Papers by Javier Sanjines
Given the ideological relationship between literature—as practice and as discipline—and the organ... more Given the ideological relationship between literature—as practice and as discipline—and the organization of the Spanish-American nation states, it is surprising that—with notable exceptions—literary criticism dedicated to the study of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, did not place sufficient emphasis on the conflict around the construction of the “national culture” and the conflicts created by the “national-popular.” The concept of “national culture” is close to the idea of the “civic” nation, and the “national-popular,” a modernizing proposal, seeks to move beyond the national culture proposed by the criollo elites of the first two decades of the 20th century. Thus, the “national-popular” is of a different political-ideological cast: the drive to create a national democratic subject that was no longer able to continue circulating smoothly within the bourgeois liberal discourse that produced the “national culture.”
T'inkazos. Revista Boliviana de Ciencias Sociales, May 1, 2016
Re-reading the "costumbrista" novel Javier Sanjinés C. 1 ________________________________________... more Re-reading the "costumbrista" novel Javier Sanjinés C. 1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ¿Debe la crítica estudiar el costumbrismo literario como si fuese una copia fiel de la realidad? Escrito a contracorriente de lo que suele pasar por apreciación sociológica de la realidad, el presente ensayo, dedicado al estudio de La chaskañawi, postula que dicha obra no es tan objetiva como parece, y que en ella se enquistan extrañas figuras salvajes que, ocultas y silenciosas, no se adaptan mansamente al pujante ascenso del cholaje. Revelarlas y relacionarlas con el contexto histórico y autobiográfico de Carlos Medinaceli son las principales tareas de este trabajo. Palabras claves: crítica socio-histórica / representación / figuración / fabulación / mutación / salvaje europeo / cholaje / estado de naturaleza Should criticism study "costumbrismo", the literary interpretation of local customs, as simply an objective representation of everyday life? Writing against the grain of what normally passes as socio-historical approaches to literature, this essay, dedicated to uncover the intricacies of La chaskañawi, affirms that behind every event set in place by the plot of the novel a savage is silently hidden, watching over the frontier of civilized existence. This essay attempts to explain why European savages haunt the apparently progressive content of the novel, and how they relate to the historical context and to the rise of the "costumbrista" novel.
Los veinticinco primeros años del siglo pasado introdujeron importantes cambios en el contexto de... more Los veinticinco primeros años del siglo pasado introdujeron importantes cambios en el contexto de la nación boliviana. La Paz fue la nueva sede de gobierno desde que en 1899 el liberalismo paceño, vencedor en los campos de batalla del altiplano andino, se impuso al conservadurismo chuquisaqueño. Desde principios de siglo, La Paz se transformó con prontitud. La energía de sus habitantes quiso hacerlo todo a la vez: obras sanitarias, calles y avenidas, arborización, alumbrado, cuanto contribuye..
Journal of Folklore Research Reviews, May 4, 2011
Page 1. The Tra-vels a-nd Pla-ces of a-Bolivia-n People Sta -rting from Quirpini Stua-rt a-lexa-n... more Page 1. The Tra-vels a-nd Pla-ces of a-Bolivia-n People Sta -rting from Quirpini Stua-rt a-lexa-nder Rockefeller Page 2. Starting from Quirpini Page 3. Page 4. Starting from Quirpini the travelS and placeS of a Bolivian people Stuart ...
Guaraguao: revista de cultura latinoamericana, 2017
Revista de estudios hispánicos, 2017
no son tomados en cuenta. Ortega menciona a Mariátegui en su lectura de Arguedas, pero no lo hace... more no son tomados en cuenta. Ortega menciona a Mariátegui en su lectura de Arguedas, pero no lo hace desde esta perspectiva. De esa manera, el volumen continúa la división intelectual en la cual Latinoamérica provee la materia prima literaria y Europa (o Norteamérica) la teoría. Además hay algunos defectos que debieron ser corregidos por los editores. Por ejemplo, Thomsen, cometiendo un error común en inglés, se refiere a Llosa en lugar de usar el apellido completo (70); Caistor atribuye Journeys Through the Labyrinth a John King (165), cuando fue escrito por Gerald Martin; Benmiloud presenta a Oscar Lewis como escritor latinoamericano (133); etc. A pesar de esto, la variedad de los temas tratados y el hecho de representar perspectivas alternativas a los debates centrados en las obras de Casanova, Damrosch o Franco Moretti, hacen que esta antología sea de interés para todo académico interesado en la recepción europea (o en la India) de las literaturas latinoamericanas y en las teorizaciones sobre las relaciones entre las literaturas latinoamericanas y mundiales.
Modern Language Notes, 2017
Starting with the theoretical category of 'aesthetic figuration', the author rethinks "costumbris... more Starting with the theoretical category of 'aesthetic figuration', the author rethinks "costumbrismo", the literary interpretation of local customs, searching for the elements that would characterize La Chaskañawi, Carlos Medinaceli's well-known novel, beyond its traditional historical and sociological characterization as a realistic piece of art. To the contrary, and thinking against the grain, this essay affirms that the novel is not as "objective" as it seems, and that behind its rather straightforward plot European savages haunt the apparently progressive content of the novel, thus problematizing the rise of the Bolivian novel of mores.
Telar: Revista del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2015
Recibido el 22 de abril de 2015 Aceptado el 19 de julio de 2015 Resumen. Este artículo plantea un... more Recibido el 22 de abril de 2015 Aceptado el 19 de julio de 2015 Resumen. Este artículo plantea una revisión sobre el discurso del mestizaje como un proceso falsamente homogéneo que oculta identidades y formas indígenas de concebir el mundo. Mi trabajo reformula y enuncia esta disyunción como un mestizaje dado vuelta por pensadores y activistas indígenas del presente en la Bolivia moderna y contemporánea. El mestizaje como discurso y práctica da lugar a diversas interpretaciones y que constituyen el tema central de mi propuesta decolonial.
HIOL: Hispanic Issues On Line, 2014
In his essay “Humanism in a Global World,” the Indian historian Dipesh Chakrabarty introduces his... more In his essay “Humanism in a Global World,” the Indian historian Dipesh Chakrabarty introduces his vision of contemporary humanism with a phrase that helps explain the recent transformation in the social imaginary that has been forged over the past century: “As we leave the shores of the twentieth century to move into the uncharted waters of the twenty-first, we look behind to take our bearings for the future” (23). This observation weaves a suggestive spatial/temporal image, calling for a shift in one term of its fluvial metaphor before it can be applied to the reality of Bolivia. If we change “shores” to “borders,” while leaving the phrase “uncharted waters” intact, we will have a much more precise metaphorical construction for the two explanatory processes of the course of the Bolivian social imaginary, both linked with issues related to human rights and to the rights of nature: first, the developmentalist and pedagogical dimension of the nation-state, and second, a more fluid conversation about whether, and how, cultural diversity might be recognized without attributing it solely to the politics of the state, but rather by liberating it from the oppressive baggage of power. Let’s call this the “dimension of deterritorialization.”
Duke University Press eBooks, Sep 24, 2001
Routledge eBooks, Dec 7, 2018
This paper engages Alcides Arguedas's 'Pueblo enfermo' and Franz Tamayo's 'Creación de la pedagog... more This paper engages Alcides Arguedas's 'Pueblo enfermo' and Franz Tamayo's 'Creación de la pedagogía nacional', two key foundational essays of early 20th-century Bolivia, as 'mestizo-criollo acts' rooted in the debates on the 'Indian problem' as a racial obstacle to nation-building and identity formation. The paper contends that both essays actually conceal the presence of European wild men, and construct a reality influenced by their interpretation of books and visual representations entrenched in the European imagination. They thus create an insurmountable ambiguity: a self-exotization brimming over with metaphors that actually deploy European wild imaginary sources to explain its Andean roots.
Duke University Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2020
Bolivian studies, Dec 10, 2021
Robinson Crusoe, the extraordinary ship-wrecked protagonist of Defoe's novel, is actually a moder... more Robinson Crusoe, the extraordinary ship-wrecked protagonist of Defoe's novel, is actually a modern transfiguration of the old myth of the "savage man," a myth that this article revisits. Robinson is brought by Defoe into a savage existence because the author intends to demonstrate that it is possible to defeat savagery in one's own land, turning Robinson into the virtuous and modern homo economicus. But there are other Robinsons that challenge the original: that of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the urban Robinson, conceived in novelistic form by Antonio Muñoz Molina. Both serve as models for my reading of Felipe Delgado as a novel that exemplifies the marginal Robinson. As happens to some of the characters in Antonio Muñoz Molina's novels, the Bolivian poet and novelist Jaime Saenz creates an urban, marginalized and eccentric Robinson that, unlike the previous mentioned, without a rational goal motivating him, secretly celebrates his incurable shipwrecks. Felipe is the Robinson born out of the lucid necessity of alcohol. Clairvoyant and repentant of his future, he is born for the night, a space and time that permits him to delve into the heart of the memory of his city.
Institut français d’études andines eBooks, 2001
En el empeño por construir la nación, el paisaje cumplió una función hegemónica fundamental en la... more En el empeño por construir la nación, el paisaje cumplió una función hegemónica fundamental en la obra de Alcides Arguedas y de Franz Tamayo. El énfasis que ambos letrados pusieron en el paisaje involucró la necesidad de reconceptualizar totalmente las nociones de raza y de espacio. El indigenismo de Arguedas se apropió visualmente del paisaje andino con el propósito de que el medio ambiente fuese escenario propicio para la creación, la reproducción, y la transformaron ideológica de los actos..
Blackwell Publishing Ltd eBooks, Apr 15, 2008
... profundo. In Mexico, the creation of mestizaje owed a great deal to the archaeologist Manuel... more ... profundo. In Mexico, the creation of mestizaje owed a great deal to the archaeologist Manuel Gamio, who, like Tamayo, promoted the ... Later on, the influential pensador Samuel Ramos extended the concept of mestizaje to include foreign influences, and observed that Mexican ...
Papers by Javier Sanjines