Are you interested in comparing gene families or exploring the evolution of domain architecture? Try our Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool (CDART) to retrieve sets of proteins that share the same or similar domain superfamily architecture with your query. We recently updated CDART so it’s faster and more streamlined with simplified navigation and result filtering.
Check out this example: Continue reading “CDART: Find Proteins with Similar Domain Architecture”
RefSeq release 216 is now available online, from the FTP site, and through NCBI’s new resource, Datasets.
This full release incorporates genomic, transcript, and protein data available as of January 9, 2023, and contains 342,395,932 records, including 249,868,639 proteins, 49,869,497 RNAs, and sequences from 128,299 organisms. The release is provided in several directories as a complete dataset and also as divided by logical groupings. Continue reading “RefSeq Release 216” →