Books by Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodriguez
Baroque Aesthetics In Contemporary American Horror, 2021
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Colombian Gothic in Cinema and Literature, 2021
The Colombian Gothic in Cinema and Literature traces the aesthetic and political development of t... more The Colombian Gothic in Cinema and Literature traces the aesthetic and political development of the Gothic genre in Colombia. Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodríguez shows how, in the hands of Colombian writers and filmmakers, Gothic tropes are taken to their extremes to reflect particularly Colombian issues, like the ongoing armed conflict in the country since the 1950s as various left-wing guerillas, government factions and paramilitary groups escalated violence. In this context, collectives such as the "Cali group" challenge both the centrality of US and European Gothics as well as the centrality of Bogota-centered perspectives of Colombian politics and conflict. The book demonstrates how writers and filmmakers transform the European and American Gothic to show genealogical links between colonization, imperialism, and domestic elites' maintenance of social inequalities.
Papers by Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodriguez
Shuddhashar. FreeVoice, 2024
Baroque Aesthetics in Contemporary American Horror, 2021
Revista de Estudios Colombianos, 2019
En este artículo se analiza la forma en que se ha construido un mapa fantasmal de la Candelaria a... more En este artículo se analiza la forma en que se ha construido un mapa fantasmal de la Candelaria a través de inclusiones y exclusiones de fantasmas y sus historias, subrayando las implicaciones de dicha construcción para el imaginario de la ciudad. Analizar estos fantasmas de la ciudad abre caminos para pensar en estos seres y sus narrativas como formas de resistencia y persistencia de la memoria—habitualmente de memorias silenciadas de manera violenta—, al mismo tiempo que permite estudiarlos como representaciones capturadas cuya presencia desplaza sucesos y personajes que son excluidos de espacios de memoria urbanos.
Resumen : Pizza, birra, faso, Bolivia y Los muertos representaron una novedad en el cine argen... more Resumen : Pizza, birra, faso, Bolivia y Los muertos representaron una novedad en el cine argentino, entre otras cosas por la inclusion y escenificacion de personajes ubicados los limites de su propia sociedad, es decir, en situaciones de subalternidad. En este articulo se analizara la manera en que estos filmes ponen en escena a los subalternos (o lo subalterno) y las implicaciones politicas de estas representaciones en el contexto de la cinematografia argentina contemporanea. El analisis estara enmarcado en los estudios subalternos latinoamericanos y los debates que el uso del termino ha generado, tanto en la academia como en las producciones culturales del continente. Palabras claves: Subalterno, Nuevo Cine Argentino, Pizza, birra, faso, Bolivia, Los muertos. Abstract: Pizza, birra, faso ; Bolivia ; and Los muertos coincide in a unique feature of Argentine cinema, that is, the inclusion and staging of marginal or subaltern characters. This article discusses the respectiv...
91 F&H While other chapters are also excellent, a final chapter of note is the concluding one. Ra... more 91 F&H While other chapters are also excellent, a final chapter of note is the concluding one. Rather different from the others, it is a reflection on three linked classes that used films (and television) extensively as vehicles for studying the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. Two instructors and two students reflect on their experiences and the different ways in which adaptation is a strategy we all use to make sense of the past, whether through film, document, or other media. This is a fitting finale to the volume. These wide-ranging essays collectively showcase the ubiquity of adaptations of the past, and for that The Adaptation of History makes a worthwhile contribution to the changing domain of HistOlY.
The Migration and Politics of Monsters in Latin American Cinema
Revista de Estudios Colombianos, 2020
Revista de Estudios Colombianos, 2019
Lo propio y característico de los fantasmas es la aparición, la irrupción en un determinado tiemp... more Lo propio y característico de los fantasmas es la aparición, la irrupción en un determinado tiempo y espacio del cual han sido desplazados, en un retorno siniestro en el que pueden ser reconocidos. En la medida en que se introducen de nuevo en espacios familiares son construidos (e inventados) como parte de tradiciones, aparecen y reaparecen en distintos momentos haciendo parte de compendios de memorias y prácticas, representando ideologías, eternizados como parte de espacios urbanos. Este es el caso del centro histórico de Bogotá, en donde circulan tanto fantasmas como historias de fantasmas, relatos de espantos que habitan el sector desde mediados del siglo XIX, que se siguen repitiendo en el siglo XXI. La Candelaria está plagada de seres espectrales que asedian casas y asustan a los transeúntes que los encuentran, y sus historias han sido narradas por cronistas urbanos, periodistas, cazafantasmas e investigadores durante siglo y medio. A medida que lo han hecho han inventado y refinado una tradición de fantasmas bogotanos que se enuncia como parte del patrimonio de la ciudad y que se vende como pieza importante de paquetes turísticos.
Latin American Gothic in Literature and Culture
ReVista, the Harvard Review of Latin America, 2019
The new online issue of ReVista is out, featuring aging in the Americas. It’s an unusual multidis... more The new online issue of ReVista is out, featuring aging in the Americas. It’s an unusual multidisciplinary perspective on the challenges of growing old, including articles and new features like videos.
ReVista. Harvard Review of Latin America, 2019
TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World , 2018
In this article, I will argue that ghosts are used, in two very different contexts and cases, as ... more In this article, I will argue that ghosts are used, in two very different contexts and cases, as ways to represent and discuss anxieties about the advances of science and the uses of technology, at the same time that they express a cautious fascination with these unstoppable advances. This concern with the ability of ghosts to move and adapt to technological change is not only about what happens in the films but is also related to what happens outside the films, that is, the viral expansion of ghosts stories and filmic narratives as ways to talk about social and political issues. I will work primarily with two short stories by Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga, "The Specter" and "The Puritan", that I will place in dialog with two Japanese movies, The Ring by Hideo Nakata and Pulse by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, tracing their possible connections and interpolations.
In this article, I will argue that ghosts are used, in two very different contexts and cases, as ... more In this article, I will argue that ghosts are used, in two very different contexts and cases, as ways to represent and discuss anxieties about the advances of science and the uses of technology, at the same time that they express a cautious fascination with these unstoppable advances. This concern with the ability of ghosts to move and adapt to technological change is not only about what happens in the films but is also related to what happens outside the films, that is, the viral expansion of ghosts stories and filmic narratives as ways to talk about social and political issues. I will work primarily with two short stories by Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga, “The Specter” and “The Puritan”, that I will place in dialog with two Japanese movies, The Ring by Hideo Nakata and Pulse by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, tracing their possible connections and interpolations.
Books by Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodriguez
Papers by Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodriguez
Pizza, birra, faso; Bolivia; and Los muertos coincide in a unique feature of Argentine cinema, that is, the inclusion and staging of marginal or subaltern characters. This article discusses the respective representation of the subaltern as well as the political implications of these representations within the framework of contemporary Argentinian cinematography. The analysis is situated within the broader field of Latin American subaltern studies and draws upon the discussions that the term generated, both in academia as well in the cultural production of the continent.
Abstract: Julio Valdivieso, protagonist of the book El testigo by Juan Villoro, returns to Mexico aft er several decades of absence due to circumstances he thought he understood. As the novel progresses, the reasons for Valdivieso's return (be they economic, academic or family related) gradually disappear, revealing that his homecoming is really related a ghostly summons that roots him in his land. In this article I will argue that the act of homecoming in Villoro's novel is conceived as an uncanny return that, thanks to political and socioeconomic factors, defamiliarizes the protagonist from what should be for him most familiar-his country, his family and his friends, and it brings him back to an unknown land that only becomes familiar to him once again through the ghosts of what he thought he had lost.