
Mersin University | Economics -
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      Financial MarketsFinancial CrisesFinancial ContagionInformational cascades
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentMultinational Firms
This study analysis the return volatility of spot market prices of crude oil (WTI) and natural gas (Henry Hub) for two different terms which cover 02.01.2009 -28.04.2014 and 04.01.2010-28.04.2014 with different version of the GARCH class... more
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According to modern portfolio theory, there are some benefits from diversifying assets. In the literature, the possibility of this diversification is mostly investigated by analysing the correlation coefficients between the returns of the... more
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Özet: Bu çalışmada 19.yy'ın sonlarından sonra gelişen ekonomik düşünceye hakim olan Neo-Klasik görüşten türeyen Ortodoks yanlı politikaların uluslararası kuruluşlar üzerinden (IMF ve Dünya Bankası gibi) eleştirisi yapılmaktadır. Bu... more
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Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden.
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According to modern portfolio theory, there are some benefits from diversifying assets. In the literature, the possibility of this diversification is mostly investigated by analysing the correlation coefficients between the returns of the... more
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In this study, the relationship between inflation and interest rates for Turkey’s economy and whether this is a long-term relationship were tested out using the Fisher hypothesis for the period of 2002:M1-2018:M6. In the study, it was... more
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This study investigates the validity of both the conventional and tax-adjusted Fisher effects using time series methods such as the ARDL bounds test, and Gregory-Hansen (G-H) cointegration test. To compare the conventional and... more
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Many theoretical and empirical researches have been written on the issue of crises often experienced by developing countries since the early 1990s. Moreover, the 2007 crisis started in the US has taken its place as a global crisis in the... more
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      EconomicsLeading Indicators
Wasim ul Rehman, Suleyman Degirmen, Masood Hassan, Faryal Jalil, Fahad Islam, a,e Department of Business Administration, University of the Punjab Gujranwala Campus, Pakistan, The School of Social and Human Sciences, Konya Food and... more
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ÖZET Türkiye ekonomisi, 1989'da sermaye hareketinin serbestleşmesi sonrasında, yüksek yatırım ve ekonomik büyüme oranlarına ulaşırken, cari açık ve bütçe açığı sorunları yaşamıştır. Büyümenin kaynağı olarak yetersiz kalan ulusal... more
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Ozet: Bu calismada 19.yy’in sonlarindan sonra gelisen ekonomik dusunceye hakim olan Neo-Klasik gorusten tureyen Ortodoks yanli politikalarin uluslararasi kuruluslar uzerinden (IMF ve Dunya Bankasi gibi) elestirisi yapilmaktadir. Bu... more
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    • Economics
Starting with the liberalization of capital account in 1989, speculative capital inflows have significantly raised due to the increase in interest rates resulting from incremental budget deficits in Turkey. Because of the fact that... more
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      Turkish EconomyCointegrationOil Prices
This research intends to investigate the role of knowledge sharing (KS) practices in the overall performance of the software sector using the critical success factors of knowledge management (KM) process and infrastructure capabilities as... more
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Bu çalışmada Covid-19 pandemisinin sinema sektöründe yarattığı kriz ve bu krize yönelik destek paketlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Krize ve destek mekanizmalarına yönelik görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler, sinema salonları, sinema... more
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      BusinessForeign Direct InvestmentMultinational FirmsForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
This study analysis the return volatility of spot market prices of crude oil (WTI) and natural gas (Henry Hub) for two different terms which cover 02.01.2009-28.04.2014 and 04.01.2010-28.04.2014 with different version of the GARCH class... more
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      EconomicsNatural GasCrude Oil