Josune Zabala
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Universidad de Deusto
University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU
Papers by Josune Zabala
Laburpena. Artikulu honetan aurkezten den edukia kokatzen da Soziolinguistika Klusterra Elkarteak Tolosako ikastetxe guztietan bideratu duen ekintza-ikerketan. Bigarren Hezkuntzako ikasleen ahozko hiz-kuntza (H1 edo H2 euskara) hobetzea eta horretan laguntzen duten metodologia didaktikoak bilatzea izan da helburu nagusia. Ikasle eta irakasleekin harremanetan gauzatu den ekintza-ikerketaren nondik norakoak azaldu (ikerketa galderak eta baliatu diren tresnak) dira lehenik, eta bigarren zatian laburtu dira ikerketaren ondorio interesgarri batzuk: ahozkotasuna eskolan lantzeko praktika onak. • Hitz gakoak: ahozko hizkuntzaren ikaskuntza-irakaskuntza, Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntza, ikerketa tresnak, praktika onak. Abstract. The content presented in this article is part of the action research set up by the Sociolinguistics Cluster Association across all the schools in Tolosa.
Community (BAC) the knowledge of the Basque language and its use does not develop in the same way, and also, young adolescents tend to speak Spanish in informal situations. In this project we present an on going research that, based on this concern, raises the question of the role of the school and how it assumes the aim of linguistic normalization. We try to
identify the practices that encourage the use of the Basque language observing the classroom activities of various subjects (no language subjects) in the final cycle of primary education (11-12 years) and in the initial cycle of secondary (12-13 years). In this stage, we explore tools that may help us in the analysis.
Based on the interactionist and sociodiscursive perspective of The School of Geneva, eight didactic sequences have been created. We have presented the valuations of the appropriateness of these materials and the results of the oral productions of the young people. We also have deepened the search for relevant teaching strategies of teachers.
The principal finding of this research is that the sociolinguistic reality of the centers is not the primary cause of the progress of the oral skills of the young people. In addition, we have compiled the most relevant ideas about the didactic teaching strategies of orality
KEYWORDS: didactic sequence, linguistic immersion, oral language teaching-learning, secondary education, didactic resources and teaching strategies.
Laburpena. Artikulu honetan aurkezten den edukia kokatzen da Soziolinguistika Klusterra Elkarteak Tolosako ikastetxe guztietan bideratu duen ekintza-ikerketan. Bigarren Hezkuntzako ikasleen ahozko hiz-kuntza (H1 edo H2 euskara) hobetzea eta horretan laguntzen duten metodologia didaktikoak bilatzea izan da helburu nagusia. Ikasle eta irakasleekin harremanetan gauzatu den ekintza-ikerketaren nondik norakoak azaldu (ikerketa galderak eta baliatu diren tresnak) dira lehenik, eta bigarren zatian laburtu dira ikerketaren ondorio interesgarri batzuk: ahozkotasuna eskolan lantzeko praktika onak. • Hitz gakoak: ahozko hizkuntzaren ikaskuntza-irakaskuntza, Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntza, ikerketa tresnak, praktika onak. Abstract. The content presented in this article is part of the action research set up by the Sociolinguistics Cluster Association across all the schools in Tolosa.
Community (BAC) the knowledge of the Basque language and its use does not develop in the same way, and also, young adolescents tend to speak Spanish in informal situations. In this project we present an on going research that, based on this concern, raises the question of the role of the school and how it assumes the aim of linguistic normalization. We try to
identify the practices that encourage the use of the Basque language observing the classroom activities of various subjects (no language subjects) in the final cycle of primary education (11-12 years) and in the initial cycle of secondary (12-13 years). In this stage, we explore tools that may help us in the analysis.
Based on the interactionist and sociodiscursive perspective of The School of Geneva, eight didactic sequences have been created. We have presented the valuations of the appropriateness of these materials and the results of the oral productions of the young people. We also have deepened the search for relevant teaching strategies of teachers.
The principal finding of this research is that the sociolinguistic reality of the centers is not the primary cause of the progress of the oral skills of the young people. In addition, we have compiled the most relevant ideas about the didactic teaching strategies of orality
KEYWORDS: didactic sequence, linguistic immersion, oral language teaching-learning, secondary education, didactic resources and teaching strategies.