Göktuğ İpek
Ph.D., Historian, Independent researcher
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Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Akdeniz University
Papers by Göktuğ İpek
Apokries was a Greek Orthodox carnival tradition. It was celebrated in places such as Galata, Pera, and Tatavla where the Rums densely populated. Especially, Tatavla was identified with this carnival. While Apokries traditionally came to end after three weeks, in Tatavla it was extended for another day. On its final day, the carnival entertainment was reaching a peak, with people coming from all over the city, as well as those who had been walking around İstanbul in various costumes for three weeks. Those who dressed in these costumes were called “masqueraders”.
The number of masqueraders gradually dwindled towards the end of the 1930s. The carnival started losing its importance in the early Republican era due to state policies against minorities and it was prohibited by a general law of the early 1940s, excusing the Second Worl War. The aim of this study examines how carnival was celebrated in the 1930s, the Turkish approach to the carnival, and the participation of other communities in the city. For this purpose, the Istanbul Press, which contains the most important information on the subject, was used as the main source, considering that there is very little information in other sources.
Türkiye Sosyalist Partisi ile Türkiye Sosyalist Emekçi ve Köylü Partisi’nin kanundaki değişiklikten sonra özellikle işçiler arasında hızla örgütlenmesi iktidarı tedbirler almaya yöneltmiştir. Bunun üzerine iki sosyalist parti, çeşitli yayın organları ve işçi örgütleri 16 Aralık 1946’da kapatılmış, ayrıca parti yöneticileri ve üyeleri dahil pek çok kişi tevkif edilmiştir. Daha bu tevkifat gerçekleşmeden bir ay önce ise Çalışma Bakanlığı’nın bir yasa tasarısı hazırladığı duyurulmuş, tasarıya sendikaların siyasi cereyanların etkisi dışında kalmasını sağlayacak hükümler konulduğu belirtilmiştir.
Yaşanan gelişmeler devleti işçi haklarının çerçevesini kanunlarla çizmeye ve kendi güdümünde işçi örgütlenmeleri oluşturmaya itmiştir. Bunun sonucunda hazırlanan yasa tasarısı 20 Şubat 1947’de “İşçi ve İşveren Sendikaları ve Sendika Birlikleri Hakkında Kanun” adıyla kabul edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile Kasım 1946’dan Şubat 1947’den sonraki aylara ait gazeteler incelenecek, böylece basının kanuna ne ölçüde yer verdiği ve yaklaşımı ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca yine bu vesileyle basının işçi sınıfına bakış açısı ile sendikalaşma, grev gibi emek süreçleri hakkındaki tutumuna bakılacaktır.
The Republican People’s Party saw that the Democratic Party (DP) established on January 6, 1946, after multiparty life passion, quickly gathered supporters and wanted to secure its government for another four years by taking one year. DP was not organized in the whole country because the elections were about 6 months. The organization of the party in Ayvalık corresponds to May. In this respect, the election work for the Ayvalik DP organization has become much more difficult.
Although multi-party allegations were passed, anti-democratic clauses in the Election Law and the attitudes of administrators stained the 1946 General Elections. In Ayvalık, parallel discussions have been made to the rest of the country, it was claimed that the Ayvalik DP organization was cheating in the elections and that it was against the Election Law, on the other hand, The CHP has suggested that the elections are held in full honesty and fraternity. Similar events took place in the elections of the Provincial General Assembly after the general elections, the opposition blamed the government. Both in the 1946 general election and in the election of the provincial general assembly, those living in Ayvalık constituted an example of Turkey's new political atmosphere.
Thesis by Göktuğ İpek
After the Great War, some new countries established in the former imperial lands underwent serious transformations and changes. The most important of these countries was Turkey. The Turkish War of Independence was a heroic story in itself. After the victory, what was done under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pacha increased the world's attention on Turkey even more.
On the other side was Czechoslovakia founded by Czechs and Slovaks have a long history both separately and together, after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
These two new states established and developed many different relations in the interwar period. In order to determine the political, economic and social relations between Turkey and Czechoslovakia, which is the subject of this study, and to determine the view of the two countries, many sources in the two countries were examined. As a result of this research, it was seen that especially in the 1920s, the economic aspect of the relations was at the forefront. There was an increase in social relations since the 1930s, and there was a convergence in political relations as a second world war was approaching.
Apokries was a Greek Orthodox carnival tradition. It was celebrated in places such as Galata, Pera, and Tatavla where the Rums densely populated. Especially, Tatavla was identified with this carnival. While Apokries traditionally came to end after three weeks, in Tatavla it was extended for another day. On its final day, the carnival entertainment was reaching a peak, with people coming from all over the city, as well as those who had been walking around İstanbul in various costumes for three weeks. Those who dressed in these costumes were called “masqueraders”.
The number of masqueraders gradually dwindled towards the end of the 1930s. The carnival started losing its importance in the early Republican era due to state policies against minorities and it was prohibited by a general law of the early 1940s, excusing the Second Worl War. The aim of this study examines how carnival was celebrated in the 1930s, the Turkish approach to the carnival, and the participation of other communities in the city. For this purpose, the Istanbul Press, which contains the most important information on the subject, was used as the main source, considering that there is very little information in other sources.
Türkiye Sosyalist Partisi ile Türkiye Sosyalist Emekçi ve Köylü Partisi’nin kanundaki değişiklikten sonra özellikle işçiler arasında hızla örgütlenmesi iktidarı tedbirler almaya yöneltmiştir. Bunun üzerine iki sosyalist parti, çeşitli yayın organları ve işçi örgütleri 16 Aralık 1946’da kapatılmış, ayrıca parti yöneticileri ve üyeleri dahil pek çok kişi tevkif edilmiştir. Daha bu tevkifat gerçekleşmeden bir ay önce ise Çalışma Bakanlığı’nın bir yasa tasarısı hazırladığı duyurulmuş, tasarıya sendikaların siyasi cereyanların etkisi dışında kalmasını sağlayacak hükümler konulduğu belirtilmiştir.
Yaşanan gelişmeler devleti işçi haklarının çerçevesini kanunlarla çizmeye ve kendi güdümünde işçi örgütlenmeleri oluşturmaya itmiştir. Bunun sonucunda hazırlanan yasa tasarısı 20 Şubat 1947’de “İşçi ve İşveren Sendikaları ve Sendika Birlikleri Hakkında Kanun” adıyla kabul edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile Kasım 1946’dan Şubat 1947’den sonraki aylara ait gazeteler incelenecek, böylece basının kanuna ne ölçüde yer verdiği ve yaklaşımı ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca yine bu vesileyle basının işçi sınıfına bakış açısı ile sendikalaşma, grev gibi emek süreçleri hakkındaki tutumuna bakılacaktır.
The Republican People’s Party saw that the Democratic Party (DP) established on January 6, 1946, after multiparty life passion, quickly gathered supporters and wanted to secure its government for another four years by taking one year. DP was not organized in the whole country because the elections were about 6 months. The organization of the party in Ayvalık corresponds to May. In this respect, the election work for the Ayvalik DP organization has become much more difficult.
Although multi-party allegations were passed, anti-democratic clauses in the Election Law and the attitudes of administrators stained the 1946 General Elections. In Ayvalık, parallel discussions have been made to the rest of the country, it was claimed that the Ayvalik DP organization was cheating in the elections and that it was against the Election Law, on the other hand, The CHP has suggested that the elections are held in full honesty and fraternity. Similar events took place in the elections of the Provincial General Assembly after the general elections, the opposition blamed the government. Both in the 1946 general election and in the election of the provincial general assembly, those living in Ayvalık constituted an example of Turkey's new political atmosphere.
After the Great War, some new countries established in the former imperial lands underwent serious transformations and changes. The most important of these countries was Turkey. The Turkish War of Independence was a heroic story in itself. After the victory, what was done under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pacha increased the world's attention on Turkey even more.
On the other side was Czechoslovakia founded by Czechs and Slovaks have a long history both separately and together, after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
These two new states established and developed many different relations in the interwar period. In order to determine the political, economic and social relations between Turkey and Czechoslovakia, which is the subject of this study, and to determine the view of the two countries, many sources in the two countries were examined. As a result of this research, it was seen that especially in the 1920s, the economic aspect of the relations was at the forefront. There was an increase in social relations since the 1930s, and there was a convergence in political relations as a second world war was approaching.
Türkiye her ne kadar II. Dünya Savaşı’na fiilen katılmasa da savaşın etkilerini neredeyse savaşan ülkelerden daha fazla hissetmiştir. Savaştan önceki yıllarda başta zeytinyağı olmak üzere diğer zeytin ürünlerinin hem yurtiçinde ticareti hem de yurtdışına ihracı yapılırken II. Dünya Savaşı ile bu ticaret sekteye uğramıştır. II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra tarafını seçerek Batılı devletlerin safında yer alan Türkiye, uluslararası koşulların ve ilişkilerin bir gereği olarak tek partili hayattan çok partili hayata geçiş yapmıştır. Çok partili rejime geçildiği yıl olan 1945’e kadar Ayvalık’ın siyasi hayatı da Türkiye’nin geri kalan yerlerindeki gibi oldukça durağan geçmiştir. II. Dünya Savaşı’nın sona ermesiyle bu durağanlık değişmeye başlamış, çok partili hayata geçildikten sonra da bu değişim ivme kazanmıştır.
Ayvalık’ın ekonomik ve siyasi alandaki geçmişinin yanı sıra sosyal ve kültürel alandaki gelişmişliği de oldukça yüksektir. Osmanlı döneminden devraldığı bu kültürel ve sosyal mirası Cumhuriyet döneminde, Atatürk’ün inkılapları doğrultusunda ve bünyesinde barındırdığı spesifik özellikleriyle değiştirerek ve geliştirerek devam ettirmiştir.