Eric Hawkinson
Address: Japan
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Slippery Rock University
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UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense
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Slippery Rock University
UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense
Books by Eric Hawkinson
This publication is targeted at those developing tourism in Japan. The goal is to help those localizing information from Japanese to other languages in tourism contexts, in hope to better standardize the translation methods and concepts for tourist spots around Japan.
1. Download the application ‘ARientation’
2. Start the application and load the project ‘Before I Graduate 2017’
3. View the various play card images through the application
The goal of this project is to create a deeper sense of community with classmates by sharing our hopes, goals, and dreams for college life.
The project is in a series of other projects related to augmented reality and its use in teaching, learning, and tourism. The technology is based on an AR platform designed by me (Eric Hawkinson) and my fellow researchers/developers in the Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Realities in Learning research group (MAVR) based in Japan. The platform itself is called ARientation and started as a way to connect supplementary digital materials to physical textbooks, but later was expanded into various mixed reality learning environments such as libraries, tours, and events.
Product details
Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 9, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 198525042X
ISBN-13: 978-1985250420
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces
Can be purchased on Amazon
Papers by Eric Hawkinson
● To assess the relevance of esports education in tourism curricula.
● To identify key components for an Esports Fundamentals course based on existingcourse feedback.
● To propose a curriculum design that integrates esports with traditional tourism andevent management studies.
● To explore how esports education can prepare students for emerging careeropportunities in tourism.
A mixed-methods approach was used, analyzing survey data and student testimonials from Game Based Tourism and Online Event Management courses. Results showed strong student interest in game-based and technology-driven approaches to tourism. Students demonstrated proficiency in applying game design principles to tourism contexts and expressed belief in the career relevance of these skills. The study revealed a need for specialized esports education within the tourism curriculum to address industry trends and student interests. The study concludes that integrating an Esports Fundamentals course into tourism curricula is both timely and valuable. The proposed course, encompassing global esports event business models, event design, streaming for destination marketing, and esports management, builds upon existing coursework while addressing the unique aspects of the esports industry. This curriculum innovation positions students at the forefront of the emerging esports tourism sector, equipping them with specialized knowledge and skills for diverse career opportunities.
This publication is targeted at those developing tourism in Japan. The goal is to help those localizing information from Japanese to other languages in tourism contexts, in hope to better standardize the translation methods and concepts for tourist spots around Japan.
1. Download the application ‘ARientation’
2. Start the application and load the project ‘Before I Graduate 2017’
3. View the various play card images through the application
The goal of this project is to create a deeper sense of community with classmates by sharing our hopes, goals, and dreams for college life.
The project is in a series of other projects related to augmented reality and its use in teaching, learning, and tourism. The technology is based on an AR platform designed by me (Eric Hawkinson) and my fellow researchers/developers in the Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Realities in Learning research group (MAVR) based in Japan. The platform itself is called ARientation and started as a way to connect supplementary digital materials to physical textbooks, but later was expanded into various mixed reality learning environments such as libraries, tours, and events.
Product details
Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 9, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 198525042X
ISBN-13: 978-1985250420
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces
Can be purchased on Amazon
● To assess the relevance of esports education in tourism curricula.
● To identify key components for an Esports Fundamentals course based on existingcourse feedback.
● To propose a curriculum design that integrates esports with traditional tourism andevent management studies.
● To explore how esports education can prepare students for emerging careeropportunities in tourism.
A mixed-methods approach was used, analyzing survey data and student testimonials from Game Based Tourism and Online Event Management courses. Results showed strong student interest in game-based and technology-driven approaches to tourism. Students demonstrated proficiency in applying game design principles to tourism contexts and expressed belief in the career relevance of these skills. The study revealed a need for specialized esports education within the tourism curriculum to address industry trends and student interests. The study concludes that integrating an Esports Fundamentals course into tourism curricula is both timely and valuable. The proposed course, encompassing global esports event business models, event design, streaming for destination marketing, and esports management, builds upon existing coursework while addressing the unique aspects of the esports industry. This curriculum innovation positions students at the forefront of the emerging esports tourism sector, equipping them with specialized knowledge and skills for diverse career opportunities.
In this session participants will:
• look at emerging technologies using augmented reality and its use in learning
• Get a chance to use augmented reality materials using mobile devices (BYOD)
• Learn usage goals and design approaches
• Discuss challenges for future use of these technologies
The demo revolves around a set of activities using augmented reality and mobile technology that were designed and implemented over the span of several years in an experiment into how these technologies can be used. This presentation starts with usage goals and design approaches, continues to creation tools and implementation strategies, shares observations, and ends with a discussion of challenges for future use of these technologies. The background presentation (15 mins) and demo on AR use at TEDxKyoto will be useful to anyone connected to organizing conferences and events and also teachers who are looking to use technologies for classes and events that have diverse backgrounds. The main takeaways from this session will point to the merits and challenges of using the latest mobile technology in AR learning environments.
Find more about the project here:
Have you ever participated in an escape room or took part in a scavenger hunt? Well just imagine if parts of the journey of either of these activities was in a video game, or in a virtual world? Eric Hawkinson, learning technologist, has been developing ways to mix real world and digitally enhanced environments. In this workshop you will actually play a game, and by playing that game you will learn about the technology and its possibilities.
人を超え、2020 年までの 2000 万人突破が政策目標とされている。
1854 年の開国以降、外国人入込客数がこのような規模となったことはなく、すでに京都・奈良・大阪・神戸といった主要観光都市・地域などの宿泊予約が困難な状況となっているとの報告もなされている。同時に、一部外国人観光客によるいわゆる「爆買い」が地域経済に
一方、これまでの ICT 政策は 2G~3G 携帯電話の技術方式をめぐる議論、一部の映像コンテンツなどの海外市場における苦戦といった事例にみられたとおり、国内需要依存型(ガ
2020 年の東京オリンピック開催まで、残すところ 5 年をきった現時点において国際観光と ICT 政策の接点について再度現状確認作業を行い、「おもてなし」の精神で国際観光入込客に対してどのような充足感のある ICT サービスをここ数年のうちに提供できるかについて関係各界の議論を深めておきたい。
EdTechXAsia 2016 will take place on 8 - 9 November 2016 in MAX Atria, Singapore EXPO. The event will bring together perspectives from leading educators, key government agencies, innovators, influencers, CEO's, investors and corporates to discuss the latest trends and development of strategies for education, technology and innovation in the region.
Watch it here:
More about the presenter:
More about the conference:
Technology in Education from Game Design
1月21日(土) 21st January, 2017
17:00 〜
住所〒770-0814 徳島県徳島市南常三島町1−1
Venue: Tokushima University Socio-science and Technology Department Building 2- Media Studio.
16:30 開場 Opening of the door
17:05 オープニング Beginning of the event
17:20 TEDトーク鑑賞 Watching a Ted Talk
17:25 アイスブレイキング Icebreaking
17:45 Mr.Hawkinsonさんによる解説とディスカッショ Presentation and discussion
18:05 ブレイク Break.
18:15 ワークショップ Workshop
19:00 アフターパーティー After party
21:00 終了 Close
我々の暮らす徳島では、他の地方都市と同じように少子高齢化や過疎化などの問題に直面している。私たちはその問題について考えるために、拡張現実(AR=augmented reality)の技術を活用した、教育、観光など地域と密着した活動について関連するTEDトークを鑑賞し、TEDxKyotoインタラクティブチーム代表のエリック・ハーキンソンさんをお招きし解説をしていただく。さらには、ARを活用したアクティビティーを通して実際にこうした技術に触れる機会を持ち、どのように現実世界と情報社会を結ぶことが可能なのか学ぶ機会を得る。
Our home Tokushima, like many other provincial areas in Japan is facing the problem of depopulation, low birthrate in conjunction with a graying population. To study this problem, we invited Eric Hawkinson as the representative of the interactive team of TEDx Kyoto. With Mr. Hawkinson acting as curator and guide, we will view TED video related to education and sightseeing within augmented reality technologies and hear more about those ideas. Then, in the activities session follwing, we will deepen our understanding by experiencing some of those technologies. It’s a chance to engage with others to think about how we can merge this kind of technology with the real world.
In cases of bad weather, there is a possibility of cancellation. Please check the most recent infromation on our Facebook or Twitter.
同時通訳が必要な方はFMラジオの持参をお願いいたします。会場での貸し出しは予定しておりません。 At this event, the speech will be conducted in English. We will provide simultaneous translation in Japanese via FM radio broadcasting for anyone who would like to use this service. Please bring your own portable FM radio player to the event. We are NOT planing to prepare radio modules at the venue.
The 500 yen fee is for snacks and drinks.
Born in Wisconsin, Eric Hawkinson has been living in northern Kyoto since 2005. Now he is focusing on researching about Media and technology in education through the use of information technology and education.
This course will lead students will focus on how technology can be used as a tool to strengthen communication skills. Though the learning and analysis of communication tools, students will take part in activities that talk about the way the use of technology is changing the way we communicate, from the invention of the printing press to mobile social gaming like the new wildly popular Pokemon GO. Students with interest in technology are encouraged to join this course.