Mersin University
Computer Technologies
Violence is one of the most discussed topics of video games. All, teachers, parents and psychologists are discussing that whether violent computer games affect children negatively or not? While some claim that violent video games have... more
Violence is one of the most discussed topics of video games. All, teachers, parents and psychologists are discussing that whether violent computer games affect children negatively or not? While some claim that violent video games have negative effects on people, others claim that violent video games have positive effects on people. How parents can decide which is true? Is the violence in computer games only factor that makes children violent? What parents should do to prevent their child being violent?
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM
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ÖZET: SCAMPER, öğrencilerin yaratıcılığını ve yaratıcı düşünme becerilerini geliştirmede kullanılabilecek, uygulaması kolay ve eğlenceli bir beyin fırtınası tekniğidir. Bu teknikte alışılmış beyin fırtınası tekniğinden farklı olarak... more
ÖZET: SCAMPER, öğrencilerin yaratıcılığını ve yaratıcı düşünme becerilerini geliştirmede kullanılabilecek, uygulaması kolay ve eğlenceli bir beyin fırtınası tekniğidir. Bu teknikte alışılmış beyin fırtınası tekniğinden farklı olarak belirli basamaklar izlenmektedir. Bu basamaklar Substitude (yer değiştirme), Combine (birleştirme), Adapt (uyarlama), Modify, Minify, Magnify (değiştirme, küçültme, büyütme), Put to other uses (başka amaçlarla kullanma), Eliminate (yok etme, çıkarma), Reverse, Rearrange (tersine çevirme, yeniden düzenleme) şeklinde sıralanmaktadırlar. Bu basamakların ilk harflerinin birleşmesi ile SCAMPER akrostişi oluşmaktadır. SCAMPER sadece bir akroştiş olmayıp aynı zamanda İngilizcede koşuşturmak, acele etmek, hoplamak, zıplamak gibi anlamlara da gelmektedir. Tekniğin uygulaması esnasında her basamak sırası ile ele alınarak, belirlenen bir nesne üzerinde beyin fırtınası gerçekleştirilir. Ele alınan nesne her aşamaya uygun olacak şekilde değiştirilir, küçültülür, büyültülür ya da tamamen ortadan kaldırılabilir. Her aşamada farklı sorular yöneltilerek öğrencilerin o nesne üzerinde farklı açılardan düşünmesi sağlanır.
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM
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The purpose of this study is to explore a cell-phone Short Message Service (SMS)based immediate feedback system and to reveal opinions of instructors. This study is designed as a qualitative one and data were collected via semi-structured... more
The purpose of this study is to explore a cell-phone Short Message Service (SMS)based immediate feedback system and to reveal opinions of instructors. This study is designed as a qualitative one and data were collected via semi-structured interviews with 4 instructors who used the system in their classrooms. The significance of this study is to help to remove obstacles about the design of such cell-phone based immediate feedback systems and exploring pedagogical guidelines/principles.
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM and +3
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Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW) has emerged as an act targeting the barriers of education and learning by sharing knowledge for free for the benefit of self-learners, educators and students. This study aims... more
Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW) has emerged as an act
targeting the barriers of education and learning by sharing knowledge for free for the benefit of
self-learners, educators and students. This study aims to determine the attitudes of undergraduate
students toward using OER prepared for General Physics Laboratory, how they perceive the
contribution on the learning outcomes and what they suggest for improvement. The resources in
question were designed to encourage students to review experiments before sessions. However,
the usage is not a requirement of course completion rather OER are suggested as complementary
materials. Results indicated that students, who used resources, experienced the benefits to their
learning process. In line with the aim of the resources, they facilitated preparedness for the
course. However, students expect to see other course materials that are covered through the
targeting the barriers of education and learning by sharing knowledge for free for the benefit of
self-learners, educators and students. This study aims to determine the attitudes of undergraduate
students toward using OER prepared for General Physics Laboratory, how they perceive the
contribution on the learning outcomes and what they suggest for improvement. The resources in
question were designed to encourage students to review experiments before sessions. However,
the usage is not a requirement of course completion rather OER are suggested as complementary
materials. Results indicated that students, who used resources, experienced the benefits to their
learning process. In line with the aim of the resources, they facilitated preparedness for the
course. However, students expect to see other course materials that are covered through the
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM and +3
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Özet: Son dönemde mobil teknolojiler alanında yaşanan gelişmeler ve insanların bu teknolojilere sahip olma oranındaki artış eğitim kurumlarını da bu teknolojileri sınıflarda kullanma anlamında harekete geçirmiştir. Öğretim kurumları mobil... more
Özet: Son dönemde mobil teknolojiler alanında yaşanan gelişmeler ve insanların bu teknolojilere sahip olma oranındaki artış eğitim kurumlarını da bu teknolojileri sınıflarda kullanma anlamında harekete geçirmiştir. Öğretim kurumları mobil cihazlar gerek müfredata entegre etme, gerekse de gerekli altyapıyı sağlama açısından çalışmalar yapmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmalarda eğitim sistemine en çok entegre edilemeye çalışan aletlerin başında tablet bilgisayarların geldiği söylenebilir. Eğitim kurumları bu cihazların farklı öğretim yöntem ve teknikleri ile nasıl kullanılabileceğini, öğrenmeyi nasıl kolaylaştırıp, bilgilerin kalıcılığı nasıl arttıracağını bulmaya çalışmaktadırlar. Bu cihazların farklı iletişim kanallarını kullanarak birbirleriyle eşzamanlı veri alışverişi yapmaları pek çok öğretim yöntem ve tekniği ile birlikte kullanılabilmelerine olanak sağlamaktadır.
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM and +1
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Since, the use of information and communication technology becomes more prevalent in schools; the need for technologically qualified teachers has been increasing. Instructional technology term began to be used in 1960s. Today, the... more
Since, the use of information and communication technology becomes more prevalent in schools; the need for technologically qualified teachers has been increasing. Instructional technology term began to be used in 1960s. Today, the instructional technology can be defined as "the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning" (AECT, 2004). While many of instructional technology programs are at graduate level around the world, Turkey has an undergraduate level instructional technology program, Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT). Departments of Computer Education and Instructional Technology were founded in 1998 during the re-construction of Faculties of Education. The main mission of the department is to train Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teachers to develop, spread and teach the new technology and adapt them into education. In Turkey, the graduates of the Computer Education and Instructional Technology departments are able to work in schools as an information technology teacher or as a coordinator similar as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) coordinator in the world. Information technology teachers are responsible for being knowledgeable about computer literacy and helping students to access data, process them, and communicate their understandings by using technology. On the other hand, ICT coordinators are responsible for effective use of technology in education. However studies show that they spend much time on technical support in schools and they do not achieve their educational goals effectively. The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences between how graduate students and faculty members define the field of Computer Education and Instructional Technology in Turkey and opinions about current situation of the field. Basically the study focused on how the field of Computer and Instructional Technologies (CEIT) were perceived by the faculty members and graduate students. The research carried out as a case study. Participants of the study were 5 faculty members and 5 graduate students from Computer Education and Instructional Technology departments from three major universities of Turkey; Middle East Technical University, Gazi University and Anadolu University. Interview was used as a data collection tool. In order to create final interview guideline, two pilot interviews were conducted with a faculty member and a graduate student. The qualitative data gathered through interviews were subjected to detailed content analysis. The findings suggests that perceptions of the faculty members and graduate students are aligned with each other in terms of the scope of the department, expected qualifications and work areas, and challenges affecting academic life except for a few exceptions.
This descriptive study aims to investigate the instructional effectiveness of Open Educational Resources (OER). It was conducted with 1196 university students who were enrolled in a general chemistry course with an experimental laboratory... more
This descriptive study aims to investigate the instructional effectiveness of Open Educational Resources (OER). It was conducted with 1196 university students who were enrolled in a general chemistry course with an experimental laboratory section. These students voluntarily used OER for their lab activities. Data were collected via a printed, 18-question survey. Results showed that about half of the students were aware of the OER, and half of these informed students used it. Nonetheless, four advantages of the OER were determined: preparation for topic in advance, facilitating learning, time saving, and improving grades
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM and +1
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ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı ODTÜ Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi (BÖTE) bölümünde kayıtlı olan öğrencilerin bölümleri ile ilgili görüşlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu çalışma kapsamında 68 erkek 64 kadın, toplam 132 öğrencinin bu... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı ODTÜ Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi (BÖTE) bölümünde kayıtlı olan öğrencilerin bölümleri ile ilgili görüşlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu çalışma kapsamında 68 erkek 64 kadın, toplam 132 öğrencinin bu bölümünü seçme sebepleri, bölüm hakkındaki düşünceleri ve kariyer planları araştırılmıştır. Katılımcıların % 26.5 ini 1. Sınıf, %30.3' ünü 2. Sınıf, %25.8 ini 3. Sınıf ve %23 ünü 4. Sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Veriler 62 sorudan oluşan çevrimiçi anket yardımıyla toplanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında, ODTÜ BÖTE bölümündeki öğrencilerin, bu bölümü, seçim esnasında verilen ek puan ve bölüm isminde bilgisayar olması nedeniyle, biraz da zorunlu olarak seçtikleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Öğrenciler, Bilişim Teknolojileri Öğretmenliğinin gereksiz bir meslek olduğunu ve BÖTE bölümünün işlevselliğinin olmadığını düşünmelerine karşın, genel olarak bölümün mesleki anlamda kendilerini geliştirmelerine olanak sağlayan bir bölüm olduğunu ve ülkemizdeki bilişim ve öğretim teknolojileri alanına olumlu katkıları olacağına inandıklarını belirterek gelecekle ilgili karamsar olmadıklarını dile getirmişlerdir. Anahtar kelimeler: bilgisayar ve öğretim teknolojileri eğitimi, böte, bölüm algısı, ODTÜ ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the perceptions of students registered to Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at Middle East Technical University. Data for the study was collected from a total of 132 students (68 male, 64 female) via Likert type questionnaire consisted of 62 questions (Cronbach Alpha= .86) in order to investigate reasons for choosing the designated department, their opinions about the department, and career plans of the students. Results of the study show that students obligated to choose the department due to exstra points added to the University Entrance Exam (OSS) scores, and the presence of " computer " term in the department's name. Although students think that there is no need to ICT Teachers and, that CEIT is not a functional department; they state that they are not pessimist about their future and think that this department helps them to improve themselves in terms of professional life while contributing to information and instructional technology field in Turkey.
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM and +2
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The term Instructional Technology has been used since 1960s and defined differently throughout the time. Along with the increase in the use of information and communication technology in schools; the need for technologically qualified... more
The term Instructional Technology has been used since 1960s and defined differently throughout the time. Along with the increase in the use of information and communication technology in schools; the need for technologically qualified teachers has been increased. While many of instructional technology programs are at graduate level around the world; Turkey has an undergraduate level instructional technology program, called Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) in addition to graduate level. The department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology was founded in 1998 during the re-construction of Faculties of Education in Turkey. The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences among how graduate students and faculty members define CEIT department, as well as their opinions on the current situation of the program, and their expectations. A case study has been conducted with five faculty members and five graduate students from three major universities in Turkey including Anadolu University, Gazi University, and Middle East Technical University. Semi-structured interviews were used as data collection tool. The content analysis was used to analyze the data and results of the study showed that faculty members and graduate students have similar opinions about the scope of the department, expected qualifications and work areas, and challenges affecting academic life.
Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW) target barriers of education and learning by sharing knowledge for free to benefit self-learners, educators, and students. This study aims to investigate the use of OER both as a... more
Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW) target barriers of education and learning by sharing knowledge for free to benefit self-learners, educators, and students. This study aims to investigate the use of OER both as a supplementary resource for a traditional course and as a resource for self-learners. First, the attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate students toward using a General Physics Laboratory OER and about how those resources contributed to the outcomes of the course were determined. Second, public usage of resources was assessed by analyzing OER access statistics. Resources were designed to encourage students to review experiments before laboratory sessions. Results indicated that students who used the OER experienced benefits to their learning processes. In line with their aim, the resources facilitated preparedness for the course. More than half of the respondents deemed supplementary resources unnecessary. On the other hand, self-motivated learners found, reviewed, and benefited from the resources.
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the effects of the SCAMPER technique (directed brainstorming) on the creative problem-solving skills and academic achievements of students. A group of 40 high school students were... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the effects of the SCAMPER technique (directed brainstorming) on the creative problem-solving skills and academic achievements of students. A group of 40 high school students were assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. The hardware components unit of an Information Communication and Technology (ICT) course was taught to all students using case-based learning (CBL), which was supplemented by the SCAMPER technique in the experimental group. Subsequent analyses showed that the SCAMPER technique had a significant effect on the creative problem-solving skills and academic achievement of students.
Özet Bu betimleyici çalışma, çocukların sosyal ağlarda kişisel bilgi paylaşım eğilimleri, sosyal ağları kullanma alışkanlıkları ve potansiyel riskli davranışlarını belirlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışma Türkiye'nin en büyük üç şehrinde... more
Özet Bu betimleyici çalışma, çocukların sosyal ağlarda kişisel bilgi paylaşım eğilimleri, sosyal ağları kullanma alışkanlıkları ve potansiyel riskli davranışlarını belirlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışma Türkiye'nin en büyük üç şehrinde (İstanbul, Ankara ve İzmir) gerçekleştirilmiş olup, veriler rastgele seçilen 9 ile 16 yaş aralığındaki sosyal ağ kullanıcısı 524 çocuk ve velileri ile yüz yüze görüşmeler yapılarak toplanmıştır. Bu görüşmeler esnasında her çocuk ve yanında bulunan velisine 25 sorusu çocukların sosyal ağ üyelikleri ve sosyal ağlardaki davranışları ile ilgili, 13 sorusu da velilerinin demografik bilgileri ile ilgili, toplam 38 sorudan oluşan 5'li Likert tipi soru sorulmuştur. Soruların oluşturulmasında EU Kids Online projesi ve PEW çalışması kapsamında geliştirilmiş anketlerden yararlanılmıştır. Veriler, çocukların sosyal ağ kullanımındaki eğilimleri ve kişisel bilgi paylaşım alışkanlıklarını etkileyen faktörleri elde etmek için betimsel ve karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki çocukların yaşları arttıkça sosyal ağ kullanımı artmaktadır. En çok kullanılan sosyal ağ Facebook'tur. Pek çok sosyal ağ sitesi üzerinde hesap oluşturabilmek için en az 13 yaşında olmayı gerektirirken, çalışmaya katılan çocukların neredeyse yarısı 13 yaşından küçük olmalarına rağmen sosyal ağlarda hesapları bulunmaktadır. Çalışmaya katılan çocukların çoğunluğu cep telefonu numaraları, ev adresleri ya da aile üyelerinin isimleri gibi kişisel bilgilerini herhangi bir kısıtlama olmaksızın üyesi oldukları sosyal ağlardaki tüm kullanıcılar ile paylaşmaktadırlar. Araştırmacılar yaşanabilecek herhangi bir olumsuz durumu önlemek Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY, Ömer Faruk İSLİM, Duygu Nazire KAŞIKÇI... 2 Mart 2017 Cilt:25 No:2 Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi adına hem ailelerin hem de çocukların sosyal ağ kullanımı konusunda bilinçlendirilmeleri ve ayrıca sosyal ağ geliştiricilerinin de çocukların çevrimiçi güvenliğini sağlamak adına gerekli çalışmaları yapmaları gerektiğini bildirmektedirler. Abstract This descriptive study aims to identify children's information disclosure tendency in social network environments, their social network use habits and potential risky behaviors. The study was conducted in Turkey's three largest cities (Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir), and data were gathered with a survey through face-to-face meetings with randomly selected 524 children between 9 and 16 years old who used social networks, and their parents. The survey consisted total of 38 Likert-type questions that 25 of them were asked to children in order to learn about their social network memberships and habits, and 13 of them were asked to parents in order to collect data about their demographics. Data were analyzed to make descriptive and comparative analysis to see tendencies of children while using SNs and some factors influencing information disclosure. Results show that as children's age increases, the amount of Internet usage also increases. The most frequently used social network site is Facebook. Although the minimum age to create a profile on most social network sites is 13, results show that nearly half of the children who reported having a profile were younger than that. Most of the children share personal information such as mobile telephone numbers, home addresses and names of family members with anyone who accessed the networking site. The researchers suggest that parent's and children's awareness should be raised about the use of social networks to prevent the potential negative consequences of sharing private information. Moreover, social network developers must take necessary actions to protect children's online privacy.
- by Omer Faruk ISLIM and +3
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- Educational Technology, Social Media
Tablet PCs especially iPads are one of the most commonly used devices that most educational institutions from elementary school to colleges have been using as a main or supplementary part of their educational system. This article aims at... more
Tablet PCs especially iPads are one of the most commonly used devices that most educational institutions from elementary school to colleges have been using as a main or supplementary part of their educational system. This article aims at investigating faculty members' personal and educational use of technology especially iPads, their opinions on educational use of technology, and their students' technology competency. This study was conducted at a college of education in the Southwestern United States where a technology initiative was carried out and iPads were distributed. In this qualitative research, case study research was utilized as a research method and a purposeful sampling method was employed. The data were obtained from eight faculty members via semi structured interviews. Results of the study show that faculty members own a variety of devices in addition to iPad, and they are using many apps based on the class needs. Almost all faculty members define themselves and their current students as technology competent, and they stated that experience, socioeconomic status and willingness to use the technology are the main factors affecting technology competence.