
Export WP Page to Static HTML/CSS – WordPress plugin | Nederlands (België)

Export WP Page to Static HTML/CSS


Export WP page to static HTML/CSS plugin is s static html site or page generator thats help you to convert your wordpress site or pages to static html website and you can host it on your server, from a static html hosting provider or from a cdn.

It will magically improves your site performance and reduce any security risk because it removes database connection from your server.


  • Export html page in one click.
  • Lite weight version.
  • Easy layout.
  • Very easy to use.

Pro Features

  • Export full site as html with related pages linking
  • Make full offline site.
  • Export external url as html.
  • “Login as” feature. It will help you to extract pages with any user role view.
  • Export posts.
  • Export multiple posts or pages in same time.
  • Upload exported files to ftp server
  • Notification feature
  • Background task system. You will not have to stay on the settings page while exporting.
  • Export page or post automatically after publishing
  • …. and more

Premium version

You can buy the premium from here

More plugins you may like


Step 1: Activate the plugin.
Step2: Go to plugins settings page with: Dashboard > Settings > Export WP Pages to Static HTML/CSS
Step3: Select a page which you want to export as html.
Step4: Click on Export html button.
Step5: After successfully loaded click on “Download the file” button.


  • Default settings page layout of the plugin.


How do I install the plugin?

Normal installation

  1. Download the file to your computer.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Upload the export-wp-page-to-static-html directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. After activating the plugin you will auto redirect to the plugin’s settings page.

Where can I get support?

If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the [Export WP Pages to Static HTML/CSS][support forum].

Or you can contact us on our site


4 november 2023
An excellent plugin. I found it after 2 days of various attempts, to transform a page created in Wordpress, with Flatsome theme, into html & CSS & …. And it did exactly what I needed. The resulting html page, looks perfect.Thank you.Radovan D.
3 november 2023 1 reactie
Was probably a great plugin when it started up, which created perfect .html pages, but no longer works.The generated html pages are now just garbage (On a lightspeed server)
1 november 2023
Simple y Funciona. Usado para crear página estática de una existente de Wordpress. ¡¡Gracias!!
Lees alle 45 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Export WP Page to Static HTML/CSS” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


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Interesse in de ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.


3.0.0 – 9 July 2024

  • Fixed lots of tweaks.

2.2.3 – 1 July 2024

  • Fixed safe redirection

2.2.2 – 16 March 2024

  • Fixed assets naming issues.
  • Added php zip extension not installed notice.

2.2.1 – 30 November 2023

  • Added webp image extension. Now this extension images will export also.

2.2.0 – 28 November 2023

  • Made compatible with php version 8.2.
  • Added “User roles can access” settings.
  • Fixed very little security issue.
  • Made some polishing.
  • Fixed post searching issue.
  • Fixed some more minor issues.

2.1.8 – 31 July 2023

  • Fixed some minor issues.

2.1.7 – 28 June 2023

  • Added review notice with “having problem” button.
  • Added “Successfully exported” toast notification.

2.1.6 – 28 May 2023

  • Fixed main site address still appearing issue in everywhere.

2.1.5 – 21 May 2023

  • Fixed pro version direct installing issue.

2.1.4 – 23 December 2022

  • Fixed a minor issue.

2.1.3 – 1 November 2022

  • Fixed a major issue.

2.1.2 – 1 November 2022

  • Fixed a minor issue.

2.1.1 – 12 August 2022

  • Fixed some major issues.

2.1.0 – 23 June 2022

  • Added html icon to the menu.
  • Added documents exporting system.
  • Added audios exporting system.
  • Added linked videos exporting system.
  • Fast exporting technique has been utilized.
  • Fixed images, audios and documents url not exporting issue.

2.0.3 – 30 Septembar 2021

  • Fixed one little issue.

2.0.2 – 14 Septembar 2021

  • Make plugin compatible with PHP 7.3
  • Reduce minimumInputLength to 1 for posts search

2.0.1 – 10 Septembar 2021

  • Fixed little issues.

2.0.0 – 9 September 2021

  • Added “Advanced Settings” Tab.
  • Added checkbox “Create index.html on single page exporting”.
  • Added checkbox “Save all assets files to the specific directory (css, js, images, fonts)”.
  • Added textarea “Add contents to the header”.
  • Added textarea “Add contents to the footer”.
  • Added button “View Last Exported File”.
  • Added logs percentage system.
  • Hide details logs system by default.
  • Added skip assets functionalities.
  • Fixed unlimited loading issue.
  • Fixed minor issues.

1.0.3 – 22 April 2021

  • Fixed little issues.

1.0.2 – 13 March 2021

  • Fixed some major issues.

1.0.1 – 28 Jan 2021

  • Fixed http site data getting issue.
  • Fixed same filename conflict issue.
  • Fixed single quotation in filename issue.
  • increase posts per page to infinite.
  • Added homepage option in the page select box.

1.0.0 – 22 May 2020

  • Initialize the plugin