
Independent Scholar | Consultant & Policy Advisor -
Authored and edited books, monographs, and translations 2014 Malaysia. Aachen (Germany), missio (Länderberichte Religionsfreiheit) Singapur. Aachen (Germany), missio (Länderberichte Religionsfreiheit) Oman. Aachen (Germany), missio... more
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      Cultural StudiesPluralismMuslim World
Since December 2010, the ‘Arab Spring’ has featured techniques of civil resistance in sustained campaigns involving strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies, as well as the use of the new social media to organize, communicate, and... more
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      CensorshipPolitical ScienceCivil SocietyICR
This ‘viewpoint’ is (exceptionally) more extensive in terms of size, which is perhaps excusable in the light of the fact that the year 2008 witnessed several very auspicious events in the field of Muslim–Christian dialogue. The beginning... more
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With Compliments This Working Paper series presents papers in a preliminary form and serves to stimulate comment and discussion. The views expressed are entirely the author's own and not that of the Institute of Defence and Strategic... more
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This article is intended to highlight selected episodes of the historical and cultural presence of Shi ' ism in the Southeast Asian region. It should be emphasized that this presence, however, is not a result of post-1979 events in Iran,... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesSoutheast AsiaIslam
Instances of blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are perhaps the most dramatic exposures of recent date of the discrepancies between 'freedom of expression' and 'freedom of press' on the one hand, and 'journalistic... more
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The still ongoing scandal surrounding the News International phone-hacking scandal in the United Kingdom, a controversy involving the News of the World, a now-defunct British tabloid newspaper, has resulted in several high-profile... more
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      SociologyLawJournalismPolitical Science
Contrary to some of her neighbours, Malaysia had - until recently - not featured in the international headlines as a place known for religiously motivated acts of terrorism. This appears to have changed: since 2009, we have witnessed... more
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      SociologyMulticulturalismTerrorismPolitical Science
Since its publication, Measures and Weights in the Islamic World has established itself as a standard work - at least in the English-speaking Muslim world. There can be no doubt that reviews, when done out of purely professional interest,... more
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In 2011, a revolution rolled through the Arab world - from the Maghreb to the Nile, from Yemen to Syria. Political and sociological analysts of the Arab world were surprised by the drive for civil rights and democracy (rather than for the... more
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      SociologyLawPolitical SciencePolitics
Closely connected to a discussion of the practical goals and objectives of Islamic law or maqasid al-shari'ah - the subject of this journal’s Special Issue – and to the question of Islam’s civilisational renewal (tajdid hadari) is the... more
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      SociologyIslamOpenness to experienceICR
The recent worldwide financial crisis has initiated a global fundamental debate and raised questions about the capacity of contemporary economies to ensure the welfare of the world. In October 2008, Reinhard Marx launched Das Kapital: Ein... more
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Pope Benedict XVI has dealt in quite a number of his works with the issues of secularisation and contemporary religious and cultural identity. Many of these works are now also readily accessible in English. It would be a rewarding task to... more
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On 15 July 2010, IAIS Malaysia hosted a public seminar on “The Impact of Globalisation on Contemporary Muslim Societies”, which was attended by more than 300 guests, among them foreign diplomats and academics. The highlight of this event,... more
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One of the regrettable features which put many Muslim countries - although by no means only them - apart from their contemporaries in the West is the internal instability of their respective political structures. Since their independence... more
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      SociologyPolitical EconomyPoliticsMiddle East
It is certainly not easy these days to break a lance for dialogue with the scandal-ridden Catholic Church: ...paedophile ‘predator priests’, seemingly roaming freely through the Western (and developing) world; rampant moral decay among... more
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In 2005, the Research Centre of Malaysia’s International Islamic University (IIUM) published a study entitled Sexual Identity:  Effeminacy among University Students which features a shocking documentation of male Malay Muslim youths... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesDocumentationIslam
Jihadism has been an important issue in public discussions since 9/11. Internet media have been used as means of communication, propaganda, recruitment, and even training purposes. In this volume, the processes of interaction on Jihadi... more
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      PsychologyIslamThe InternetJihadism
This writer delivered a public lecture upon invitation by the renowned NalandaSriwijaya Centre (NSC) at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) in Singapore. In recent years, Thailand – as well as other Southeast Asian nations... more
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    • History