
LowFruits : Analyze the SERPs faster, find weak spots

Don't believe in
KD scores from
other keyword tools?

👉 Bulk analyze SERPs to reveal weak spots and discover the actual weak keywords.


What People Are Saying

People and companies using LowFruits to find keywords that rank

How LowFruits helps you analyze SERPs faster

If you're analyzing manually the SERPs to find easy to rank for keywords
because you don't believe in KD scores from other tools,
you'll save a lot of time using this tool !

Import or get your keywords

Import your own list of keywords for analysis or generate keyword ideas for free.

Save time analyzing the SERPs

LowFruits highlights SERP weaknesses, like the presence of low domain authority sites (weak spots).

Analyze SERPs in bulk and save time.

Clustering + other features

LowFruits will group keywords that share similar intent (keyword clusters).

Other features include : word counting, website type detection, ...
👉 understand with whom you're competing.

Looking for keyword ideas ?

👉 Generate longtail keyword ideas

Get the most relevant, longtail, keywords straight from Google.

Use wildcard (*) searches to find specific combination of keywords that your competition won't find in other keyword tools.

Wildcard (*) searching


Intent filtering

Unlimited keyword ideas

All the metrics you need

Explore the SERPs to identify top-ranking positions
occupied by websites with low Domain Authority (DA).

Assess other crucial metrics like :
content word count, title relevance, and website types, among others.

Find your real LowFruit keywords

Use filters to easily navigate through analyzed keywords.
Find your easy keywords.

Start writing

"Definitely the sweetest apple in the orchard!
LowFruits is incredibly easy to use, plug-and-play."
Lana from
tesimonial Lana
"LowFruits is an uncovered gem! An excellent tool for digital marketers, content specialists, bloggers, and SEO gurus looking to unlock the potential of low competition keywords.
A vital tool for modern search optimisation techniques
Sam Pettiford from
tesimonial Sam
"LowFruits provides you with an actionable set of low competition keywords that you can rank for quickly. No need to spend time with bloated SEO tools anymore."
Mushfiq from TheWebsiteFlip
tesimonial Mushfiq S
"LowFruits is a game-changer in SEO! It simplifies keyword discovery, turning a complex task into 'apple' pie.

Essential for anyone serious about content strategy. Perfect for any level from small bloggers to established publishers"
Jordon Layne from
tesimonial Jordan
"As a new blogger, I struggled with keyword research. Low Fruits has been a brilliant resource.

I have found keywords that have led me to create some of the top-performing posts on my blog. Low Fruits has been the best keyword research tool that I have found"
Rehana Mahomed from
tesimonial Rehana


Pay as you go

Credits are used to generate keyword ideas and extract the SERPs (see our FAQ further down for more info).

* : credits expire after 1 year


Subscribers have access to exclusive features

$249 /year

3 000 credits / month

and includes exclusive
subscription features
(not available on PAYG) :

Free keyword searches

Millions SERP scores

Boosted keyword finder

Domain Explorer

Extract compet. kwds

Extract sitemaps

Rank tracker

10% discount on PAYG

$749 /year

10 000 credits / month

and includes exclusive
subscription features
(not available on PAYG) :

Free keyword searches

Millions SERP scores

Boosted keyword finder

Domain Explorer

Extract compet. kwds

Extract sitemaps

Rank tracker

10% discount on PAYG



While you can filter by KD (Keyword Difficulty) scores on other tools such as Ahrefs, it can be challenging to accurately assess the real difficulty level of a keyword.

To get a more accurate assessment, it's essential to analyze the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). This analysis helps identify potential opportunities, such as the presence of low-authority websites.

LowFruits enhances this process by providing detailed insights into the number and type of weak websites ranking for each keyword.

Want to learn more about LowFruits? Check out our Academy.

On PAYG credits, you get access to 3 free searches (KWFinder) every 7 days.
Then, 1 credits is needed for extra searches

On a subscription plan, you get access to unlimited searches.

Then, 1 SERP extracted (ie 1 keyword analyzed) = 1 credit.

All other features are included.

Credits on pay-as-you-go packs expire after 1 year.

Credits on a monthly/yearly pack are reset every month. Credits on a subscription don't roll over from a month to the other.

  • Access to millions of pre-calculated SERP scores
  • Keyword rank tracker to follow the performance of your keywords
  • Boosted version of the KWFinder (extra keyword ideas)
  • Domain Explorer (list of 200,000 low-DA websites)
  • Extractor (extract keywords and sitemaps from your competition)
  • Traffic data from the competition (in the competition tab)
  • Top performers filter (ie low authority websites that have high traffic)

Boosted KWFinder example :

We fetch keyword ideas straight from Google (long and short tail).

When analyzing the SERP for a keyword, we also extract the data from the People Also Ask and Related Searches sections so you'll get more keyword ideas.

Yes !

Import your keywords and let LowFruits analyze the SERPs for you.

  • People who don't trust the Keyword Difficulty scores provided by other tools and prefer to manually review the search engine result pages to find low-competition keywords.
  • People who want to view and analyze the freshes SERP data for multiple keywords simultaneously.
  • People who are looking for long-tail keyword ideas to help them create targeted, relevant content to build topical authority.
  • People who want to prioritize their content plan based on the KD scores of other tools.

We support most countries in the world and the following languages:
English, Danish, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Italian, German, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish,

Yep! That’s why we created LowFruits. If you’re the owner of a new website, publisher, or a blogger, your domain authority score is low. If you compete for high-volume, competitive keywords, it’ll take you months (if not years) to rank properly.

With LowFruits, you can start getting traffic and generating revenue from keywords your customers are searching for (but your competition hasn’t found yet).

Feel free to go through our FAQ.
If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to email us at [email protected]

Use LowFruits and rank higher

Get started today

Your first analysis is on us!