Rocío Quispe-Agnoli
A native from Perú, Rocío Quispe-Agnoli is William J. Beal Distinguished Professor of Colonial Latin American Studies in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State. Since 2019, she is working on Speculative Fiction (sci-fi, horror lits, dark lits-lit oscura, literatura fantástica) in the Spanish-speaking world with an emphasis on South American and Peruvian authors and women writers. She is core faculty of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Center for Gender Studies in a Global Context. She is also affiliated faculty in the American Indian Studies Program and MSU Center for Interdisciplinarity. She has been Director of the Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities at Michigan State (2007-2011), the MSU General Education program in Arts and Humanities.
For a list of publications and projects, see her CV and/or visit her websites: and her podcast series
Known as Rocío Qespi, Quispe-Agnoli is also a creative writer (short fiction, literatura oscura, scifi, fanfic) and has received three awards for her short fiction (La Regenta 1998, Atenea 1999, Ana María Matute 1999). Her first book of short fiction "Durmiendo en el agua" ("Sleeping Under Water") was published in 2008.
When not in Michigan, Lima, or by the ocean, she is in colonial archives around the world, especially in Perú and Spain. Every four years, she avidly follows the Soccer World Cup.
Supervisors: Joseph Courtés (DEA @ Univ de Toulouse II), Enrique Ballón Aguire (BA @ PUCP), Julio Ortega (PhD @ Brown Univ), and Mercedes Vaquero (MA @ Brown Univ))
Phone: (517) 884-6315
Address: Department of Romance and Classical Studies
B-355 Wells Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
For a list of publications and projects, see her CV and/or visit her websites: and her podcast series
Known as Rocío Qespi, Quispe-Agnoli is also a creative writer (short fiction, literatura oscura, scifi, fanfic) and has received three awards for her short fiction (La Regenta 1998, Atenea 1999, Ana María Matute 1999). Her first book of short fiction "Durmiendo en el agua" ("Sleeping Under Water") was published in 2008.
When not in Michigan, Lima, or by the ocean, she is in colonial archives around the world, especially in Perú and Spain. Every four years, she avidly follows the Soccer World Cup.
Supervisors: Joseph Courtés (DEA @ Univ de Toulouse II), Enrique Ballón Aguire (BA @ PUCP), Julio Ortega (PhD @ Brown Univ), and Mercedes Vaquero (MA @ Brown Univ))
Phone: (517) 884-6315
Address: Department of Romance and Classical Studies
B-355 Wells Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
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Books and Collections of Essays by Rocío Quispe-Agnoli
This volume brings science fiction from the innermost point of Peruvian roots and ancestral knowledge. This bilingual anthology opens with a preliminary study of the Peruvian literature of science fiction from the 19th century to the present. It pays attention to the role of realismo mágico, lo real maravilloso, and literatura fantástica in the emergence of futuristic narratives. Organized in three sections, Futurism and Ancestral Memory, Urban Futurism, and Peruvian Futurism from Outer Space, the stories in this volume offer visions of a future conceived from our continent and our way of seeing life that help understand the past and explain the present. Among others, stories feature characters and themes related to Peru’s colonial past, like Chasqui Wari Ayen, the looting of Coricancha’s golden garden, and Mama Huaco, founder of the Inca empire. Other stories share visions of the Peruvian future after pandemics (such as COVID-19), the transformation of the world and the human species that can live more than 200 years, and the journeys through the multiverse. Available as an eBook in Amazon/Kindle app/web (copy-n-paste this link in your browser):
that intersected, overlapped and shaped the emergence of Latin
America. For the diverse Native inhabitants of the Americas as well
as the people of Europe, Africa, and Asia who crossed the Atlantic and
Pacific as part of the early-modern global movements, their lived
experiences were defined by transitions. The Iberian territories from
approximately 1492–1800 extended from what is now the US
Southwest to Tierra del Fuego, and from the Iberian coasts to the
Philippines and China. Built around six thematic areas that underline
key processes that shaped the colonial period and its legacies – space,
body, belief systems, literacies, languages, and identities – this innovative
volume (introduction plus 24 essays) goes beyond the traditional European understanding of the lettered canon. It examines a range of texts including books
published in Europe and the New World and manuscripts stored in
repositories around the globe that represent poetry, prose, judicial
proceedings, sermons, letters, grammars, and dictionaries.
El volumen completo se encuentra disponible en el DOI y en el enlace web incluidos en esta entrada:
Nota: Por alguna razón, el PDF que incluye el índice y la introducción no se ve correctamente en la primera pantalla, aunque SI está. Vaya al título (o mire arriba, al lado de "views") y pulse "3 files". Allí vera el enlace del PDF con índice e introducción y lo puede descargar de allí: "2017 Women's Negotiations Textual Agency ToC Intro."
Even though women had been historically underrepresented in official histories and literary and artistic traditions, their voices and writings can be found in abundance in the many archives of the world where they remain to be uncovered. The present volume seeks to recover women’s voices and actions while studying the mechanisms through which they authorized themselves and participated in the creation of texts and documents found in archives of colonial Latin America.
Table of Contents/Índice
- Introduction: Uncovering Women’s Colonial Archive. By Mónica Díaz, and Rocío Quispe–Agnoli.
I. Censorship and the Body
- Divine Aspirations: Beatas, Writing, and the Inquisition in Late Seventeenth–Century Lima. By Stacey Schlau
- Covert Afro–Catholic Agency in the Mystical Visions of Early Modern Brazil’s Rosa Maria Egipçíaca. By Rachel Spaulding
- ‘In So Celestial a Language’: Text as Body, Relics as Text. By Nancy E. van Deusen
II. Female Authority and Legal Discourse
- In the Shadow of Coatlicue’s Smile: Reconstructing Indigenous Female Subjectivity in the Spanish Colonial Record. By Jeanne Gillespie
- Inca Women Under Spanish Rule: Probanzas and Informaciones of the Colonial Andean Elite. By Sara Vicuña Guenguerich
- The Bonds of Inheritance: Afro–Peruvian Women’s Legacies in a Slave–holding World. By Karen Graubart
III. Private Lives and Public Opinion
- Letters from the Río de La Plata: Agency and Identity in Colonial Women’s Petitions. By Yamile Silva
- Women’s Voices in Eighteenth–Century Spanish American Newspapers. By Mariselle Meléndez
List of Contributors
the eighteenth-century borders of the Spanish empire, by means of discursive analysis of the petitions of nobility by the Uchu Túpac Yupanqui family of Lambayeque, Perú. The unpublished manuscript of such record, classified as Mexico 2346 in Seville’s Archivo General de Indias, depicts the twelve-year legal and social journey of doña María Joaquina Uchu Inca in viceregal Mexico. The study of written and visual iconic texts reveals the history of the Uchu Yupanqui family from 1544 to 1801.
Introduction "Mirrors and Mirages: Women's Gaze in Hispanic Literature and Visual Arts" co-authored by María Claudia André and Rocío Quispe-Agnoli.
Articles in this special issue bring visual art analysis and literary studies together by showing the interrelation between the visual image, the 'ars rhetorica' and written texts that either depart from visual images or are used for the production of iconic images and imagery."
" La presente investigación de Quispe-Agnoli se centra en la creatividad de uno de los más destacados escritores indígenas y andinos coloniales: don Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala. A través de cinco capítulos, este trabajo observa y analiza su respuesta al enfrentamiento cultural entre Europa y los Andes, que se traduce en el surgimiento de nuevas formas de comunicar y actuar sobre la sociedad, su reapropiación y reelaboración desde el lado oral-tradicional, pero también nativo-gráfico, reflexivo y deliberante con sus propias posibilidades de comunicación. Dicha creatividad tiene como resultado un tipo de texto que integra una formación cultural hispano-andina, cuyo estudio está en pleno desarrollo."
Reviews of this book can be found in:
~Song No, Revista Iberoamericana LXXIV.25 (2008):1163-1167.
~Marcel Velázquez Noticias del Fondo Editorial: Galaxia Guamán Poma de Ayala. (Agosto 15, 2006)
~Rafael Ojeda. "Guamán Poma y la escritura." El Peruano. Página Editorial. 25 de Agosto de 2006. p. 12.
~Dimas Arrieta. "Guamán Poma e identidades" Identidades 12. Reflexión, Arte y Cultura Peruana. 25-31 de agosto de 2007. p. 22-23.
~Omar Vásquez Dávila. Patio de Letras 3.1 (2006)
~Abelardo Oquendo, Diario La República (Lima, Noviembre 2006)
~Giancarlo Stagnaro""
Margarita Drago: "Sor María de Jesús Tomelín (1579-1637) a la vista del confesor"
Sarah E. Owens: "Women Finding a Place of Their Own: The Chronicle of the Beaterio de Santa Rosa by María de Jesús Alonso Herrera (1730)"
Mónica del Valle Idárraga: "El demonio en la Vida de la Madre Josefa del Castillo: entre La tradición mística y la realidad social neogranadina"
Natalia Ruiz: "Autobiografía espiritual y autoridad ficcional: en búsqueda de Ursula Suárez"
Jeanne Gillespie: "Amerindian Women's Voices in the Aztec Society and The Spanish Colony"
Mónica Meléndez: "La mujer indígena, la sexualidad y el tambo: Transacciones desestabilizadoras en la Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno"
Javier Domínguez García: "El travestismo de Erauso: Negociaciones culturales y sexuales en el Nuevo Mundo: la monja alférez"
Bonnie Gasior: "Erasing The (Monstrous) Feminine: Juan Pérez De Montalvan's La monja alférez"
Yolanda Westphalen: "Ciudad letrada, ciudad hechicera: el caso de la Bruja Claudia y la ciudad de Potosí."
Rocío Quispe Agnoli: "Más allá del convento: voces femeninas coloniales y desafíos diarios en Hispanoamérica."
---. "Discursos coloniales escritos y agencia femenina: la Carta a la princesa Juana de Isabel de Guevara."
Articles and Chapters by Rocío Quispe-Agnoli
To view all images (total 4), read the article in the weblink provided:
¡OJO! this article is short (3-4 pages to print). If you see 17 pages is because it can be translated into any language of the browser you use--and I experimented seeing it in different languages, Quechua included! (although it only translated half of it).
This article is to be complemented with other works (listed or to be listed in this academia profile) about the subject (video, film, essays, book).
This volume brings science fiction from the innermost point of Peruvian roots and ancestral knowledge. This bilingual anthology opens with a preliminary study of the Peruvian literature of science fiction from the 19th century to the present. It pays attention to the role of realismo mágico, lo real maravilloso, and literatura fantástica in the emergence of futuristic narratives. Organized in three sections, Futurism and Ancestral Memory, Urban Futurism, and Peruvian Futurism from Outer Space, the stories in this volume offer visions of a future conceived from our continent and our way of seeing life that help understand the past and explain the present. Among others, stories feature characters and themes related to Peru’s colonial past, like Chasqui Wari Ayen, the looting of Coricancha’s golden garden, and Mama Huaco, founder of the Inca empire. Other stories share visions of the Peruvian future after pandemics (such as COVID-19), the transformation of the world and the human species that can live more than 200 years, and the journeys through the multiverse. Available as an eBook in Amazon/Kindle app/web (copy-n-paste this link in your browser):
that intersected, overlapped and shaped the emergence of Latin
America. For the diverse Native inhabitants of the Americas as well
as the people of Europe, Africa, and Asia who crossed the Atlantic and
Pacific as part of the early-modern global movements, their lived
experiences were defined by transitions. The Iberian territories from
approximately 1492–1800 extended from what is now the US
Southwest to Tierra del Fuego, and from the Iberian coasts to the
Philippines and China. Built around six thematic areas that underline
key processes that shaped the colonial period and its legacies – space,
body, belief systems, literacies, languages, and identities – this innovative
volume (introduction plus 24 essays) goes beyond the traditional European understanding of the lettered canon. It examines a range of texts including books
published in Europe and the New World and manuscripts stored in
repositories around the globe that represent poetry, prose, judicial
proceedings, sermons, letters, grammars, and dictionaries.
El volumen completo se encuentra disponible en el DOI y en el enlace web incluidos en esta entrada:
Nota: Por alguna razón, el PDF que incluye el índice y la introducción no se ve correctamente en la primera pantalla, aunque SI está. Vaya al título (o mire arriba, al lado de "views") y pulse "3 files". Allí vera el enlace del PDF con índice e introducción y lo puede descargar de allí: "2017 Women's Negotiations Textual Agency ToC Intro."
Even though women had been historically underrepresented in official histories and literary and artistic traditions, their voices and writings can be found in abundance in the many archives of the world where they remain to be uncovered. The present volume seeks to recover women’s voices and actions while studying the mechanisms through which they authorized themselves and participated in the creation of texts and documents found in archives of colonial Latin America.
Table of Contents/Índice
- Introduction: Uncovering Women’s Colonial Archive. By Mónica Díaz, and Rocío Quispe–Agnoli.
I. Censorship and the Body
- Divine Aspirations: Beatas, Writing, and the Inquisition in Late Seventeenth–Century Lima. By Stacey Schlau
- Covert Afro–Catholic Agency in the Mystical Visions of Early Modern Brazil’s Rosa Maria Egipçíaca. By Rachel Spaulding
- ‘In So Celestial a Language’: Text as Body, Relics as Text. By Nancy E. van Deusen
II. Female Authority and Legal Discourse
- In the Shadow of Coatlicue’s Smile: Reconstructing Indigenous Female Subjectivity in the Spanish Colonial Record. By Jeanne Gillespie
- Inca Women Under Spanish Rule: Probanzas and Informaciones of the Colonial Andean Elite. By Sara Vicuña Guenguerich
- The Bonds of Inheritance: Afro–Peruvian Women’s Legacies in a Slave–holding World. By Karen Graubart
III. Private Lives and Public Opinion
- Letters from the Río de La Plata: Agency and Identity in Colonial Women’s Petitions. By Yamile Silva
- Women’s Voices in Eighteenth–Century Spanish American Newspapers. By Mariselle Meléndez
List of Contributors
the eighteenth-century borders of the Spanish empire, by means of discursive analysis of the petitions of nobility by the Uchu Túpac Yupanqui family of Lambayeque, Perú. The unpublished manuscript of such record, classified as Mexico 2346 in Seville’s Archivo General de Indias, depicts the twelve-year legal and social journey of doña María Joaquina Uchu Inca in viceregal Mexico. The study of written and visual iconic texts reveals the history of the Uchu Yupanqui family from 1544 to 1801.
Introduction "Mirrors and Mirages: Women's Gaze in Hispanic Literature and Visual Arts" co-authored by María Claudia André and Rocío Quispe-Agnoli.
Articles in this special issue bring visual art analysis and literary studies together by showing the interrelation between the visual image, the 'ars rhetorica' and written texts that either depart from visual images or are used for the production of iconic images and imagery."
" La presente investigación de Quispe-Agnoli se centra en la creatividad de uno de los más destacados escritores indígenas y andinos coloniales: don Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala. A través de cinco capítulos, este trabajo observa y analiza su respuesta al enfrentamiento cultural entre Europa y los Andes, que se traduce en el surgimiento de nuevas formas de comunicar y actuar sobre la sociedad, su reapropiación y reelaboración desde el lado oral-tradicional, pero también nativo-gráfico, reflexivo y deliberante con sus propias posibilidades de comunicación. Dicha creatividad tiene como resultado un tipo de texto que integra una formación cultural hispano-andina, cuyo estudio está en pleno desarrollo."
Reviews of this book can be found in:
~Song No, Revista Iberoamericana LXXIV.25 (2008):1163-1167.
~Marcel Velázquez Noticias del Fondo Editorial: Galaxia Guamán Poma de Ayala. (Agosto 15, 2006)
~Rafael Ojeda. "Guamán Poma y la escritura." El Peruano. Página Editorial. 25 de Agosto de 2006. p. 12.
~Dimas Arrieta. "Guamán Poma e identidades" Identidades 12. Reflexión, Arte y Cultura Peruana. 25-31 de agosto de 2007. p. 22-23.
~Omar Vásquez Dávila. Patio de Letras 3.1 (2006)
~Abelardo Oquendo, Diario La República (Lima, Noviembre 2006)
~Giancarlo Stagnaro""
Margarita Drago: "Sor María de Jesús Tomelín (1579-1637) a la vista del confesor"
Sarah E. Owens: "Women Finding a Place of Their Own: The Chronicle of the Beaterio de Santa Rosa by María de Jesús Alonso Herrera (1730)"
Mónica del Valle Idárraga: "El demonio en la Vida de la Madre Josefa del Castillo: entre La tradición mística y la realidad social neogranadina"
Natalia Ruiz: "Autobiografía espiritual y autoridad ficcional: en búsqueda de Ursula Suárez"
Jeanne Gillespie: "Amerindian Women's Voices in the Aztec Society and The Spanish Colony"
Mónica Meléndez: "La mujer indígena, la sexualidad y el tambo: Transacciones desestabilizadoras en la Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno"
Javier Domínguez García: "El travestismo de Erauso: Negociaciones culturales y sexuales en el Nuevo Mundo: la monja alférez"
Bonnie Gasior: "Erasing The (Monstrous) Feminine: Juan Pérez De Montalvan's La monja alférez"
Yolanda Westphalen: "Ciudad letrada, ciudad hechicera: el caso de la Bruja Claudia y la ciudad de Potosí."
Rocío Quispe Agnoli: "Más allá del convento: voces femeninas coloniales y desafíos diarios en Hispanoamérica."
---. "Discursos coloniales escritos y agencia femenina: la Carta a la princesa Juana de Isabel de Guevara."
To view all images (total 4), read the article in the weblink provided:
¡OJO! this article is short (3-4 pages to print). If you see 17 pages is because it can be translated into any language of the browser you use--and I experimented seeing it in different languages, Quechua included! (although it only translated half of it).
This article is to be complemented with other works (listed or to be listed in this academia profile) about the subject (video, film, essays, book).
(Para adquirir el libro, escribir a Vanesa Orellana Cifuentes, Precio 2022: $15.000 pesos chilenos (c. US$17.25)).
This article presents initial results of “ReCânone, Translation, Subtitling and Interpretation Workshop of Indigenous, Afro-Portuguese and Latinx materials” a scholarly and community project at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. This initiative aims to work with culturally situated translations of records produced in present-day Peru by the indigenous chronicler's “New Cronicle and Good Governance.”
Palavras-chave: Waman Poma. Tradução Entrecultural. Imagem. Antropocentrismo. Colonialoceno. Epistemicídio.
¿Dónde podemos encontrar voces, historias y escrituras de mujeres seglares del pasado colonial peruano más allá de las autobiografías espirituales y de los concursos literarios? Volver al archivo para encontrar historias y voces de mujeres seglares implica preguntarse por los medios y recursos que ellas utilizaron para autorizarse a sí mismas y participar en la creación del archivo histórico y literario del virreinato peruano. Este capítulo, parte de la exhibición y catálogo "Libros y autores del Virreinato del Perú" (2021) aborda las preguntas anteriores y señala hilos de investigación.
Published by: Michigan State University Press
It includes an introduction by guest editors (E. Fernández, V. Ketz), 11 essays on the topic of literature and disability in the Hispanic world (with an emphasis on women, gender and sexuality studies), 1 interview to Spanish filmmaker Almudena Carracedo, and poetry by Chilean author Carol Arcos.
Issue available in JSTOR or AEGS eChapters (with membership).
Índice del número especial de la Revista de Estudios de Género (REGS)/Journal of Gender Studies (JGSS), auspiciada por la Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades. Incluye una introducción de las editoras invitadas (E. Fernández, V. Ketz), 11 ensayos sobre el tema literatura y discapacidad en el mundo hispánico (con énfasis en estudios de la mujer, género y sexualidades), 1 entrevista a la cineasta española Almudena Carracedo, y poesía de la autora chilena Carol Arcos.
Número completo disponible en JSTOR o el portal de miembros de AEGS
Portal digital:
Índices de los últimos números publicados:
Video (01 hora 29 minutos) en enlace:
Interviewees include: Raquel Chang-Rodríguez (Hispanic Literature and Culture, CUNY), Marco Curátola (History, PUCP), Juan Ossio (Anthropology, PUCP), and Rocío Quispe-Agnoli (Hispanic Studies, MSU).
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
When I was asked by my colleagues at Michigan State University how I measure and enhance diversity and inclusiveness in my classes, I realized that when I teach Spanish and Latin American and Caribbean literature and cultures, the diversity is in the content itself, and that teachers of Spanish and Latin American studies in North America are actually training their students to be inclusive and recognize and learn from world diversities. In these five-video project, my undergraduate students in my class "Latin America and Its Literature" (SPN 432/Spring 2014) talk about their experiences learning Spanish and about Latin American literature and how this impacts their personal and professional lives.
You can view the whole playlist in the link below (approximately 42 mins) or you may choose from one of the individual videos in this section.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Cultura y belleza; descubrir y explorar; emoción y creatividad; mágico e histórico; sorprendente y sincero.
or double click on the link provided below.
En su paso por el Perú este año, la escritora e investigadora, Rocío Quispe-Agnoli, especialista en la obra del cronista indígena Guamán Poma de Ayala (1534 1615), conversó con nosotros para abordar la importancia de que una libro fundamental como la Primer nueva crónica y buen gobierno sea leído y también estudiado en nuestros días. ¿Por qué un libro escrito aproximadamente en 1615 en nuestro cambiante país podría tener relevancia para la actualidad?
1. To reflect about the contents of the exhibit and the long-term impact of the Conquest of Mexico.
2. To provide opportunities for students, faculty, staff and the community at-large to experience this exhibit and participate in the discussions fostered by presentations and complementary events.
3. To generate collaborations among different units at MSU which share their study and interest in the diversity of indigenous populations of the Americas and their resiliency before, during, and after the Spanish conquest.
For project outcomes, see report (PDF).
Invited speakers: Kathleen Myers (Indiana U), Amber Brian (U of Iowa), Rocío Cortés (U of Wisconsin, Oshkosh), Kelly McDonough (U of Texas, Austin), Dylan Miner (MSU-RCAH), Zenaida Moreno (MSU-RCS), and Laura Smith (MSU-AAH).
Framed in ongoing discussions of decolonizing thought, we discuss several forms of writing, record keeping and representational systems, tracing the long history of meaning making in the Americas. We pay special attention to Andean and Iroquoian systems of representation as examples of key moments of resistance to the alphabetic influence and the civilizing force of the letter. Along the way, we highlight the methodological difficulties of removing an alphabetic lens to see writing systems in their own right.
Cost and registration information:
Each NCAIS institution is entitled to one slot to the summer institute, which will have a maximum of eighteen participants. The selection process of each member institution’s NCAIS Summer Institute participant is according to the individual program needs and existing protocols of the member institution. Housing will be provided for free at Canterbury Court Apartments and a maximum of $500 travel expenses will be reimbursed to all participants. Students will also receive $500 stipend. Students should apply directly to their NCAIS Faculty Liaison by April 4, 2014.
The two arranged hours that constitute online instruction are organized in a “teaching modules” that include one or more of the following activities: Discussion forums; Assessments with a diversity of audiovisual materials (film video clips, pictures, podcasts, internet videos, interactive exercises) and variable format (time-paced); team activities that should produce a collaborative piece, and student’s production of digital activities/work that will be peer-reviewed as part of the class. Design of 24 digital teaching modules were designed. Each week, the TM contains a list of learning goals and week objectives, materials/activities and time-paced assessment(s) that ideally covers the equivalent of 110 minutes of class/week.
This academic initiative takes as its primary questions: (1) How globalization has impacted indigenous communities, primarily its effects on identities, languages, and cultural institutions. (2) What is the knowledge that is produced today about these communities and changing responses to what they consider local and global identities. (3) Importantly, it looks at how indigenous communities have used global networks to advance their own ideas regarding cultural maintenance and preservation. This initiative proposes to examine this question historically and within present communities. It also takes a hemispheric approach by partnering with scholars whose work spans North, Central and South America.
We believe that, with this initiative, we will set up the ground for continuing the study of global indigeneity, an unexplored perspective for this area of studies that will bring MSU prominence within the international academic community and will present our institution as a pioneer in the study of "the Other within" (indigenous/native people) in the western hemisphere.