Archeologia e storia del Monte Castelon di Marano di Valpolicella, Documenti di Archeologia 59, a cura di B. Bruno F. Falezza, 2015
Composizione e impaginazione: Francesca Benetti -SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l. © Immagini: Mini... more Composizione e impaginazione: Francesca Benetti -SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l. © Immagini: Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Archivio della Soprintendenza Archeologia del Veneto. Riproduzione vietata. Le riproduzioni delle mappe delle figg. 2, 13, 14 del cap. 2 sono state autorizzate dall'Archivio di Stato di Verona con concessione n. 33/015 prot. 4962 -28.13.10/1. Le riproduzioni dei Mss. 868, c. 12r. e 1938, tav. I (figg. 2-3 del cap. 3; figg. 1, 14, 16 del cap. 23; figg. 1, 3 del cap. 32; figg. 1-2 del capitolo 35) sono state autorizzate dalla Biblioteca Civica di Verona con autorizzazione prot. 0313036/2015 -07.06.1. Le riproduzioni delle mappe delle figg. 6 e 8 del cap. 2 sono state concesse dall'Archivio di Stato di Venezia con autorizzazione prot. 589/2015 -28.13.07/1. © 2015 SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l. Strada Fienili, 39a -46020 Quingentole (Mn) Tel. 0386 42591
Papers by Roby Stuani
origin of the shape and the derivation of the decoration, as well as its first appearance. No direct
contacts with Megarian and Italo-Megarian pottery can be traced, nor are influences of Arretine
relief decoration perceptible but for the later fully developed examples. The research
mainly used six completely preserved cups from Altinum found as a construction deposit near
the city gate, one of them bearing the name Nikostratos in retrograde intra-decorative Greek
letters. The well-known bowls have never been discussed with their contemporary vessels,
namely a group of six drinking beakers found in the construction layers of an early Roman
home in Orange, considered of Puteolan provenance, and a couple of fragments from Verona’s
via Redentore excavations presumably belonging to a Megarian bowl. Archaeometric methods
allow to assign these three discoveries to the same Padanian workshop and thus contribute to
answering the chronological question and shed new light on the available data. Nevertheless,
the question is far from resolved and a lot of problems still remain open.
Drafts by Roby Stuani
Talks by Roby Stuani
origin of the shape and the derivation of the decoration, as well as its first appearance. No direct
contacts with Megarian and Italo-Megarian pottery can be traced, nor are influences of Arretine
relief decoration perceptible but for the later fully developed examples. The research
mainly used six completely preserved cups from Altinum found as a construction deposit near
the city gate, one of them bearing the name Nikostratos in retrograde intra-decorative Greek
letters. The well-known bowls have never been discussed with their contemporary vessels,
namely a group of six drinking beakers found in the construction layers of an early Roman
home in Orange, considered of Puteolan provenance, and a couple of fragments from Verona’s
via Redentore excavations presumably belonging to a Megarian bowl. Archaeometric methods
allow to assign these three discoveries to the same Padanian workshop and thus contribute to
answering the chronological question and shed new light on the available data. Nevertheless,
the question is far from resolved and a lot of problems still remain open.