Papers by Matteo Crimella
Սուրբ Առաքեալ ողորմեաց Դանիելի հոգւոյն ու իմ ուխտաւորին. Ամեն.
Santo Apostolo, abbi pietà dell’a... more Սուրբ Առաքեալ ողորմեաց Դանիելի հոգւոյն ու իմ ուխտաւորին. Ամեն.
Santo Apostolo, abbi pietà dell’anima di Daniele e di me pellegrino. Amen.
Teologia, 2023
Nersēs Šnorhali, katholikós armeno (1102-1173), non è solo un antesignano del dialogo fra le Chie... more Nersēs Šnorhali, katholikós armeno (1102-1173), non è solo un antesignano del dialogo fra le Chiese, ma è pure un maestro di preghiera. L’articolo si concentra su un’orazione (Con fede ti confesso) che egli compose per insegnare al suo popolo l’arte della preghiera, fornendo uno strumento adeguato. In particolare, sono posti in luce le allusioni e i riferimenti alla Sacra Scrittura e all’eucologia liturgica. Le ventiquattro strofe della preghiera di Nersēs permettono di entrare nella logica degli eventi salvifici evocati, partecipando alla dinamica rivelativa della Scrittura e proclamandone ancora una volta la verità che salva. Emerge anche il nesso fra lex orandi e lex credendi, dentro una dinamica ascensionale nella quale la confessione della Trinità santa si accompagna con il riconoscimento dei propri peccati e l’unico atteggiamento adeguato dell’uomo è la fede.
Nersēs Šnorhali, Armenian katholikós (1102-1173), is not only a forerunner of dialogue between the Churches but is also a master of prayer. The article focusses on a prayer (I confess with Faith) that he composed to teach his people the art of prayer, providing a proper tool. In particular, allusions and references to Sacred Scripture and liturgical euchology are highlighted. The twenty-four stanzas of Nersēs’ prayer allow us to enter into the logic of the saving events evoked, participating in the revealing dynamics of the Scripture and proclaiming once again its saving truth. The link between lex orandi and lex credendi also emerges, within an ascension dynamic in which the confession of the Holy Trinity accompanies the recognition of one’s own sins and the only adequate attitude of man that is faith.
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny , 2022
The article focuses on the four canticles in Luke's Infancy Narrative (Magnificat, Benedictus, Gl... more The article focuses on the four canticles in Luke's Infancy Narrative (Magnificat, Benedictus, Gloria and Nunc dimittis) and puts a question about why there is a passage from prose to poetry. The studies of the so-called inset psalms and the research on the Psalter as a book led to a backward and a forward approach. The former is that of intertextuality, showing how Luke's canticles evoke texts of the Old Testament. Alluding to Scripture, whose status as inspired and canonical text is a truth that concerns the protagonists, the evangelist and also the recipients of the work, the narrator invites the reader to accept that hymn as the Word of God for today. The latter highlights "melodic lines" introduced by the canticles in the works of Luke (Gospel and Acts). The four canticles are closely concatenated so as to become privileged hermeneutical places for understanding the sense of the whole narrative. Why, then, does Luke introduce his canticles? They underline their strongly anthropological value and represent a response to the salvific event. This response participates in the event itself because only through it is communicated the fullness of what the Lord has performed, is performing and will perform in the future.
La rivista del Clero italiano, 2022
Uno scriba divenuto discepolo Breve rassegna di studi sul Vangelo di Matteo Proseguiamo la segnal... more Uno scriba divenuto discepolo Breve rassegna di studi sul Vangelo di Matteo Proseguiamo la segnalazione di bibliografi e ragionate sulla proposta scritturistica del lezionario corrente nell'intento di fornire un servizio alla preparazione della predicazione domenicale. Don Matteo Crimella, docente di Esegesi del Nuovo Testamento presso la Facoltà teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale di Milano, propone un'aggiornata rassegna dei testi più signifi cativi sul vangelo di Matteo editi in lingua italiana negli ultimi anni. Si tratta di una scelta fra la ricca produzione italiana e le traduzioni dei più noti autori stranieri; i testi citati sono connotati da diverso tenore scientifi co, comunque presentati in modo da essere accessibili e utili alla formazione personale di cui il lettore ha bisogno, nella fi ducia che tali opere sappiano generosamente ripagare dell'impegno profuso. Per un più agile orientamento nella lettura, la presentazione distingue gli studi in Introduzioni, Commentari e Studi e conclude offrendo una chiave sintetica di comprensione dell'opera matteana quale 'libro del discepolato' .
Padre nostro che sei nei cieli sia santificato il tuo nome, 10 venga il tuo Regno, avvenga la tua... more Padre nostro che sei nei cieli sia santificato il tuo nome, 10 venga il tuo Regno, avvenga la tua volontà come in cielo così sulla terra. 11 Il pane nostro, per domani, da' a noi oggi 12 e condonaci i nostri debiti come anche noi li abbiamo condonati ai nostri debitori, 13 e non introdurci nella prova ma liberaci dal Male.
Verbum Vitae, Mar 30, 2022
This article examines the pericope of Luke 10:38-42 following the gender approach. It presents th... more This article examines the pericope of Luke 10:38-42 following the gender approach. It presents the contributions of E. Schüssler Fiorenza and of M. Perroni who have interpreted the passage according to a feminist approach. The former has developed some hermeneutical criteria while the latter has insisted on female discipleship, claiming that, for Luke, the women are believers but not missionaries. The article turns critically on the essential points of the two contributions, showing that a careful philological and contextual analysis does not allow the episode to be read as a representation of ministry in the Church. Instead, Mary's behaviour appears alienating, for, placing herself the Lord's feet, she performs an action which is surprising and not inscribed in the social canons. The episode lays stress on precisely this difference, showing that the two poles are not "service" and "listening" but "distracting preoccupations" and a "disciple's attitude." The behaviour of the two sisters thus functions as a mirror in which the reader is invited to discern different attitudes towards Jesus.
Teologia. Rivista della facoltà teologica dell'Italia settentrionale, 2021
Розглянуто причини активного формування нестандартної лексики в англійській мові із середини 80-х... more Розглянуто причини активного формування нестандартної лексики в англійській мові із середини 80-х років XX століття. Охарактеризовано особливості формування різноманіття лінгвістичних одиниць крізь призму двох лінгвістичних явищ -«стандарту» й «субстандарту». Мета дослідження полягає в характеристиці особливостей стилістичної диференціації англійської мови як проблеми перекладу англійської мови з урахуванням фундаментальних норм існування стандарту й субстандарту в стилістичній диференціації англійської мови, субстандартних елементів некодифікованого мовлення, окреслення місця сленгу в системі субстандартних елементів. Характер об'єкта дослідження наукової статті зумовив необхідність використання комплексної методики дослідження, що передбачає застосування описового, функціонально-семантичного та контекстуально-інтерпретаційного методів, використання методики аналізу, що включає емпіричні спостереження, зіставлення та узагальнення досліджуваного матеріалу. У процесі дослідження встановлено, що мова є динамічним соціальним явищем, завдання якого полягає в тому, щоб здійснювати вербальну комунікацію між людьми. Беручи до уваги той факт, що мова є динамічним соціальним явищем, дотримуємось думки, що вивчення мови не може відбуватися у відриві від вивчення її функціонування в різних суспільних верствах і професійних групах, від дослідження її соціально-діалектичної стратифікації. Соціальне членування суспільства безпосередньо впливає на функціонування мови й на структуру мови. Сленгізми, жаргонізми й арготизми є різновидами нестандартної лексики, протиставлені елементам літературного стандарту. Серед нестандартної лексики спостерігається дихотомія: стилістично знижена лексика протистоїть соціально детермінованій. Виділено ієрархічно організовану систему лексичних рівнів національної мови, в якій ступінь нестандартності визначається величиною віддалення того чи іншого лексичного рівня від літературного стандарту. Значна увага приділяється проблемам соціальної диференціації мови, але до теперішнього часу неоднозначним залишається вирішення питання про статусний зміст таких понять, як арго, жаргон, сленг, і їхнє співвідношення в рамках субстандартної лексики.
The article proposes the two itineraries inside the Gospel of Luke. The first one is gnoseologic ... more The article proposes the two itineraries inside the Gospel of Luke. The first one is gnoseologic as it tries to illumine the process of veridiction brought about by the narrative itself, according to the narrative pact established by Luke (cf. Luke ,-). Here, the reader is called to a continuous interpretative exercise with respect to the person of Christ who is presented first in the Infancy narrative and then in the course of his ministry. The second itinerary belongs to the "reception history" and it's connected with the search for Jesus (ζητέω). It regards the anthropological turn, stemming from the same disclosure of the historical figure of the Nazarene, the turn that leads to the manifestation of God's truth. S e scopo dell'analisi narrativa è studiare l'effetto del testo sul lettore, il caso dei vangeli è un laboratorio privilegiato per la sua applicazione, in quanto la strategia del racconto mostra una chiara finalità che ha come destinatario pro-p...
Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia, 2020
The preface to Luke's Gospel (cf. Lk 1:1-4) has been the object of extensive debate, especially s... more The preface to Luke's Gospel (cf. Lk 1:1-4) has been the object of extensive debate, especially since the publication of the thesis of L. Alexander who maintained that the preface should be treated not so much as historiographic but scientific. For years, therefore, the discussion has been focused on the literary genre of the preface. This article seeks to explore the question, recalling, briefly, the research of the twentieth century up to the present day. It starts out with Cadbury, examines Alexander's volume, reviews the positions of her critics, and concludes that, although the Oxford scholar highlighted a series of important texts for comparison, her neat opposition between historiographical and scientific prefaces does not stand up to critical control. At this point, there is a re-examination of the ancient examples, comparing them with Luke. Then, Luke's preface is analysed according to the criteria of narrative analysis, highlighting the text's many semantic and syntactical ambiguities. A careful philological study shows that many of the preface's terms and expressions are ambiguous since they support at least two different interpretations. Proceeding as if on shifting sand, the reader has more questions than certainties, but, ironically, he is brought to recognise the truth of the element of faith into which he has been initiated. Why, then, does Luke choose to begin his work in such an ambiguous way? What is the effect on his reader of an initial frame that is so deliberately obscure? The various questions find their complete answer only in the episode of the Emmaus disciples (cf. Lk 24:13-35) where the same logic re-emerges: the reader is brought from lack of recognition to the effective recognition of Jesus in the form of faith. Streszczenie. Przedmowa do Ewangelii według św. Łukasza (por. Łk 1, 1-4) jest przedmiotem szeroko zakrojonych debat, zwłaszcza od czasu publikacji tezy L. Aleksander, która twierdzi, że należy ją traktować nie tyle historiograficznie, ile naukowo. Dlatego od lat dyskusja koncentruje się na gatunku literackim przedmowy. W artykule podjęto próbę zgłębienia tej kwestii, przypominając pokrótce badania od XX wieku do dnia dzisiejszego. Autor rozpoczyna od studium Cadbury' ego, analizuje pracę autorstwa
The Biblical Annals, 2016
Water Practice & Technology, 2021
Over twenty-five years the paradigm of the study of the psalms has changed: we have evolved from ... more Over twenty-five years the paradigm of the study of the psalms has changed: we have evolved from the study of individual compositions considered in isolation to the study of the Psalter as a book. The new perspective (called "holistic" or "canonical") cannot be confined to university classrooms but can find its way to the practice of prayer, in particular in the Liturgy of the Hours. It is proposed to pray the psalms in their order, thus retracing the arrangement of the Psalter: from lamentation to praise, from supplication to thanksgiving, from the kingship of David to the kingship of God. It is also proposed to rediscover the three characteristics of the psalms: poetry, prayer and song. Singing, the use of voice, engages the body in prayer; it highlights not only the character of the human response to God's call, but also the anthropological participation in the salvific event. The poetic word-prayed and sung-becomes a participant in the prerogatives of the divine Word. Finally, a few contiguous psalms are examined: Ps 120-124, Ps 111-112, and Ps 150 which closes the Psalter.
The Biblical Annals, 2017
Verbum Vitae, 2021
This essay focuses on a passage from the Letter to the Romans, better on a famous expression: λογ... more This essay focuses on a passage from the Letter to the Romans, better on a famous expression: λογικὴ λατρεία (Rom 12,1). After having studied its context in some depth, it shows how Paul operates in a dual direction: the apostle removes from the expression any kind of semantic link bound up with the cult; he also attributes to it a profane semantic. Paul does not intend to oppose the two cults, Jewish and Christian. His words imply that, like the ancient Israel before them, the Christian believers should also be distinguished for their cult. Christian worship is conceived in a different way. It is far from being a spiritualisation of the cult. Such a reduction is excluded by the object of the sacrifice, «your bodies». Paul operates in two directions: on the one hand, he avoids the trap of supersessionism with regard to the Jewish cult; on the other hand, he excludes a spiritualisation (or interiorisation) of Greek religious practices. Paul’s language is distinct both from the great ...
The Biblical Annals, 2018
Papers by Matteo Crimella
Santo Apostolo, abbi pietà dell’anima di Daniele e di me pellegrino. Amen.
Nersēs Šnorhali, Armenian katholikós (1102-1173), is not only a forerunner of dialogue between the Churches but is also a master of prayer. The article focusses on a prayer (I confess with Faith) that he composed to teach his people the art of prayer, providing a proper tool. In particular, allusions and references to Sacred Scripture and liturgical euchology are highlighted. The twenty-four stanzas of Nersēs’ prayer allow us to enter into the logic of the saving events evoked, participating in the revealing dynamics of the Scripture and proclaiming once again its saving truth. The link between lex orandi and lex credendi also emerges, within an ascension dynamic in which the confession of the Holy Trinity accompanies the recognition of one’s own sins and the only adequate attitude of man that is faith.
Santo Apostolo, abbi pietà dell’anima di Daniele e di me pellegrino. Amen.
Nersēs Šnorhali, Armenian katholikós (1102-1173), is not only a forerunner of dialogue between the Churches but is also a master of prayer. The article focusses on a prayer (I confess with Faith) that he composed to teach his people the art of prayer, providing a proper tool. In particular, allusions and references to Sacred Scripture and liturgical euchology are highlighted. The twenty-four stanzas of Nersēs’ prayer allow us to enter into the logic of the saving events evoked, participating in the revealing dynamics of the Scripture and proclaiming once again its saving truth. The link between lex orandi and lex credendi also emerges, within an ascension dynamic in which the confession of the Holy Trinity accompanies the recognition of one’s own sins and the only adequate attitude of man that is faith.