
Mersin University | Computer Technologies -
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Violence is one of the most discussed topics of video games. All, teachers, parents and psychologists are discussing that whether violent computer games affect children negatively or not? While some claim that violent video games have... more
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ÖZET: SCAMPER, öğrencilerin yaratıcılığını ve yaratıcı düşünme becerilerini geliştirmede kullanılabilecek, uygulaması kolay ve eğlenceli bir beyin fırtınası tekniğidir. Bu teknikte alışılmış beyin fırtınası tekniğinden farklı olarak... more
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The purpose of this study is to explore a cell-phone Short Message Service (SMS)based immediate feedback system and to reveal opinions of instructors. This study is designed as a qualitative one and data were collected via semi-structured... more
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Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW) has emerged as an act targeting the barriers of education and learning by sharing knowledge for free for the benefit of self-learners, educators and students. This study aims... more
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Özet: Son dönemde mobil teknolojiler alanında yaşanan gelişmeler ve insanların bu teknolojilere sahip olma oranındaki artış eğitim kurumlarını da bu teknolojileri sınıflarda kullanma anlamında harekete geçirmiştir. Öğretim kurumları mobil... more
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Since, the use of information and communication technology becomes more prevalent in schools; the need for technologically qualified teachers has been increasing. Instructional technology term began to be used in 1960s. Today, the... more
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      Higher EducationComputer Education and Instructional Technology
This descriptive study aims to investigate the instructional effectiveness of Open Educational Resources (OER). It was conducted with 1196 university students who were enrolled in a general chemistry course with an experimental laboratory... more
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    • OCW
ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı ODTÜ Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi (BÖTE) bölümünde kayıtlı olan öğrencilerin bölümleri ile ilgili görüşlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu çalışma kapsamında 68 erkek 64 kadın, toplam 132 öğrencinin bu... more
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    • Computer Education and Instructional Technology
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      Teacher EducationDigital Storytelling
The term Instructional Technology has been used since 1960s and defined differently throughout the time. Along with the increase in the use of information and communication technology in schools; the need for technologically qualified... more
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      Educational TechnologyComputer Education and Instructional Technology
Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW) target barriers of education and learning by sharing knowledge for free to benefit self-learners, educators, and students. This study aims to investigate the use of OER both as a... more
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      Open Educational Resources (Education)Open Courseware
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the effects of the SCAMPER technique (directed brainstorming) on the creative problem-solving skills and academic achievements of students. A group of 40 high school students were... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducational TechnologySecondary EducationInteractive Learning Environments
Özet Bu betimleyici çalışma, çocukların sosyal ağlarda kişisel bilgi paylaşım eğilimleri, sosyal ağları kullanma alışkanlıkları ve potansiyel riskli davranışlarını belirlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışma Türkiye'nin en büyük üç şehrinde... more
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      Educational TechnologySocial Media
Tablet PCs especially iPads are one of the most commonly used devices that most educational institutions from elementary school to colleges have been using as a main or supplementary part of their educational system. This article aims at... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyUsing digital technology in higher educationFaculty Member