Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий, 2020
The paper provides the preliminary data of the study of the archaeological materials of the cultu... more The paper provides the preliminary data of the study of the archaeological materials of the cultural horizon 3 at the Taylep-2 site (Novokuznetsk district, Kemerovo region) obtained after the rescue archaeological work in 2020. The lithic collection of cultural horizon 3, consisting of 10,141 artifacts, demonstrates a full cycle of lithic production from the selection of raw materials to the tool form depletion and their reshaping. The prismatic cores prevail in lithic production, and flat- and edge-faceted cores (in a subordinate position) for elongated blanks also present. In addition to core reduction, we can see the presence of the bipolar technique used by ancient masters in the cultural horizon 3 industry. The toolkit is rather numerous (651 pieces); various end-scrapers and pièce esquillées prevail, while such categories of tools as sidescrapers, knives, retouched blades and bladelets are poorly represented. The general appearance of the industry includes prismatic primary reduction, the presence of various end-scrapers, pièce esquillées, side-scrapers and knife-like tools in the toolkit make it possible to attribute these materials to the Final Upper Paleolithic (14–10 ka). The closest industries are probably the complexes of the Bedarevo culture. In the fieldwork cycle, osteological samples for AMS and ZooMS analyses and sedimentation samples from the cross-section for palynological and lithogeochemical analyzes were taken for absolute dating, determining the species composition of the faunistic association existed during the functioning of the site, clarifying the paleoecological background and solving the question of the place of industry on the chronological scale of the Stone Age of the Kuznetsk Depression – Gornaya Shoriya.
Papers by Sergei Kogai
Mongolia is the scarcity of faunal remains found at archaeological sites. Faunal finds furnish archaeological research
with data such as the type of paleolandscape, species of hunting animals, and samples for radiocarbon dating. Excavation
works of 2019 yielded small faunal collection which enriched the data already known from other Paleolithic sites
in Mongolia, indicating that steppe was predominant in the Khangai Mountains in the Late Pleistocene with typical
mammals for this type of landscape, many of which became extinct in the Holocene. An important discovery was a
relative homogeneity of the hunting species known in Northern and Central Mongolia. Horses (together with onagers)
became the main hunting species in the strategy of food acquiring. Recently, the number of faunal finds identified as
belonging to the Bovidae family of the MIS 3 has increased at the sites of the Late Pleistocene in Mongolia. The remains
of the Tarbagan marmot from Moiltyn-am can be described as accidental findings, since this animal still inhabits the
valley of the Orkhon River. However, Tarbagan marmots could have been the hunting species as well, although the
traces of butchering have not been observed on their bones. The faunal assemblage of the Orkhon valley is important
for understanding the spread of the teriofauna, especially horses, because geographically this territory had a passage
with open steppe landscapes leading to the Gobi.
четание средне- и верхнепалеолитических черт, что определило их обособленность в региональном контексте. Результаты исследования новой коллекции слоя 12.1 стоянки Кульбулак указали на ее сходство с обирахматскими индустриями и, вместе с
тем, на доминирование отщепового производства и присутствие экзотических для региона типов орудий (унифасы, черешковая форма), что позволяет говорить о вариабельности среди индустрий среднего палеолита Памиро-Тянь-Шаня.
regional Upper Paleolithic traditions in Uzbekistan. The layer 23 contains the lithic industry related to early stage of
Obi-Rakhmat. tradition. It striking trait is advanced small-blade knapping. This tradition was the one o f the sources fanned
the regional Upper Paleolithic culture. According to the name o f key object is Kulbulak site the culture was assumed the
name Kulbulakian. Archaeological materials from layer 12 (upper level) were received in the course o f excavation in
2014. These materials give the possibility to retrace the genetic link between early (layer 23) and late (layers 2.1 and 2.2)
small-blade industries. It permits to conclude that the visitors o f site practiced the obtainment. ofbladelet.es to the small
prismatic and narrow faceted cores during the all occupation phases.
which aim is to introduce to the scientific use, to analyze and to systematize the new materials from the excavations of recent years in the Northern Angara region. We describe the finds of the Neolithic age, found in the result of the rescue operations on a multilayer site the Village Martynova. There are the stone tools, including a variety of guns and debitage, the bone artifacts, among them are the presser, the flint glazer and the product of the cylindrical shape with the chute around in the middle of it. The pottery collection of the Neolithic horizon represents almost a homogeneous complex of the Ust-Belaya type. In total, there are 20 Ust-Belaya vessels decorated with a variety of the tools – the smooth stacks, the pectinated and oval stamps. The vessels with the net-impressions on the outer surface present the particular interest (4 pc.). This fact indicates that the carriers of the Ust-Belaya pottery tradition, which predominantly made the smooth pottery, knew the technology of pressing through a grid. The finds of the vessels variously decorated, but identical in morfo-technological aspect, in a single layer confirm the impossibility of clear differentiation of this pottery on Kazachka type (early) and Ust-Belaya type (late).
I. D. in Irkutsk on the first Paleolithic object in Russia – the Voyenniy (War) Hospital
site. During XX–XXI in Irkutsk and nearby areas were discovered several new Paleolithic
sites – Mamony II–III, Schapova I, Gerasimova I, Sedova. Some of them were rich in art
items. This is the case of the Mamony II site. In just two years on the 24 m2 three items
were found. Due to a combination of technomorphological appearance with the presence of
items made of agalmolite, the closest analogue to the Mamony II is the Gerasimova I site.
Moreover, besides their technomorphological specifics, one of the special aspect of Irkutsk'
Late Paleolithic objects is the sedimentaion condition. Both Mamony II and Gerasimova I
sites are the places with a difficult stratigraphy. Brought together, this leads to the assumption
of a common local cultural and chronological community. In contrast to the Altai and
Cis-Baikal sites the items here are presented in form of stone industries, thus being a unique
Mongolia is the scarcity of faunal remains found at archaeological sites. Faunal finds furnish archaeological research
with data such as the type of paleolandscape, species of hunting animals, and samples for radiocarbon dating. Excavation
works of 2019 yielded small faunal collection which enriched the data already known from other Paleolithic sites
in Mongolia, indicating that steppe was predominant in the Khangai Mountains in the Late Pleistocene with typical
mammals for this type of landscape, many of which became extinct in the Holocene. An important discovery was a
relative homogeneity of the hunting species known in Northern and Central Mongolia. Horses (together with onagers)
became the main hunting species in the strategy of food acquiring. Recently, the number of faunal finds identified as
belonging to the Bovidae family of the MIS 3 has increased at the sites of the Late Pleistocene in Mongolia. The remains
of the Tarbagan marmot from Moiltyn-am can be described as accidental findings, since this animal still inhabits the
valley of the Orkhon River. However, Tarbagan marmots could have been the hunting species as well, although the
traces of butchering have not been observed on their bones. The faunal assemblage of the Orkhon valley is important
for understanding the spread of the teriofauna, especially horses, because geographically this territory had a passage
with open steppe landscapes leading to the Gobi.
четание средне- и верхнепалеолитических черт, что определило их обособленность в региональном контексте. Результаты исследования новой коллекции слоя 12.1 стоянки Кульбулак указали на ее сходство с обирахматскими индустриями и, вместе с
тем, на доминирование отщепового производства и присутствие экзотических для региона типов орудий (унифасы, черешковая форма), что позволяет говорить о вариабельности среди индустрий среднего палеолита Памиро-Тянь-Шаня.
regional Upper Paleolithic traditions in Uzbekistan. The layer 23 contains the lithic industry related to early stage of
Obi-Rakhmat. tradition. It striking trait is advanced small-blade knapping. This tradition was the one o f the sources fanned
the regional Upper Paleolithic culture. According to the name o f key object is Kulbulak site the culture was assumed the
name Kulbulakian. Archaeological materials from layer 12 (upper level) were received in the course o f excavation in
2014. These materials give the possibility to retrace the genetic link between early (layer 23) and late (layers 2.1 and 2.2)
small-blade industries. It permits to conclude that the visitors o f site practiced the obtainment. ofbladelet.es to the small
prismatic and narrow faceted cores during the all occupation phases.
which aim is to introduce to the scientific use, to analyze and to systematize the new materials from the excavations of recent years in the Northern Angara region. We describe the finds of the Neolithic age, found in the result of the rescue operations on a multilayer site the Village Martynova. There are the stone tools, including a variety of guns and debitage, the bone artifacts, among them are the presser, the flint glazer and the product of the cylindrical shape with the chute around in the middle of it. The pottery collection of the Neolithic horizon represents almost a homogeneous complex of the Ust-Belaya type. In total, there are 20 Ust-Belaya vessels decorated with a variety of the tools – the smooth stacks, the pectinated and oval stamps. The vessels with the net-impressions on the outer surface present the particular interest (4 pc.). This fact indicates that the carriers of the Ust-Belaya pottery tradition, which predominantly made the smooth pottery, knew the technology of pressing through a grid. The finds of the vessels variously decorated, but identical in morfo-technological aspect, in a single layer confirm the impossibility of clear differentiation of this pottery on Kazachka type (early) and Ust-Belaya type (late).
I. D. in Irkutsk on the first Paleolithic object in Russia – the Voyenniy (War) Hospital
site. During XX–XXI in Irkutsk and nearby areas were discovered several new Paleolithic
sites – Mamony II–III, Schapova I, Gerasimova I, Sedova. Some of them were rich in art
items. This is the case of the Mamony II site. In just two years on the 24 m2 three items
were found. Due to a combination of technomorphological appearance with the presence of
items made of agalmolite, the closest analogue to the Mamony II is the Gerasimova I site.
Moreover, besides their technomorphological specifics, one of the special aspect of Irkutsk'
Late Paleolithic objects is the sedimentaion condition. Both Mamony II and Gerasimova I
sites are the places with a difficult stratigraphy. Brought together, this leads to the assumption
of a common local cultural and chronological community. In contrast to the Altai and
Cis-Baikal sites the items here are presented in form of stone industries, thus being a unique