Papers by Marta Santos Retolaza
El paisatge periurbà a la Mediterrània occidental durant la protohistòria i l'antiguitat: actes del colloqui internacional, Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica, Tarragona, 6-8 maig del 2009 = Le paysage périurbain en Méditerranée occidentale pendant la Protohistoire et l'Antiquité : actes du c..., 2012
Madrider Mitteilungen, 2016
Die immer weiter fortschreitenden archäologischen Ausgrabungen, die in den letzten Jahren in Empú... more Die immer weiter fortschreitenden archäologischen Ausgrabungen, die in den letzten Jahren in Empúries durchgeführt wurden, lassen es zu, dass wir unser Wissen bezüglich der beiden antiken Städte, der griechischen und der römischen, die vor Jahrhunderten d
This paper analyses the ceramic assemblages in several stratigraphic units from domestic contexts... more This paper analyses the ceramic assemblages in several stratigraphic units from domestic contexts or dumps related to everyday activities in the Neápolis of Emporion, dating ca. 425 to 375 bc. The main aim of the study is to examine the domestic ceramic assemblages –kitchen ceramics, tableware and domestic storage– and to analyse them focusing on their manufacturing traditions and their use in daily practices. The results of this study show the existence of strong cultural entanglements. This invites us to reject traditional interpretations, largely based on written classical sources, that have argued for the occurrence of a strict dual division in the enclave along ethnic lines, with two neatly segregated communities that never overlapped in this urban landscape. This study argues against the simplistic use of material culture as an ethnic marker, emphasising instead the role of some daily-use objects in the construction of social distinction, as well as other social, intersectiona...
Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 2010
A wide-ranging study based on compositional and isotopic analyses of minerals and manufactured ob... more A wide-ranging study based on compositional and isotopic analyses of minerals and manufactured objects from the northeastern Iberian Peninsula and their respective archaeological and cultural contexts demonstrates significant lead mineral exploitation in the El Priorat area (Tarragona province) linked to Phoenician trade (seventh-sixth centuries BC). This exploitation continued, despite losing intensity, until the Romanization of the territory. Our project also aims to determine the nature and origin of the lead and silver supply in the northern Iberian territory surrounding the Phocaean enclave of Emporion, especially with regard to the demands of the colonial mint. The behaviour pattern of the circulation of lead, silver and copper in Catalonia in the period studied indicates a plurality of contemporary supply sources, although, at least from the fifth century BC onward, minerals and metals from the southeastern Iberian Peninsula take on considerable importance.
Arqueologia funerària al nord-est peninsular (segles VI-XII), Vol. 2, 2012, ISBN 978-84-393-8933-0, págs. 331-358, 2012
Setzenes Jornades d'Arqueologia de les comarques de Girona, 2022
Compañía Ibero-Americana de Publicaciones, 2017
Deposit from the time of Augustus found on the Insula 30 at Empúries and the concealment of denar... more Deposit from the time of Augustus found on the Insula 30 at Empúries and the concealment of denarii ca. 73 B.C. – 4 A.D. The 2014 dig on the Insula 30 of the Roman city of Emporiae brought to light a set of 18 denarii, five of which were from the Iberian workshop of Bolskan and 13, Roman, the most modern from the Lugdunum mint, dated between 2 B.C. and 4 A.D. Also at the Empúries site, a further four hoards concealed between ca. 74-73 B.C. and the reign of Augustus were found, thanks to which it is possible to make an appraisal of the characteristics of silver coin circulation throughout this period.
Les excavacions arqueològiques endegades a Empúries per la Junta de Museus de Barcelona començare... more Les excavacions arqueològiques endegades a Empúries per la Junta de Museus de Barcelona començaren, ara fa un segle, en les dues grans finques que tot just havien passat a ser propietat d'aquesta institució pública. Per bé que els primers treballs es realitzaren en els terrenys ...
... | Ayuda. Les primieres manifestacions funeráries a Empúries. Autores: Marta Santos Retolaza; ... more ... | Ayuda. Les primieres manifestacions funeráries a Empúries. Autores: Marta Santos Retolaza; Localización: El món funerari a l'antiga Empúries: [exposición] juliol-setembre de 2009 : [Casa dels Forestals de Sant Mart d'Empúries], 2009, ISBN 978-84-393-8078-8 , pags. 29-32. ...
El conjunto arqueologico que forman los restos de la antigua ciudad griega de Emporion y de la po... more El conjunto arqueologico que forman los restos de la antigua ciudad griega de Emporion y de la posterior ciudad romana de Emporiae _y que hoy constituyen la sede de Empuries del Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya_ es, sin duda, uno de los mas importantes del pais, debido a diferentes circunstancias que contribuyen a destacar su singularidad.
... Distribución y evolución de la vivenda urbana tardorrepublicana y altoimperial en Ampurias. A... more ... Distribución y evolución de la vivenda urbana tardorrepublicana y altoimperial en Ampurias. Autores: Marta Santos Retolaza; Localización: La casa urbana hispanorromana : ponencias y comunicaciones, 1991, ISBN 84-7820-093-2 , págs. 19-34. Fundación Dialnet. ...
... El paisatge funerari de " l´Emporion " grega entre els segles VI i III aC. ... more ... El paisatge funerari de " l´Emporion " grega entre els segles VI i III aC. Autores: Marta SantosRetolaza; Localización: El món funerari a l'antiga Empúries: [exposición] juliol-setembre de 2009 : [Casa dels Forestals de Sant Mart d'Empúries], 2009, ISBN 978-84-393-8078-8 , pags ...
... coord. por Paloma Cabrera Bonet, Marta Santos Retolaza, 2001, ISBN 84-393-5307-3 , págs. 285-... more ... coord. por Paloma Cabrera Bonet, Marta Santos Retolaza, 2001, ISBN 84-393-5307-3 , págs. 285-347. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario. Contraseña. Entrar. Mi Dialnet. ...
... Aquae Calidae: presència romana a la Selva. Información General. Autores: Jordi Merino Serra,... more ... Aquae Calidae: presència romana a la Selva. Información General. Autores: Jordi Merino Serra, Marta Santos Retolaza, Josep Maria Nolla; Editores: Santa Coloma de Farners : Centre d'Estudis Selvatans, 1994; Año de publicación ...
EnglishThe discovery of a section of a wall at the southof the Greek city of Empuries was a resul... more EnglishThe discovery of a section of a wall at the southof the Greek city of Empuries was a result of the tracking of the foundations due to the creation of the Visitor’s Reception Centre(sanitation, water and lights), and it involves the discovery of the existance of a new walleden closure in the ancient city of Empuries.The finding of the wall is a remarcable fact,because it contributes to define the extension of the site and it brings attention to Empuries and to its role during such a key period as the Republican one. The existance of this new site confirms the strategic importance that Empuries and its harbour had during the first period of the Roman conquist of Hispania. catalaLa troballa d’un tram de muralla al sud de la ciutat grega d’Empuries, com a resultat del seguiment de les rases els serveis del Centre de Recepcio de Visitants d’Empuries (sanejament, aigua i llum), comporta el coneixement de l’existencia d’un nou recinte fortificat a l’antiga ciutat d’Empuries. La trob...
Les ceramiques procedents d'a-quests sor~deigs actualment es con-serven als magatzem... more Les ceramiques procedents d'a-quests sor~deigs actualment es con-serven als magatzems del Muscu Mo-nografic dlEmpúries i consisteixen majoritariament en fragments que conserven una part significativa de la forma del vas del qual van formar part. Aixb, juntament amb el ...
... Autores: Marta Santos Retolaza; Localización: Treballs del Museu Arqueologic d'E... more ... Autores: Marta Santos Retolaza; Localización: Treballs del Museu Arqueologic d'Eivissa e Formentera = Trabajos del Museo Arqueologico de Ibiza y Formentera, ISSN 1130-8095, Nº 51, 2003 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Contactos en el extremo de la "Oikouméne" : los griegos en ...
Papers by Marta Santos Retolaza
The settlement and the necropolis of El Calvari (El Molar, Tarragona), dated between the end of the Late
Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age, provided various copper-based objects and melting wastes. The
archaeological site is located in a mining district, the Molar-Bellmunt-Falset (MBF) area, which presents rich
deposits mainly of non-argentiferous lead and copper. Lead isotope analyses performed on some lead-based
materials recovered from El Calvari show that these mines were already being exploited at this time. However,
lead isotope analyses of the copper-based metals indicate that neither the ones from the site nor those from
the necropolis can be related to local mineral resources. Indeed, a great part of these items originates from
the Linares mines (Jaén) and, in a smaller part, from mines in the Almería province.
In this paper we will discuss arguments supporting the possibility of import of ingots or of finished objects as
part of the Phoenician trade in northeastern Iberia.
El yacimiento de El Calvari (El Molar, Tarragona), fechado entre finales de la Edad del Bronce y la I Edad del
Hierro, ha proporcionado diversos objetos de base cobre y algún resto de fundición. El yacimiento se localiza
junto a las minas de galena (no argentífera) y de cobre dentro del distrito Molar-Bellmunt-Falset (MBF). Los
análisis de isótopos de plomo de materiales relacionados con la metalurgia del plomo señalan su explotación
en este periodo. Sin embargo, ninguno de los objetos de base cobre (ni del poblado ni de la necrópolis) se
puede relacionar con el aprovechamiento de minerales locales. La mayor parte del metal se identifica con una
procedencia del área minera de Linares, y en menor medida con minas en la provincia de Almería.
En el artículo se discuten los argumentos a favor de un comercio de metal, ya sea de lingotes o de objetos
acabados, vinculado a la actividad comercial fenicia en el noreste de la Península Ibérica.