Papers by Gabriel de Prado
Les àmfores gregues a Ibèria. Novetats arqueològiques i estat actual de la recerca, 2024
© dels textos i il•lustracions: els seus respectius autors Amb el suport tècnic de l'Entitat Autò... more © dels textos i il•lustracions: els seus respectius autors Amb el suport tècnic de l'Entitat Autònoma del Diari Oficial i de Publicacions BIBLIOTECA DE CATALUNYA-DADES CIP Les àmfores gregues a la ciutat ibèrica d'Ullastret (segles v-ii aC)
Dissetenes Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, 2024
Dissetenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, 2024
Dissetenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, 2024
Dissetenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, 2024
Rodis. Journal of medieval and post-medieval archaeology, 2023
The village of Ullastret, and especially its fortification, thanks to its state of preservation, ... more The village of Ullastret, and especially its fortification, thanks to its state of preservation, has become one of the archetypical examples of Gothic military architecture in the Baix Empordà. This element of the region’s heritage has been cherished, studied and preserved since the mid‑twentieth century, with restoration carried out by Miquel Oliva. Since 2004, a series of preventive archaeological interventions have been carried out, which have made it possible to gather valuable information for understanding the urban development of the historic centre and the defensive system that surrounds it. This article focuses on the description of the fortified enclosure incorporating the new archaeological data we have and, at the same time, we take this opportunity to synthesize of the evolution of the town of Ullastret from the ninth century to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Setzenes Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, 2022
Qualsevol forma de reproducció, distribució, comunicació pública o transformació d'aquesta obra n... more Qualsevol forma de reproducció, distribució, comunicació pública o transformació d'aquesta obra només pot ser realitzada amb l'autorització dels seus titulars, llevat excepció prevista per la llei. Dirigiu-vos a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos), si necessiteu fotocopiar o escanejar algun fragment d'aquesta obra (; +34 91 702 19 70 / +34 93 272 04 47).
IONIANS IN THE WEST AND EAST (Colloquia Antiqua 27) Proceedings of an International Conference ‘Ionians in the East and West’, 2022
The Iberian town of Ullastret (Catalonia), located a short distance to the south of the Emporion ... more The Iberian town of Ullastret (Catalonia), located a short distance to the south of the Emporion settlement, entered into contact with the Greeks at an early stage. At first the relationship was commercial, but trade led to the penetration of Mediterranean cultural influences into the local milieu. To a large extent, this exceptional situation accounts for the development of the Iberian town and its progress throughout the Iron Age.
The data compiled to date on the settlement and its evolution provide an insight into the different stages of the formation of this community, which soon became one of the main population centres in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. Both the early and more recent excavations carried out at the fortified site known as Puig de Sant Andreu have unearthed architectural blocks and others elements in the Greek style (column bases and capitals, cornice fragments, decorated blocks, painted stucco and paving) at different locations into the settlement. These items testify to the existence of some kind of monumental architecture from as early as the 5th century BC and lasting to the 3rd century BC, as proven by the temples unearthed at the top of the hill.
Les espaces fortifiés à l'âge du Fer en Europe. Actes du 43e colloque international de l’AFEAF. Collection Afeaf 3, 2021
Les systèmes de fortification à poutrage interne de l'âge du Fer dans l'Ouest du Plateau ibérique... more Les systèmes de fortification à poutrage interne de l'âge du Fer dans l'Ouest du Plateau ibérique. Des analyses géochimiques à la restitution en 3D
Des objets et des hommes. Études offertes à Michel Feugère, 2021
Aucune partie de cet ouvrage ne peut être reproduite sous quelque forme que ce soit (photocopie, ... more Aucune partie de cet ouvrage ne peut être reproduite sous quelque forme que ce soit (photocopie, scanner ou autre) sans l'autorisation expresse des Editions Mergoil. Mise en page : Editions Mergoil Couverture : Stéphanie Raux, Editions Mergoil Fond : Cartographie de la provenance géographique des auteurs de cet ouvrage (fond de carte H. Bohbot UMR 5140, © Artefacts, DAO : C. Leger). Objets (de gauche à droite) : Manche de canif en os sculpté (in I. Bertrand, n° 29) / Phiale en alliage cuivreux (in B. Chaume, fig. 1) / Intaille (in M. Buora et M. Brandt, fig. 4) / Style en fer (in A. Ducreux et al., n° 53) / Boîte à sceau (in A. Desbat, fig. 1) / Fibule émaillée (in F. Labaune-Jean et G. Le Cloirec, n° 70) / Miroir (in P. Castanyer i Masoliver et al., fig. 7) Traduction de la 4 e de couverture : A. Giumlia-Mair Impression : Aquiprint Dépôt légal Avril 2021 Cet ouvrage ne peut être vendu séparément éditions Mergoil COMITÉ DE LECTURE Michel Bats, directeur honoraire de recherche au CNRS, Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes (UMR 5140
Menschen -Kulturen -Traditionen Studien aus den Forschungsclustern des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 17, 2020
Urbanization in Iberia and Mediterranean Gaul in the first millennium BC | TRAMA 7 | ICAC, 2019
and Mediterranean Gaul in the first millennium BC», dins el congrés internacional 24 th Annual Me... more and Mediterranean Gaul in the first millennium BC», dins el congrés internacional 24 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeology, que va tenir lloc a Barcelona el dia 6 de setembre de 2018, amb la participació del projecte «Caracterización de los asentamientos urbanos en la costa de la Iberia septentrional (siglos VI-III a. C.):» (HAR2015-67946-C2-1-P i HAR2015-67946-C2-2-P). Aquesta obra ha estat possible gràcies al projecte de recerca «Caracterización de los asentamientos urbanos en la costa de Iberia septentrional (siglos VI-III a. C.): teledetección, documentación y restitución de estructuras constructivas» (I+D HAR2015-67946-C2-2-P); 1 de gener de 2016 a 31 de desembre de 2019. Aquesta obra ha passat revisió d'experts. / This is a peer-reviewed publication.
Tribuna d'arqueologia 2016-2017, 2019
Musealizando la protohistoria peninsular, 2019
Hommes et Caprinés : de la montagne à la steppe, de la chasse à l'élevage, 2019
Dans ce travail nous présentons l’analyse de la micro-usure dentaire portée sur les moutons et le... more Dans ce travail nous présentons l’analyse de la micro-usure dentaire portée sur les moutons et les chèvres de deux sites de la région de l’Empordà (nord-est de la Péninsule Ibérique) à l’âge du Fer : le comptoir grec d’Empúries et la ville ibérique d’Ullastret. Cette étude a montré un apport élevé en graminées pour tous les caprinés des deux sites et deux phases chronologiques étudiées. Ce modèle pourrait être compatible avec le pâturage des troupeaux sur des aires humides. À un niveau plus spécifique, cette analyse a aussi révélé quelques divergences entre l’alimentation des troupeaux d’Ullastret et d’Empúries.
41e colloque international de l'AFEAF. Sanctuaires de l'âge du Fer, 2019
The protohistoric town of Ullastret, in the far northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, is made up of... more The protohistoric town of Ullastret, in the far northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, is made up of two fortified population centres (Puig de Sant Andreu and Illa d'en Reixac), which comprise a kind of twin town. Its extraordinary urban development can be explained by the proximity of the Greek establishments of Rhode and, especially, Emporion. In this respect, we also have to highlight the construction of two temples in the upper part of these centres; they date from the 4th-3rd centuries BC and their structure is clearly inspired by the cultures of the central and eastern Mediterranean. In other aspects however, for example in some rituals, we see the influence of the Celtic peoples of southern Gaul.
Papers by Gabriel de Prado
The data compiled to date on the settlement and its evolution provide an insight into the different stages of the formation of this community, which soon became one of the main population centres in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. Both the early and more recent excavations carried out at the fortified site known as Puig de Sant Andreu have unearthed architectural blocks and others elements in the Greek style (column bases and capitals, cornice fragments, decorated blocks, painted stucco and paving) at different locations into the settlement. These items testify to the existence of some kind of monumental architecture from as early as the 5th century BC and lasting to the 3rd century BC, as proven by the temples unearthed at the top of the hill.
The data compiled to date on the settlement and its evolution provide an insight into the different stages of the formation of this community, which soon became one of the main population centres in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. Both the early and more recent excavations carried out at the fortified site known as Puig de Sant Andreu have unearthed architectural blocks and others elements in the Greek style (column bases and capitals, cornice fragments, decorated blocks, painted stucco and paving) at different locations into the settlement. These items testify to the existence of some kind of monumental architecture from as early as the 5th century BC and lasting to the 3rd century BC, as proven by the temples unearthed at the top of the hill.