Manchester Metropolitan University
Educational Studies
In her reflection article "By-passing the debate: beyond the 'technology question' in the early years", Prof Edwards convincingly argues the case that to understand the role of new technologies for young children's education, we need to... more
This paper is concerned with a so far little explored situational context: sharing books which have been personalised for individual children in a pre-school. Thirty-five children (mean age 36.94 months) were read a book with a... more
Emerging research and everyday reality show how very younger and younger children are becoming 'iPad-literate'. From the press and media, we hear a lot of promise about the fun and creativity iPads can foster, and how they can open new... more
The last 5 years have been marked by an explosion of tablet and smartphone applications designed for young children and several calls to encourage educational researchers to engage in children's app research. This paper presents a novel... more
Since the early 2010s, there has been a proliferation of new platforms for children’s stories (e.g., storyapps or ibooks), but not necessarily greater diversity of story content or children’s greater interest in reading. This paper argues... more
This study is the first to systematically investigate the influence of child gender and age, on parents’ perceptions of UK children's digital media use at home. It provides an in-depth exploration of how children's age and gender... more
Personalised learning, having seen both surges and declines in popularity over the past few decades, is once again enjoying a resurgence. Examples include digital resources tailored to a particular learner's needs, or individual feedback... more
Chapter in the book: Mobile Technologies in Children’s Language and Literacy, edited by Grace Oakley
To cite this article: Natalia Kucirkova (2018) A taxonomy and research framework for personalization in children’s literacy apps, Educational Media International, 55:3, 255-272.
Contemporary research suggests there are many missed opportunities for home and school to work together to define and promote effective practices with digital technologies, especially in early years. This study outlines ways in which one... more
Kucirkova, N. & Flewitt, R. (2018) The future-gazing potential of digital personalisation in young children’s reading: views from education professionals and app designers, Early Child Development and Care. DOI:... more
In the past five years, there have been significant changes concerning the material and design properties of digital books, with an impact on children's enjoyment and learning from reading on screen. Despite the rapid advances in... more
This paper discusses the pedagogical practice of developing reading for pleasure in pre-schools and primary phase settings through the lens of one key dimension of 21 st century reading: personalisation. We draw on a series of studies and... more
This is a white paper
Kucirkova, N., Ng, I. & Holtby, J. (2017). From mirrors to selfies: protecting children’s data for personalised learning and future growth, London: University College of London, Institute of Education.
Kucirkova, N., Ng, I. & Holtby, J. (2017). From mirrors to selfies: protecting children’s data for personalised learning and future growth, London: University College of London, Institute of Education.
Kucirkova, N., & Zuckerman, B. (2017). A guiding framework for considering touchscreens in children under two. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 12, 46-49.