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ຈາກ ວິກິພີເດຍ

ຊາວໂຣຮິງຢາ (ໂຣຮິງຢາ: 𐴌𐴗𐴥𐴝𐴙𐴚𐴒𐴙𐴝 ruáingga) ແມ່ນ ​ກຸ່ມ​ຊົນ​ເຜົ່າ ​ທີ່​ບໍ່​ມີ​ລັດ​ສະ​ໝີ​ພາບ ​ທີ່​ມີ​ສ່ວນ​ໃຫຍ່​ປະ​ຕິ​ບັດ​ຕາມ ​ອິດ​ສະ​ລາມ[1][2][3] ແລະ​ອາ​ໃສ​ຢູ່​ໃນ ​ລັດຣາໄຄນ໌, ປະ​ເທດ​ມຽນ​ມາ. ກ່ອນ ​ການ​ສັງຫານ​ໝູ່​ຊາວ​ໂຣຮິງ​ຢາ ​ໃນ​ປີ 2017, ​ເມື່ອ​ມີ 740,000 ຄົນ​ໜີ​ໄປ​ບັງ​ກລາ​ແດັສ, ຄາດ​ວ່າ​ມີ​ຊາວ​ໂຣຮິງ​ຢາ 1,4 ລ້ານ​ຄົນ​ຢູ່​ໃນ​ມຽນມາ.[4][5][6][7][8] ໂດຍ​ນັກ​ຂ່າວ​ແລະ​ສຳ​ນັກ​ຂ່າວ​ໄດ້​ພັນ​ລະ​ນາ​ວ່າ​ເປັນ​ຊົນ​ກຸ່ມ​ນ້ອຍ​ທີ່​ຖືກ​ຂົ່ມ​ເຫັງ​ທີ່​ສຸດ​ໃນ​ໂລກ,[9][10][11] ຊາວ​ໂຣ​ຮິງ​ຢາ​ຖືກ​ປະ​ຕິ​ເສດ ​ການ​ສັນ​ຊາດ ​ພາຍ​ໃຕ້ ​ກົດ​ໝາຍ​ສັນ​ຊາດ​ມຽນ​ມາ ປີ 1982.[12][13] ນອກ​ນີ້​ຍັງ​ມີ​ຂໍ້​ຈຳກັດ​ກ່ຽວ​ກັບ ​ສິດ​ເສລີ​ໃນ​ການ​ເຄື່ອນ​ໄຫວ, ການ​ເຂົ້າ​ເຖິງ​ການ​ສຶກສາ​ຂອງ​ລັດ ​ແລະ ວຽກ​ງານ​ລັດຖະກອນ.[14][15] ເງື່ອນໄຂທາງກົດໝາຍທີ່ຊາວໂຣຮິງຢາປະເຊີນຢູ່ໃນມຽນມາໄດ້ຖືກປຽບທຽບກັບ ການແບ່ງແຍກສີຜິວ[16] ໂດຍນັກວິຊາການ, ນັກວິເຄາະ ແລະບຸກຄົນທາງດ້ານການເມືອງບາງຄົນ, ລວມທັງ ຜູ້ໄດ້ຮັບລາງວັນໂນແບລ ທ່ານອະທິການບໍດີ Desmond Tutu, ນັກເຄື່ອນໄຫວຕໍ່ຕ້ານການແບ່ງແຍກ ເຊື້ອຊາດອາຟຣິກາໃຕ້.[17] ການ​ຍ້າຍ​ຖິ່ນ​ຖານ​ຢ່າງ​ຫຼວງ​ຫຼາຍ​ຂອງ​ຊາວ​ໂຣຮິງ​ຢາ​ໃນ​ປີ 2017 ​ໄດ້​ພາ​ໃຫ້ ​ສານ​ອາຍາ​ສາກົນ ​ສືບສວນ​ອາດຊະຍາ​ກຳ​ຕ້ານ​ມະນຸດ​ຊາດ, ​ແລະ ​ສານ​ຍຸຕິ​ທຳ​ສາກົນ ​ສືບສວນ ​ການ​ສັງຫານ​ໝູ່.[18]


  1. "Who are the Rohingya people?". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  2. "What Forces Are Fueling Myanmar's Rohingya Crisis?". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  3. Baynes, Chris. "Aung San Suu Kyi 'should have resigned' over Rohingya Muslim genocide, says UN human rights chief", 30 August 2018
  4. UNHCR news briefing, 20 October 2020,,accessed 20 December 2020 Archived 2021-07-27 at the Wayback Machine
  5. "The Rohingya people of Myanmar: health, human rights, and identity". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  6. "Myanmar Buddhists seek tougher action against Rohingya"
  7. Language and National Identity in Asia.
  8. "The Rohingyas of Rakhine State: Social Evolution and History in the Light of Ethnic Nationalism". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  9. Broomfield, Matt. "Nobel Peace Prize winner accused of overlooking 'ethnic cleansing' in her own country", 9 December 2016
  10. Hofman, Lennart. "Meet the most persecuted people in the world", 25 February 2016
  11. "Rohingya Muslims Are the Most Persecuted Minority in the World: Who Are They?". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  12. Nitta, Yuichi. "Myanmar urged to grant Rohingya citizenship", 25 August 2017
  13. "Annan report calls for review of 1982 Citizenship Law". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  14. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named HRW1
  15. "Kofi Annan–led commission calls on Myanmar to end Rohingya restrictions"
  16. Kristof, Nicholas. "Myanmar's Appalling Apartheid", 28 May 2014
  17. Tutu, Desmond, former Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa, Nobel Peace Prize (anti-apartheid and national-reconciliation leader), "Tutu: The Slow=Genocide Against the Rohingya", 19 January 2017, Newsweek, citing "Burmese apartheid" reference in 1978 Far Eastern Economic Review at Oslo Conference on Rohingyas; also online at: Desmond Tutu Foundation USA Archived 2017-09-22 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 21 September 2017
  18. ICC "Bangladesh/Myanmar Investigation",; ICJ Order 23 January 2020, both accessed 20 December 2020 Archived 2024-03-13 at the Wayback Machine