Oleksii Kostenko
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law. Head of the Scientific Laboratory of Digital Transformation Theory and Law of the Scientific Center for Digital Transformation and Law of the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Information, Security and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine".
do research on legal regulation:
- introduction of electronic jurisdiction to regulate social relations in the metaverse.
- the use of electronic personalities and avatars in the metaverse;
- management of identification data in electronic systems used to provide citizens with public electronic services, as well as in social networks and metaverse;
- electronic signatures, including in cross-border mode;
I have experience of teaching in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. I have prepared 67 scientific publications, including abroad.
In the past, I worked for the government in the following positions.
During his civil service in the State Treasury of Ukraine he optimized the information and technical structure of the Treasury and the general costs of its maintenance and development. Management processes have been streamlined and proposals for the long-term development of the information and telecommunication network have been prepared.
During his civil service in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine he participated in the creation of a number of regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, draft state target programs, interagency documents, the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Trust Services".
During his service in the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine he personally participated in the development of NABU regulations, the creation of organizational and staffing structure of operational and technical management, recruitment, procurement of equipment and tools. In the shortest possible time he organized the creation and implementation of information and technical area for operational and technical activities on telecommunications networks.
At the Ukrainian Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Science, in addition to performing his main duties, he conducted research on technical and legal issues of using digital signatures as the main elements and components of electronic document management and the latest electronic government services.
I have the gratitude of the Prime Minister of Ukraine (2009), the gratitude of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (2014).
https // orcid.org / 0000-0002-2131-0281
Supervisors: Alexandr Baranov
do research on legal regulation:
- introduction of electronic jurisdiction to regulate social relations in the metaverse.
- the use of electronic personalities and avatars in the metaverse;
- management of identification data in electronic systems used to provide citizens with public electronic services, as well as in social networks and metaverse;
- electronic signatures, including in cross-border mode;
I have experience of teaching in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. I have prepared 67 scientific publications, including abroad.
In the past, I worked for the government in the following positions.
During his civil service in the State Treasury of Ukraine he optimized the information and technical structure of the Treasury and the general costs of its maintenance and development. Management processes have been streamlined and proposals for the long-term development of the information and telecommunication network have been prepared.
During his civil service in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine he participated in the creation of a number of regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, draft state target programs, interagency documents, the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Trust Services".
During his service in the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine he personally participated in the development of NABU regulations, the creation of organizational and staffing structure of operational and technical management, recruitment, procurement of equipment and tools. In the shortest possible time he organized the creation and implementation of information and technical area for operational and technical activities on telecommunications networks.
At the Ukrainian Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Science, in addition to performing his main duties, he conducted research on technical and legal issues of using digital signatures as the main elements and components of electronic document management and the latest electronic government services.
I have the gratitude of the Prime Minister of Ukraine (2009), the gratitude of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (2014).
https // orcid.org / 0000-0002-2131-0281
Supervisors: Alexandr Baranov
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Papers by Oleksii Kostenko
проблеми доцільності та необхідності правового регулювання суспільних відносин, що
виникають у зв’язку з еволюцією світової системи загальнодоступних електронних ресурсів у
сфері передачі інформації та Інтернет-даних від Web 1.0, Web 2.0 до Web 3.0. Також
досліджуються етапи формування ролі та місця електронної юрисдикції в публічних відносинах.
Акцентовано увагу, що правове регулювання сучасних відносин у середовищах віртуальної та
доповненої реальності з використанням технологій Web 3.0 на сьогодні відсутнє. Водночас
існують прецеденти застосування окремих положень аналогового права для усунення правової
невизначеності у віртуальному середовищі, наприклад, встановлення права власності на
віртуальні немайнові активи, купівля/продаж віртуальних немайнових активів, відповідальність
за незаконне привласнення віртуальних немайнових активів тощо. Очевидно, що проблема
правового регулювання нормами аналогового права у віртуальному середовищі не може бути
вирішена у повному обсязі. Вирішення цієї проблеми можливе шляхом створення комплексної
електронної юрисдикції та розробки Великої хартії законів Metaverse для регулювання суспільних
відносин у Metaverse та створення нової галузі електронного права. З огляду на актуальність
проблеми, запропоновано модель електронної юрисдикції “Велика хартія законів Metaverse”.
Модель комплексної електронної юрисдикції Metaverse дозволить створити базовий понятійний
апарат, доктринальні та нормативно-правові концепції, визначити об’єкти та суб’єкти
правовідносин у Metaverse, встановити основні форми правовідносин та взаємовідносин у
Metaverse. Це, в свою чергу, стане основою для реформування аналогового законодавства,
часткової інтероперабельності в цифровому середовищі та розробки нових нормативно-
правових актів у різних галузях права, а також стимулюватиме становлення нової електронної
юрисдикції. У статті запропоновано конструкцію та основні елементи електронної юрисдикції,
механізми відокремлення електронних правопорушень та взаємодії з аналоговими юрисдикціями.
Електронна юрисдикція Великої хартії законів Metaverse забезпечить правове регулювання
суспільних відносин як безпосередньо в Metaverse, так і в суспільних відносинах, пов’язаних з
аналоговим та електронним світом.
renovation of various forms of social relations with the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the
metaverse. According to the proposed theory, the legal regulation of social relations in the metaverse requires
the development of a comprehensive electronic jurisdiction based on the latest basic legislation. The formation
of legal regulation of the metaverse is a prerequisite for the need to form an electronic jurisdiction of the
metaverse, which will include sectoral Metaverse Codes. The metaverse, as the electronic society of the future,
does not yet have clear legal boundaries, and the task of scholars is to predict and outline with sufficient
certainty the future contours of legal authority for virtual environments. Today, discussions in the scientific
community about the feasibility and necessity of legal regulation of the metaverse often revolve around several
key issues. First, there is the question of what legal framework should be applied in the metaverse and how
conflicts between different legal systems should be resolved. Second, there is a debate about whether current
regulatory bodies in the physical world have the capacity to effectively regulate the metaverse through existing
laws and regulations. Third, there is the question of how to deal with offences committed in the virtual
environment, and whether they should be dealt with under existing tort or criminal law, or whether a separate
cross-border electronic jurisdiction should be created. The regulation of social relations in the metaverse should
focus on one central goal: to clearly define the status of electronic entities, subjects and objects, to establish
their rights, duties and responsibilities, and to define the different types of relations between virtual entities,
subjects and objects within a given metaverse, as well as between different metaverses within an electronic
jurisdiction and in a cross-border context. An essential component of the Metaverse Electronic Jurisdiction is
a Metaverse Model Criminal Code that will outline the norms and offences applicable to analogue, hybrid and
electronic jurisdictions. This code will define the types of socially harmful acts or crimes and the corresponding
criminal penalties that will be applied within the metaverse. The formation of the electronic jurisdiction of
the metaverse and the development of a Metaverse Model Criminal Code is a current scientific and legal issue.
and approaches to the problem of expediency and necessity of legal
regulation of public relations, emerging from the evolution of the
world system of public electronic resources in the transmission of
information and Internet data from Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.
The stages of formation of the role and place of electronic
jurisdiction in public relations are also investigated. Legal regulation
of modern relations in virtual and augmented reality environments
with the use of Web 3.0 technologies, is not available today. At the
same time, there are precedents for the application of certain
provisions of analogue law to address legal uncertainties in the
virtual environment, such as establishing ownership of virtual non property assets, buying/selling of virtual non-property assets,
liability for misappropriation of virtual non-property assets, etc.
Obviously, the problem of legal regulation by the rules of analogue
law in the virtual environment cannot be fully addressed. The
solution to this problem is possible by creating a comprehensive е-jurisdiction and developing the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws to
regulate public relations in the meta-universe and to establish new
branch of e-law. Given the urgency of the problem, the model of е-jurisdiction Grand Charter of Laws Metaverse is proposed. The
model of complex electronic jurisdiction of Metaverse will allow to
create basic conceptual apparatus, doctrinal and normative and
legal concepts, to define objects and subjects of legal relations in
Metaverse, to establish the basic forms of legal relations and mutual
relations in Metaverse. This, in turn, will be the basis for reforming
analogue legislation, partial interoperability in the digital
environment and the development of new regulations in various
areas of law and will stimulate the establishment of new е-jurisdiction. The study proposes the construction and basic
elements of electronic jurisdiction, mechanisms for the separation
of electronic offenses and interaction with analogue jurisdictions. Jurisdiction of the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws will provide
legal regulation of public relations both directly in Metaverse and in
public relations related to the analogue and electronic world
Metaverse presented in the work “Genesis of legal regulation web and the model of the electronic jurisdiction of the metaverse”. The article proposes the creation of an electronic jurisdiction and a model of Codes and laws of the Metaverse. Metaverse – the real world, legal disputes are often resolved through courts that operate under a certain jurisdiction. However, in the Metaverse, which is still in its early stages of development, there is no single jurisdiction that covers all of its activities. Therefore,
there is an urgent need for electronic jurisdiction in the Metaverse. Electronic jurisdiction involves the application of both modern and traditional legal norms in the electronic space. This will provide for the resolution of legal disputes through an electronic court system that will operate using certain algorithms of the traditional judicial system and the latest legal norms. Electronic jurisdiction will include not only
codes and laws, but also the Constitution of the Metaverse, the Report on Relict Technical Standards, Cybersecurity Rules, the Criminal Electronic Code, Military Regulations, and other regulatory legal acts. One of the main advantages of electronic jurisdiction in the Metaverse is that it will provide a reliable and consistent means of resolving disputes, thanks to the reliability of Metaverse technologies.
The existence of an electronic court system will ensure fair and impartial resolution of disputes, regardless of where the parties involved are located. Another advantage of electronic jurisdiction is that it will help create a sense of trust and confidence in the Metaverse. Users will know that their rights are protected and that they have the
means to resolve any disputes that may arise. This will create a more stable and secure environment for all participants, encouraging further growth and development of the Metaverse.
and approaches to the problem of expediency and necessity of legal
regulation of public relations, emerging from the evolution of the
world system of public electronic resources in the transmission of
information and Internet data from Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.
The stages of formation of the role and place of electronic
jurisdiction in public relations are also investigated. Legal regulation
of modern relations in virtual and augmented reality environments
with the use of Web 3.0 technologies, is not available today. At the
same time, there are precedents for the application of certain
provisions of analogue law to address legal uncertainties in the
virtual environment, such as establishing ownership of virtual non-
property assets, buying/selling of virtual non-property assets,
liability for misappropriation of virtual non-property assets, etc.
Obviously, the problem of legal regulation by the rules of analogue
law in the virtual environment cannot be fully addressed. The
solution to this problem is possible by creating a comprehensive e-
jurisdiction and developing the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws to
regulate public relations in the meta-universe and to establish new
branch of e-law. Given the urgency of the problem, the model of e-
jurisdiction Grand Charter of Laws Metaverse is proposed. The
model of complex electronic jurisdiction of Metaverse will allow to
create basic conceptual apparatus, doctrinal and normative and
legal concepts, to define objects and subjects of legal relations in
Metaverse, to establish the basic forms of legal relations and mutual
relations in Metaverse. This, in turn, will be the basis for reforming
analogue legislation, partial interoperability in the digital
environment and the development of new regulations in various
areas of law and will stimulate the establishment of new e-
jurisdiction. The study proposes the construction and basic
elements of electronic jurisdiction, mechanisms for the separation
of electronic offenses and interaction with analogue jurisdictions. E-
jurisdiction of the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws will provide
legal regulation of public relations both directly in Metaverse and in
public relations related to the analogue and electronic world
metaverse In fact, the start of scientific and technical work has been given today
revolution and social revolution 5.0, which create new social
groups, social institutions, electronic ecosystems and the metaverse.
One of the foundations of the development of humanity in the metaverse was and remains the industry of acquiring new knowledge and experience from open public and scientific online services. In the meta universe on a new level
modern technologies are used for a powerful scientific exchange
data, virtual technologies for acquiring knowledge and online experience,
formation of a new mobile and technologically more developed
Ukrainian education of the future. This can be done on the platform
open system of continuous virtual education in modern
educational space of the metaverse of knowledge "EBI" on the basis of universal
educational platform "EDIES".
should be carried out not only by technical regulation (requirements, technical standards, regulations, assessments of compliance with technical standards,
control of compliance with technical regulations) but also by the developing of standard laws and specific changes in the information, civil, criminal and other
spheres of law, by creating comprehensive legislation and the state supervisory authority in this area.
проблеми доцільності та необхідності правового регулювання суспільних відносин, що
виникають у зв’язку з еволюцією світової системи загальнодоступних електронних ресурсів у
сфері передачі інформації та Інтернет-даних від Web 1.0, Web 2.0 до Web 3.0. Також
досліджуються етапи формування ролі та місця електронної юрисдикції в публічних відносинах.
Акцентовано увагу, що правове регулювання сучасних відносин у середовищах віртуальної та
доповненої реальності з використанням технологій Web 3.0 на сьогодні відсутнє. Водночас
існують прецеденти застосування окремих положень аналогового права для усунення правової
невизначеності у віртуальному середовищі, наприклад, встановлення права власності на
віртуальні немайнові активи, купівля/продаж віртуальних немайнових активів, відповідальність
за незаконне привласнення віртуальних немайнових активів тощо. Очевидно, що проблема
правового регулювання нормами аналогового права у віртуальному середовищі не може бути
вирішена у повному обсязі. Вирішення цієї проблеми можливе шляхом створення комплексної
електронної юрисдикції та розробки Великої хартії законів Metaverse для регулювання суспільних
відносин у Metaverse та створення нової галузі електронного права. З огляду на актуальність
проблеми, запропоновано модель електронної юрисдикції “Велика хартія законів Metaverse”.
Модель комплексної електронної юрисдикції Metaverse дозволить створити базовий понятійний
апарат, доктринальні та нормативно-правові концепції, визначити об’єкти та суб’єкти
правовідносин у Metaverse, встановити основні форми правовідносин та взаємовідносин у
Metaverse. Це, в свою чергу, стане основою для реформування аналогового законодавства,
часткової інтероперабельності в цифровому середовищі та розробки нових нормативно-
правових актів у різних галузях права, а також стимулюватиме становлення нової електронної
юрисдикції. У статті запропоновано конструкцію та основні елементи електронної юрисдикції,
механізми відокремлення електронних правопорушень та взаємодії з аналоговими юрисдикціями.
Електронна юрисдикція Великої хартії законів Metaverse забезпечить правове регулювання
суспільних відносин як безпосередньо в Metaverse, так і в суспільних відносинах, пов’язаних з
аналоговим та електронним світом.
renovation of various forms of social relations with the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the
metaverse. According to the proposed theory, the legal regulation of social relations in the metaverse requires
the development of a comprehensive electronic jurisdiction based on the latest basic legislation. The formation
of legal regulation of the metaverse is a prerequisite for the need to form an electronic jurisdiction of the
metaverse, which will include sectoral Metaverse Codes. The metaverse, as the electronic society of the future,
does not yet have clear legal boundaries, and the task of scholars is to predict and outline with sufficient
certainty the future contours of legal authority for virtual environments. Today, discussions in the scientific
community about the feasibility and necessity of legal regulation of the metaverse often revolve around several
key issues. First, there is the question of what legal framework should be applied in the metaverse and how
conflicts between different legal systems should be resolved. Second, there is a debate about whether current
regulatory bodies in the physical world have the capacity to effectively regulate the metaverse through existing
laws and regulations. Third, there is the question of how to deal with offences committed in the virtual
environment, and whether they should be dealt with under existing tort or criminal law, or whether a separate
cross-border electronic jurisdiction should be created. The regulation of social relations in the metaverse should
focus on one central goal: to clearly define the status of electronic entities, subjects and objects, to establish
their rights, duties and responsibilities, and to define the different types of relations between virtual entities,
subjects and objects within a given metaverse, as well as between different metaverses within an electronic
jurisdiction and in a cross-border context. An essential component of the Metaverse Electronic Jurisdiction is
a Metaverse Model Criminal Code that will outline the norms and offences applicable to analogue, hybrid and
electronic jurisdictions. This code will define the types of socially harmful acts or crimes and the corresponding
criminal penalties that will be applied within the metaverse. The formation of the electronic jurisdiction of
the metaverse and the development of a Metaverse Model Criminal Code is a current scientific and legal issue.
and approaches to the problem of expediency and necessity of legal
regulation of public relations, emerging from the evolution of the
world system of public electronic resources in the transmission of
information and Internet data from Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.
The stages of formation of the role and place of electronic
jurisdiction in public relations are also investigated. Legal regulation
of modern relations in virtual and augmented reality environments
with the use of Web 3.0 technologies, is not available today. At the
same time, there are precedents for the application of certain
provisions of analogue law to address legal uncertainties in the
virtual environment, such as establishing ownership of virtual non property assets, buying/selling of virtual non-property assets,
liability for misappropriation of virtual non-property assets, etc.
Obviously, the problem of legal regulation by the rules of analogue
law in the virtual environment cannot be fully addressed. The
solution to this problem is possible by creating a comprehensive е-jurisdiction and developing the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws to
regulate public relations in the meta-universe and to establish new
branch of e-law. Given the urgency of the problem, the model of е-jurisdiction Grand Charter of Laws Metaverse is proposed. The
model of complex electronic jurisdiction of Metaverse will allow to
create basic conceptual apparatus, doctrinal and normative and
legal concepts, to define objects and subjects of legal relations in
Metaverse, to establish the basic forms of legal relations and mutual
relations in Metaverse. This, in turn, will be the basis for reforming
analogue legislation, partial interoperability in the digital
environment and the development of new regulations in various
areas of law and will stimulate the establishment of new е-jurisdiction. The study proposes the construction and basic
elements of electronic jurisdiction, mechanisms for the separation
of electronic offenses and interaction with analogue jurisdictions. Jurisdiction of the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws will provide
legal regulation of public relations both directly in Metaverse and in
public relations related to the analogue and electronic world
Metaverse presented in the work “Genesis of legal regulation web and the model of the electronic jurisdiction of the metaverse”. The article proposes the creation of an electronic jurisdiction and a model of Codes and laws of the Metaverse. Metaverse – the real world, legal disputes are often resolved through courts that operate under a certain jurisdiction. However, in the Metaverse, which is still in its early stages of development, there is no single jurisdiction that covers all of its activities. Therefore,
there is an urgent need for electronic jurisdiction in the Metaverse. Electronic jurisdiction involves the application of both modern and traditional legal norms in the electronic space. This will provide for the resolution of legal disputes through an electronic court system that will operate using certain algorithms of the traditional judicial system and the latest legal norms. Electronic jurisdiction will include not only
codes and laws, but also the Constitution of the Metaverse, the Report on Relict Technical Standards, Cybersecurity Rules, the Criminal Electronic Code, Military Regulations, and other regulatory legal acts. One of the main advantages of electronic jurisdiction in the Metaverse is that it will provide a reliable and consistent means of resolving disputes, thanks to the reliability of Metaverse technologies.
The existence of an electronic court system will ensure fair and impartial resolution of disputes, regardless of where the parties involved are located. Another advantage of electronic jurisdiction is that it will help create a sense of trust and confidence in the Metaverse. Users will know that their rights are protected and that they have the
means to resolve any disputes that may arise. This will create a more stable and secure environment for all participants, encouraging further growth and development of the Metaverse.
and approaches to the problem of expediency and necessity of legal
regulation of public relations, emerging from the evolution of the
world system of public electronic resources in the transmission of
information and Internet data from Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.
The stages of formation of the role and place of electronic
jurisdiction in public relations are also investigated. Legal regulation
of modern relations in virtual and augmented reality environments
with the use of Web 3.0 technologies, is not available today. At the
same time, there are precedents for the application of certain
provisions of analogue law to address legal uncertainties in the
virtual environment, such as establishing ownership of virtual non-
property assets, buying/selling of virtual non-property assets,
liability for misappropriation of virtual non-property assets, etc.
Obviously, the problem of legal regulation by the rules of analogue
law in the virtual environment cannot be fully addressed. The
solution to this problem is possible by creating a comprehensive e-
jurisdiction and developing the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws to
regulate public relations in the meta-universe and to establish new
branch of e-law. Given the urgency of the problem, the model of e-
jurisdiction Grand Charter of Laws Metaverse is proposed. The
model of complex electronic jurisdiction of Metaverse will allow to
create basic conceptual apparatus, doctrinal and normative and
legal concepts, to define objects and subjects of legal relations in
Metaverse, to establish the basic forms of legal relations and mutual
relations in Metaverse. This, in turn, will be the basis for reforming
analogue legislation, partial interoperability in the digital
environment and the development of new regulations in various
areas of law and will stimulate the establishment of new e-
jurisdiction. The study proposes the construction and basic
elements of electronic jurisdiction, mechanisms for the separation
of electronic offenses and interaction with analogue jurisdictions. E-
jurisdiction of the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws will provide
legal regulation of public relations both directly in Metaverse and in
public relations related to the analogue and electronic world
metaverse In fact, the start of scientific and technical work has been given today
revolution and social revolution 5.0, which create new social
groups, social institutions, electronic ecosystems and the metaverse.
One of the foundations of the development of humanity in the metaverse was and remains the industry of acquiring new knowledge and experience from open public and scientific online services. In the meta universe on a new level
modern technologies are used for a powerful scientific exchange
data, virtual technologies for acquiring knowledge and online experience,
formation of a new mobile and technologically more developed
Ukrainian education of the future. This can be done on the platform
open system of continuous virtual education in modern
educational space of the metaverse of knowledge "EBI" on the basis of universal
educational platform "EDIES".
should be carried out not only by technical regulation (requirements, technical standards, regulations, assessments of compliance with technical standards,
control of compliance with technical regulations) but also by the developing of standard laws and specific changes in the information, civil, criminal and other
spheres of law, by creating comprehensive legislation and the state supervisory authority in this area.