Packet-pair bandwidth probing in wired-cum-wireless network paths was tested and analyzed in a C++ simulation environment using link models verified alongside Opnet results. Some major differences were noted between these results and... more
A receiver-based end-to-end scheme for packet-pair end-to-end probing is explored. Dispersion data collected by an agent process at the receiver end of the monitored path is reported back to the controlling manager process at the... more
As an alternative to pdf approximation methods to identify modes within the dispersion data of a packet-pair network probing experiment, the classical Hough transform is used to identify straight lines within the output vs. input... more
The TOPP probing algorithm gauges the bandwidth of a network path in terms of the dispersion between packets transmitted in closely-spaced pairs. Its application to wireless networks has been frustrated by the large latency associated... more
A brief simulation study of real-time packet dispersion mode-tracking using the Gaussian-mix model (originally devised for real-time background classification in moving pictures) and an adaptation of the kernel-density estimator is... more