African neighbours. Discursive analysis of interview accounts of the nature and origins of this violence shows how an ostensibly binary ‘xenophobic’ conflict between foreign and South African farm labourers was partially constituted through both groups’ relationship with a third party who were neither victims nor perpetrators of the actual violence, namely White farmers. We highlight some potential political consequences of defaulting to a two-group paradigm in intergroup conflict studies.