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Anahtar Sözcükler: Dede Korkut, İç Oğuz Dış Oğuz, Beyrek'in Ölümü Abstract Dada Korkut, tribes has been handled within various assessments from historical, literary, sociological and psychological aspects and in this respect, it renders prosperous materials for the researchers. The disagreement between internal and external Oghuz, forming the world of Oghuz as well as the deaths of Aruz and Beyrek in accordance with this conflict through the narrative known as twelfth tribe among Dada Gorgud tribes have been analyzed. This study aims to clarify the responsibilities and missions, functions of the administrator in the surveys which are actualized related to Old Turkic Cultural History, firstly being attached to the deaths of Beyrek and Aruz. In this sense, sovereign obtains administrative power directly from God through the Old Turkic State tradition. This power belongs to the sovereign as long as he declares that he deserves to have this power; when he loses this peculiarity of entitling, it envisions the fact that he grasps the loss. Yet, the incidents that happen related to the tribes stated here till today are based upon the heroes especially on the scope of history. This study has been centered on the incident which caused the deaths of Aruz and Beyrek by being distanced from these comments and approaches as well as it aims to put a new
ABSTRACT: Epics are written and oral products, revealing how and in what ways the society is affected by the current harsh conditions. Despite the shift in the centuries, the current problems are similar toplam each other in a certain way. The expectation to be rescued from the harsh conditions as well as the type of epic hero involve various similarities owing to the values, located in the unconscious. This paper aims to unveil the representations of socio-political process in the unconscious from past to today as part of the mentioned. Our age represents the basic values and epic elements in a certain way in spite of the discourses, related to the fact that our age is not among the epic period explanations and a new age is about to come out. Particularly, the types of epic hero represents the shades of this approach.
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