Papers by Gennady V . Baranov
The article introduces new data which is connected to the found of a Byzantine sword in the Khark... more The article introduces new data which is connected to the found of a Byzantine sword in the Kharkov region of Ukraine. Previously, it was assumed that the sword was found on the territory of Sukhogomolshansky cremation grave field, but today it is proven that the sword originates from a cremation grave of the grave field near the village Kitsevka. Probably, this sword should be connected to the diplomatic relations between the Byzantine Empire and the Khazar Kaghanate.
The article tells about the discovery of a rare armament artifact from the Vinnytsia region, a po... more The article tells about the discovery of a rare armament artifact from the Vinnytsia region, a pommel of a mace with a bill-shaped protrusion which belongs to the type IIa, according to the typology of A. N. Kirpichnikov. Generally, discoveries of such samples of blunt weapons are rare, but the uniqueness of the Vinnytsia region discovery is increased by the fact that its full analogy is the discovery of a mace pommel from the Kopnino-1 archeological site in the Bogorodsk rayon of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Both pommels were cast in one casting mould and have similar traces of deterioration which indicates that they originate from the same lot. The article discusses the possibility that these pommels originate from the Byzantine Empire and that their appearance in Eastern Europe should be linked to Venetian or Genoese import to the territory of the Golden Horde.
Баранов Г. В. Перекрестье меча из раскопок византийского Херсона, 2018
The article describes a sword-guard from archaeological excavations of Chersonesus which were con... more The article describes a sword-guard from archaeological excavations of Chersonesus which were conducted in 1905 under the guidance of Karl Kazimirovich Kosciuszko-Valyuzhinich. The sword-guard is a rare example of such type of armament and for now it is the only sword-guard of his type which originates from the territory of the Byzantine Empire.
Despite these facts the sword-guard didn't attract the interest of researchers for more than 100 years. In 2009 it was studied by the Bulgarian archaeologist V. Yotov. His article was devoted to the search of analogies and didn't contain a detailed description of the object. The current article fills this gap.
On the basis of the context and the analogical objects the article suggests to limit the dating by the end of the 10th und the beginning of the 11th century for the Chersonesus sword-guard and by the end of the 10th and the first half of the 11th century for the sword-guards of this type in general.
Баранов Г.В. Византийские (средиземноморские) мечи с перекрестьями с муфтой IX-XI вв. // Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма. Вып. 9. – Симферополь-Тюмень-Нижневартовск, 2017. С. 248-283.
The article reviews such as a group of early medieval swords with cross-guards having three main ... more The article reviews such as a group of early medieval swords with cross-guards having three main elements: a
collar, a quillon and a sleeve. A significant number of such swords as well as separate cross-guards were found in
Eastern Europe and are dated from the 9th c. (possibly as early as the second half of the 8th c.) to the 11th c.
This design of cross-guards is typical of the Mediterranean region. Its wide spread across Eastern Europe should be
linked to the influence of the Byzantine Empire, where comparable items can be found in art.
The paper categorizes cross-guards of this kind into three main types and describes the principal trends in their
evolution: reduction of collar and sleeve height and increasing quillon length. Two types of pommels in such swords are
described, as well as remaining elements of scabbards.
This group of East European swords is linked to the main type of a long-blade weapon of the Byzantine army, the
Баранов Г.В. Византийский меч с территории Украины // Война и оружие. Новые исследования и материалы. Труды Восьмой Международной научно-практической конференции 17-19 мая 2017 г. Ч.I, СПб.: ВИМАИВиВС, 2017. С.171-177.
Баранов Г.В. Находки раннесредневековых сабель «болгарского типа» в бассейне верхнего и среднего течения Днестра (к вопросу о византийской воинской традиции в Восточной Европе) // Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма. Вып. 8. – Симферополь-Тюмень, 2016. – С. 76-92.
The article describes new finds of sabers and sword-guards of the so-called “Bulgarian type,” dis... more The article describes new finds of sabers and sword-guards of the so-called “Bulgarian type,” discovered in the upper and middle Dniester basin. Until recently, sabers of this kind had been found predominantly in Bulgaria. Certain specifics of the sword-guard’s morphology and the technicality and simplicity of the artifacts allow to identify them as ones of Byzantine origin. In the author’s opinion, “Bulgarian type” sabers should be regarded as specimens of the Byzantine long-bladed weapon type known as Paramirion (παραμήριον).
Баранов Г.В. Новая находка перекрестья и навершия рукояти византийского меча с территории Черкасского района Черкасской области Украины // Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма. Вып. 7. – Симферополь-Тюмень, 2015. – С. 87-105.
The article describes for the first time a new find of a Byzantine sword-guard and a pommel in Ch... more The article describes for the first time a new find of a Byzantine sword-guard and a pommel in Cherkasy Raion, Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. The items are in a good state of preservation and are made of a non-ferrous metal (bronze?).
The sword-guard belongs to the Garabonc type of swords proposed by the Bulgarian researcher Valery Yotov.
As was found out, the sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast is almost identical to sword-guards that are pictured on drawings in the Paris manuscript of Homilies of St. Gregory of Nazianzus (BNF, Grec 510). This allows to date the sword-guard to the last quarter of the 9th century.
The sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast that has almost exact analogies on Byzantine drawings is an important link between monuments of Byzantine visual arts and archeological materials which proves the Byzantine origin of this type of artifacts.
Баранов Г.В. Находка средневековой сабли // Бажан И.А. Археологические предметы из случайных находок на территории Восточной Европы (2009–2011 гг.) / Корпус случайных археологических находок . Вып. 1. М., 2011. C.63
Баранов Г. В. Болгаро-византийское навершие рукояти сабли с территории Северо-Восточного Причерноморья // Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма. Вып. 6. – Симферополь-Тюмень, 2014. – С. 84-92., 2014
This article regards a recently found saber from the north-east Black Sea region and introduces a... more This article regards a recently found saber from the north-east Black Sea region and introduces a new uncharacteristic type of pommel ending which was previously only known from artefacts from Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. The new discovery allows to extend the area of occurence of such pommel endings and to assume their Byzantine origin.
Баранов Г. В. Об одном типе неметаллической защиты византийской армии // Военная археология. Вып. 2. – Москва, 2011. – С. 140-146, 2011
Баранов Г.В. Три вида λωρικια Константина Багрянородного и доспехи святых воинов на стеатитовых иконах из раскопок средневекового Херсонеса // Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма. Вып. 2. – Симферополь-Тюмень, 2010. – С. 199-202., 2010
Books by Gennady V . Baranov
Proceedings. of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Anatoly Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov and to the 20th Anniversary of the Seminar “Military Archaeology” (from 2021 on Research Center “Military Archaeology”). Kulikovo Pole. November 24th–28th 2021, 2023
The article analyses the cross-guards found
in 1998 in the territory of ancient Tiberias, Israel... more The article analyses the cross-guards found
in 1998 in the territory of ancient Tiberias, Israel, currently
in the Rockefeller Museum’s collection in Jerusalem. It
compares the findings in question with similar finds from
the Eastern Mediterranean area as well as Central and
Eastern Europe. This article tries to place those finds in
a typology proposed by the current author. The crossguards
from ancient Tiberias are important in the context
of the possibility of dating similar objects. An extremely
important element in these analyses is an analysis of the
composition of copper alloys carried out by the Matthew
J. Ponting. Similar material analyses, as well as the
comparative analysis of other finds of Mediterranean-type
cross-guards could facilitate identification of production
centers of this armament component. Furthermore, it shows
some difficulties that may arise in the context of possible
remelting of old or damaged copper alloy elements by local
manufacturers in the manufacture of possible new objects.
A regular military-historical compendium presents a set of research findings related to the milit... more A regular military-historical compendium presents a set of research findings related to the military history of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Far East during the Ancient and Late Middle Ages. The articles examine archaeological finds related to defensive and offensive armaments.
The introduced fourth volume of our miscellany "Military Archaeology" (Acta Archaeologiae Militar... more The introduced fourth volume of our miscellany "Military Archaeology" (Acta Archaeologiae Militaris) contains articles that deal with a broad historical spectrum from the late laten epoch to modern history. Along with this it contains publications of materials from the Second Weaponry Conference of the Kulikovo field which was initiated by the Problems council "Military Archaeology" in 2014. The seminar "Military Archaeology" was created in 2001 at the Moscow Museum of Archaeology and was the first specialized military archaeology institution in Russia. Two years later it obtained the status of a Problems council at the State Historical Museum. Since 2015 our scientific group is under the aegis of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Science in the status of the scientific seminar "Military Archaeology".Since the creation of the seminar four miscellanies and two monographies were published. /
Представленный вашему вниманию четвертый выпуск сборника статей "Военная археология" (Acta Archaeologiae Militaris), содержит в себе работы, затрагивающие широкий исторический диапазон от эпохи «позднего латена» до Нового времени. Одновременно он является публикацией материалов второй оружиеведческой конференции на Куликовом поле, которая проводилась по инициативе Проблемного совета «Военная археология» в 2014 г.
Семинар «Военная археология» был создан в 2001 г. в рамках Музея археологии города Москвы и являлся первым в России специализированным военно-археологическим учреждением. Через два года он получил статус Проблемного совета при Государственном Историческом Музее. С 2015 г. наше научное объединение существует под эгидой Института археологии РАН в качестве научного семинара «Военная археология».
За годы существования семинара было подготовлено четыре сборника и две монографии.
Византийский словарь. Том 2 / Сост., общ. ред. К. А. Филатова. Авторы: С. Ю. Акишин, Г. В. Барано... more Византийский словарь. Том 2 / Сост., общ. ред. К. А. Филатова. Авторы: С. Ю. Акишин, Г. В. Баранов, А. Е. Голованов и др. — СПб.: Амфора, Издательство РХГА, Издательство Олега Абышко, 2011
Византийский словарь. Том 1 / Сост., общ. ред. К. А. Филатова. Авторы: С. Ю. Акишин, Г. В. Барано... more Византийский словарь. Том 1 / Сост., общ. ред. К. А. Филатова. Авторы: С. Ю. Акишин, Г. В. Баранов, А. Е. Голованов и др. — СПб.: Амфора, Издательство РХГА, Издательство Олега Абышко, 2011
Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention the next, sixth release of our collection. It contains... more Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention the next, sixth release of our collection. It contains articles on archeology, history and antique and medieval Taurica's numismatics.
Yours faithfully, M. Choref
Periodicals by Gennady V . Baranov
Papers by Gennady V . Baranov
Despite these facts the sword-guard didn't attract the interest of researchers for more than 100 years. In 2009 it was studied by the Bulgarian archaeologist V. Yotov. His article was devoted to the search of analogies and didn't contain a detailed description of the object. The current article fills this gap.
On the basis of the context and the analogical objects the article suggests to limit the dating by the end of the 10th und the beginning of the 11th century for the Chersonesus sword-guard and by the end of the 10th and the first half of the 11th century for the sword-guards of this type in general.
collar, a quillon and a sleeve. A significant number of such swords as well as separate cross-guards were found in
Eastern Europe and are dated from the 9th c. (possibly as early as the second half of the 8th c.) to the 11th c.
This design of cross-guards is typical of the Mediterranean region. Its wide spread across Eastern Europe should be
linked to the influence of the Byzantine Empire, where comparable items can be found in art.
The paper categorizes cross-guards of this kind into three main types and describes the principal trends in their
evolution: reduction of collar and sleeve height and increasing quillon length. Two types of pommels in such swords are
described, as well as remaining elements of scabbards.
This group of East European swords is linked to the main type of a long-blade weapon of the Byzantine army, the
The sword-guard belongs to the Garabonc type of swords proposed by the Bulgarian researcher Valery Yotov.
As was found out, the sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast is almost identical to sword-guards that are pictured on drawings in the Paris manuscript of Homilies of St. Gregory of Nazianzus (BNF, Grec 510). This allows to date the sword-guard to the last quarter of the 9th century.
The sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast that has almost exact analogies on Byzantine drawings is an important link between monuments of Byzantine visual arts and archeological materials which proves the Byzantine origin of this type of artifacts.
Books by Gennady V . Baranov
in 1998 in the territory of ancient Tiberias, Israel, currently
in the Rockefeller Museum’s collection in Jerusalem. It
compares the findings in question with similar finds from
the Eastern Mediterranean area as well as Central and
Eastern Europe. This article tries to place those finds in
a typology proposed by the current author. The crossguards
from ancient Tiberias are important in the context
of the possibility of dating similar objects. An extremely
important element in these analyses is an analysis of the
composition of copper alloys carried out by the Matthew
J. Ponting. Similar material analyses, as well as the
comparative analysis of other finds of Mediterranean-type
cross-guards could facilitate identification of production
centers of this armament component. Furthermore, it shows
some difficulties that may arise in the context of possible
remelting of old or damaged copper alloy elements by local
manufacturers in the manufacture of possible new objects.
Представленный вашему вниманию четвертый выпуск сборника статей "Военная археология" (Acta Archaeologiae Militaris), содержит в себе работы, затрагивающие широкий исторический диапазон от эпохи «позднего латена» до Нового времени. Одновременно он является публикацией материалов второй оружиеведческой конференции на Куликовом поле, которая проводилась по инициативе Проблемного совета «Военная археология» в 2014 г.
Семинар «Военная археология» был создан в 2001 г. в рамках Музея археологии города Москвы и являлся первым в России специализированным военно-археологическим учреждением. Через два года он получил статус Проблемного совета при Государственном Историческом Музее. С 2015 г. наше научное объединение существует под эгидой Института археологии РАН в качестве научного семинара «Военная археология».
За годы существования семинара было подготовлено четыре сборника и две монографии.
Yours faithfully, M. Choref
Periodicals by Gennady V . Baranov
Despite these facts the sword-guard didn't attract the interest of researchers for more than 100 years. In 2009 it was studied by the Bulgarian archaeologist V. Yotov. His article was devoted to the search of analogies and didn't contain a detailed description of the object. The current article fills this gap.
On the basis of the context and the analogical objects the article suggests to limit the dating by the end of the 10th und the beginning of the 11th century for the Chersonesus sword-guard and by the end of the 10th and the first half of the 11th century for the sword-guards of this type in general.
collar, a quillon and a sleeve. A significant number of such swords as well as separate cross-guards were found in
Eastern Europe and are dated from the 9th c. (possibly as early as the second half of the 8th c.) to the 11th c.
This design of cross-guards is typical of the Mediterranean region. Its wide spread across Eastern Europe should be
linked to the influence of the Byzantine Empire, where comparable items can be found in art.
The paper categorizes cross-guards of this kind into three main types and describes the principal trends in their
evolution: reduction of collar and sleeve height and increasing quillon length. Two types of pommels in such swords are
described, as well as remaining elements of scabbards.
This group of East European swords is linked to the main type of a long-blade weapon of the Byzantine army, the
The sword-guard belongs to the Garabonc type of swords proposed by the Bulgarian researcher Valery Yotov.
As was found out, the sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast is almost identical to sword-guards that are pictured on drawings in the Paris manuscript of Homilies of St. Gregory of Nazianzus (BNF, Grec 510). This allows to date the sword-guard to the last quarter of the 9th century.
The sword-guard from Cherkasy Oblast that has almost exact analogies on Byzantine drawings is an important link between monuments of Byzantine visual arts and archeological materials which proves the Byzantine origin of this type of artifacts.
in 1998 in the territory of ancient Tiberias, Israel, currently
in the Rockefeller Museum’s collection in Jerusalem. It
compares the findings in question with similar finds from
the Eastern Mediterranean area as well as Central and
Eastern Europe. This article tries to place those finds in
a typology proposed by the current author. The crossguards
from ancient Tiberias are important in the context
of the possibility of dating similar objects. An extremely
important element in these analyses is an analysis of the
composition of copper alloys carried out by the Matthew
J. Ponting. Similar material analyses, as well as the
comparative analysis of other finds of Mediterranean-type
cross-guards could facilitate identification of production
centers of this armament component. Furthermore, it shows
some difficulties that may arise in the context of possible
remelting of old or damaged copper alloy elements by local
manufacturers in the manufacture of possible new objects.
Представленный вашему вниманию четвертый выпуск сборника статей "Военная археология" (Acta Archaeologiae Militaris), содержит в себе работы, затрагивающие широкий исторический диапазон от эпохи «позднего латена» до Нового времени. Одновременно он является публикацией материалов второй оружиеведческой конференции на Куликовом поле, которая проводилась по инициативе Проблемного совета «Военная археология» в 2014 г.
Семинар «Военная археология» был создан в 2001 г. в рамках Музея археологии города Москвы и являлся первым в России специализированным военно-археологическим учреждением. Через два года он получил статус Проблемного совета при Государственном Историческом Музее. С 2015 г. наше научное объединение существует под эгидой Института археологии РАН в качестве научного семинара «Военная археология».
За годы существования семинара было подготовлено четыре сборника и две монографии.
Yours faithfully, M. Choref