Papers by Dr. M. Enamul Hossain
Fundamentals of Sustainable Drilling Engineering, 2015
Day 4 Wed, October 18, 2017, 2017
Petroleum reservoir rock and fluid properties vary during any pressure disturbances or thermal ac... more Petroleum reservoir rock and fluid properties vary during any pressure disturbances or thermal actions in the reservoir formation. It is important to consider the rock properties such as permeability, porosity, etc. and fluid properties such as viscosity, PVT properties etc. as a function of time for applications including geothermal actions, chemical reactions, and other geological activities in the sub-surface of the reservoir complex structure. Memory is the effect of past events on the present and future course of developments. The continuous alteration of rock/fluid properties can be characterized using memory concept. It is also significant to consider the rock, and fluid properties as a function of time, and the inclusion of recently introduced memory concept in petroleum engineering study. In this paper, a detailed review of the existing techniques and models of reservoir characterization is presented. This study will provide an inclusive information on the present status of...
Directional drilling is older than the currently ubiquitous horizontal drilling technology. Howev... more Directional drilling is older than the currently ubiquitous horizontal drilling technology. However, advances in mastering directional technology are most significant in the post horizontal well surge era. It's because the topic became relevant due to the fact that every horizontal well has a directional component to it. Advances in directional drilling are related to the advances in horizontal drilling but a separate chapter is presented because most of the advances in directional drilling can be traced back to technologies from many decades ago during the golden era of oil and gas. If properly evaluated, all advances in directional drilling technologies are relevant for both vertical and horizontal well drilling.
The present study was undertaken to observe the chemical composition of different types of rice p... more The present study was undertaken to observe the chemical composition of different types of rice polish available in different areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Twenty different types of rice polishes were collected from study areas. Chemical analyses of the samples were carried out in triplicate for moisture, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extract (NFE), ether extract (EE) and total ash (TA) in the animal nutrition laboratory, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Metabolizable energy (ME) was calculated mathematically for all samples by using standard formula. Results indicated that, there were no marked variations (P>0.
Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 2012
The experiment was conducted on 97 breeding bulls at the central cattle breeding and dairy farm, ... more The experiment was conducted on 97 breeding bulls at the central cattle breeding and dairy farm, Savar, Dhaka to find out the physical and chemical properties of different bull semen. Out of 97 bulls, 9 were Local (L), 9 were Friesian (F), 13 were Sahiwal (SL), 12 were Local×Friesian (L×F), 10 were Sahiwal×Friesian (SL×F), 26 were Local×Friesian×Friesian (LF1×F), 18 were Local×Friesian× Friesian×Friesian (LF2×F) bulls. The semen of different crossbred and local bulls was examined for ejaculate volume, concentration, pH and motility percent of sperm before and after freezing. It was observed that, the maximum average ejaculate was obtained from SL×F and the mean value was 12.9 ml. However, the minimum average ejaculate was obtained from LF×F and the mean value was 7.4 ml. Before freezing, the maximum average sperm concentration was obtained from SL and the mean value was 1858.4 million/ml. The minimum average sperm concentration was obtained from LF1×F and the mean value was 1286.6 m...
Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering, 2016
This paper introduces a novel mathematical tool to investigate temperature propagation pattern ba... more This paper introduces a novel mathematical tool to investigate temperature propagation pattern based on the dependence of various parameters such as production rate, injection rate, fluid velocity and pressure distribution in a petroleum reservoir during thermal operations. The rate equation and the conservation of the energy are applied to derive a mathematical model for the pressure and temperature distributions, using the modified Darcy’s law, in which fluid memory is introduced as a continuous function of time. The unique feature of this model is the incorporation of fluid memory to capture the non-linearity of the fluid and media properties. 1 INTRODUCTION At present, many conventional petroleum reservoirs are reaching maturity, reflected in their reduced productivity. At this stage of petroleum production, the water-to-oil ratio (WOR) is increased drastically, making it difficult to produce hydrocarbons under reasonable economic constraints. In a high-WOR reservoir, it is impo...
Microstructural weakening begins when a load whether compressive or tensile is applied to any mat... more Microstructural weakening begins when a load whether compressive or tensile is applied to any material. To simulate the rock behavior under such load, natural and synthetic waxes were tested in laboratory for waterjet drilling. The main objective of this study is to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of wax materials using uniaxial compressive strength test. This study explores the potential of diametral stress-strain behavior of natural beeswax and synthetic paraffin wax samples by the uniaxial compressive test to measure their strength. Experimental results show that the compressive strengths of beeswax and paraffin wax samples are 526.7 and 658.4 kPa respectively whereas the moduli of elasticity of beeswax and paraffin wax samples are 39.0 and 55.7 MPa, respectively. The stress-strain curves show that beeswax is analogous to rock and paraffin wax is similar to steel material. Moreover, empirical correlations show that natural beeswax can be a good substitute for r...
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2021
In many oil reservoirs worldwide, the downhole pressure does not have the ability to lift the pro... more In many oil reservoirs worldwide, the downhole pressure does not have the ability to lift the produced fluids to the surface. In order to produce these fluids, pumps are used to artificially lift the fluids; this method is referred to as artificial lift. More than seventy percent of all currently producing oil wells are being produced by artificial lift methods. One of the most applied artificial lift methods is sucker rod pump. Sucker rod pumps are considered a well-established technology in the oil and gas industry and thus are easy to apply, very common worldwide, and low in capital and operational costs. Many advancements in technology have been applied to improve sucker rod pumps performance, applicability range, and diagnostics. With these advancements, it is important to be able to constantly provide an updated review and guide to the utilization of the sucker rod pumps. This research provides an updated comprehensive review of sucker rod pumps components, diagnostics methods...
SPE Trinidad and Tobago Section Energy Resources Conference, 2018
Reservoir properties (e.g., porosity, permeability, surface tension, viscosity, fluid saturation,... more Reservoir properties (e.g., porosity, permeability, surface tension, viscosity, fluid saturation, wettability, reservoir thickness, pressure, and temperature) are the function of time. Time variation of rock-fluid properties in a reservoir can be defined as memory concept in the field of petroleum engineering. Introducing memory formalism in reservoir simulation allows to account the time-varying nature of rock-fluid properties and enables reservoir simulator to provide more accurate reservoir flow forecast. The key purpose of this paper is to summarize the details for developing a memory formalism-based reservoir simulator. Within the context of the study, the key concept of memory formalism and fractional calculus are precisely explained. A complete roadmap in preparing a memory formalism-based reservoir simulator is shown with example and application.
Petroleum Science and Technology, 2008
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, 2016
For any reservoir, the cross-plot of permeability vs. porosity data exhibit a non-linear behavior... more For any reservoir, the cross-plot of permeability vs. porosity data exhibit a non-linear behavior. As a result, there is always an uncertainty associated with the characteristic parameters obtained for any permeability equation using inverse-linear-regression technique. In this paper, unique characteristic parameters of permeability equation based on Civan's leaky-tube-capillary model were determined using genetic algorithm to obtain straight-line plot of the derived permeability vs. normalized porosity data. The statistical inverse-linear-regression techniques are more likely to end up in a local minimum without ever finding the global minimum. Consequently, it results in finding non-unique characteristic parameters of the permeability function. However, heuristic-based optimization technique such as genetic algorithm randomly jump out of the local minima and finds the global minimum of the permeability function. This helps in finding unique value of the characteristic paramete...
SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, 2016
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs are important contributors to the world's oil and gas reserves... more Naturally Fractured Reservoirs are important contributors to the world's oil and gas reserves representing around one-fifth of the world's reservoirs. They usually are of lower recovery and higher residual hydrocarbon saturation than the rest of reservoirs due to its mixed wettability, low matrix permeability, low fracture porosity, and the complicated fracture network. When alkaline-surfactant-polymer flooding is conducted, it enhances the recovery by altering the wettability, lowering the interfacial tension of the rock, reducing the mobility ratio, and forming a secondary in-situ surfactant, consequently reducing the residual hydrocarbon saturation. However, majority of ASP operations usually underestimate the complicated structure and description of reservoirs. As a result, this lacking causes a serious flood modeling issue on NFRs since they rely on the matrix system mainly being the storage of hydrocarbon, and the fracture system carrying out the production. This paper...
Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, 2015
Worldwide drilling activities are signifi cantly raised by the oil industry due to the increased ... more Worldwide drilling activities are signifi cantly raised by the oil industry due to the increased global demand of hydrocarbon. The addition of new and sophisticated equipment, tools, and technologies in drilling a well are adding more costs in terms of new technology and equipment. In contrast, the reduction of drilling time due to the addition of those facilities has signifi cantly reduced the drilling costs. As a result, there is a cost analysis dilemma faced by the drilling industry. In addition, shale gas wells are drilled using drilling technology very similar to that used in the drilling of conventional hydrocarbon wells. This causes the drill bit to wear out which signifi cantly reduces the net penetration rate with the longer trip time. This scenario causes new challenges for the estimation of shale drilling cost in general. The overall cost estimation and analysis creates new challenges and responsibilities for the industry people. Moreover, cost effective drilling is one of the focal points for the industry toward a successful and sustainable drilling because by defi nition, sustainability covers the parameter, cost. The lack of proper training in handling fi nancial sustainability has caused tremendous frustration in the current energy management sector. While everyone seems to have a solution, it is increasingly becoming clear that these options are not moving our drilling environment to any sustainable state. This article evaluates current and historical drilling and completion costs of oil and gas wells. As a starting point, the general cost analysis concepts are discussed in detail to have a strong foundation on the drilling cost and time estimation. Field data are used to show the cost trends for various depths in calculating drilling cost and drilling time estimation. Also outlined is the signifi cance of Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) in terms of variations of oil and gas prices, costs, and availability of major well components and services at particular locations. The new addition of some features in cost estimation will help in understanding the overall cost estimation. This article will enhance understanding of drilling cost analysis and will provide a guideline in preparing AFE. M. Enamul Hossain: Drilling Costs Estimation for Hydrocarbon Wells 4
Journal of Porous Media, 2016
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2015
In the past decade a plethora of research in academia and industry has focused on understanding t... more In the past decade a plethora of research in academia and industry has focused on understanding the fundamental flow behavior of naturally fractured shale gas reservoirs (NFR). Naturally fractured reservoirs are mostly modelled using dual porosity models, in such models the reservoir volume is described by a low permeability shale matrix block surrounded by a fracture system. In which, the matrix and fracture system is each modeled as a separate homogeneous medium. However, existing dual porosity models cannot justify high production rates from existing shale gas reservoirs. Observations from fractured shale gas reservoirs reveal that there exist sets of orthogonal fractures (induced micro fractures), with different properties from the natural fractures which must be accounted for. This study aims to modify the existing triple porosity model proposed for naturally fractured shale gas reservoirs under the assumption of a fully pseudo steady state flow regime between the three contigu...
SPE Saudi Arabia Section Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, 2015
Effective well integrity practices ensure the protection of people, facilities and the environmen... more Effective well integrity practices ensure the protection of people, facilities and the environment from the risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout the life cycle of a well, so petroleum engineers are always required to ensure well integrity. Part of well integrity is to make sure downhole equipment and barriers are in excellent condition. Identifying the downhole leak source of pressure communication between tubingcasing and casing-casing annuli in any well is a huge challenge for petroleum engineers. Detecting any leak at the early stage is an important key to well integrity management. Two objectives were set in this paper as follows: The first objective is to develop a method that can detect downhole leaks by utilizing only rigless data based on full interpretation and evaluation of different logs in the field: temperature, noise, and corrosion log in different scenarios. The first scenario is shut-in condition while the second scenario is in flowing conditio...
With the advent of fast computational techniques, it is time to include all salient features of t... more With the advent of fast computational techniques, it is time to include all salient features of the material balance equation (MBE). The inclusion of time dependent porosity and permeability can enhance the quality of oil recovery predictions to a great extent. This alteration occurs due to change of pressure and temperature of the reservoir which causes a continuous change of rock-fluid properties with time. However, few studies report such alterations and their consequences. This study investigates the effects of permeability, pore volume, and porosity with time during the production of oil. Moreover, a comprehensive MBE is presented. The equation contains a stress-strain formulation that is applicable to both rock and fluid. In addition, this formulation includes memory effect of fluids in terms of a continuous time function. Similar time dependence is also invoked to the rock strain-stress relationship. This formulation results in a highly non-linear MBE, with a number of coeffi...
All Days, 2015
Petroleum engineers are routinely required to estimate the production behavior of individual oil ... more Petroleum engineers are routinely required to estimate the production behavior of individual oil wells. Having an idea of the pressure-rate behavior enables engineers to evaluate various operating scenarios to ascertain the optimum production scheme. This also facilitates understanding how to design and install surface and subsurface production equipment whenever necessary. Knowledge of pressure-rate behavior is necessary for designing and evaluating stimulation treatments, or any operation that might improve flow efficiency. Estimates of future performance are also required for forecasting and planning purposes. The actual production mechanism and reservoir flow regimes around the horizontal well are considered more complicated than those for the vertical wells. Some combination of both linear and radial flow actually exists in the horizontal well. In literature, several authors such as Bendakhlia and Aziz, Cheng, and Retnanto and Economides concluded that the shape of measured inf...
Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 2014
This study was conducted with 180 female Swiss albino mice to examine the effects of supplementin... more This study was conducted with 180 female Swiss albino mice to examine the effects of supplementing broiler fat in the diets of mice on blood lipid profile. Twenty one days old mice were collected from ICDDRB, Mohakhali, Dhaka. They were randomly distributed in four groups having three replications each. Each replicate group had 15 mice. Results revealed that supplementation of broiler fat in mice diet significantly changed (p<0.05) triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) among groups. The control group (T0) had the highest level of cholesterol and LDL. Cholesterol, TG and LDL markedly increased (p<0.05) in all dietary treatment groups, while high density lipoprotein (HDL) significantly (p<0.01) decreased after supplementation of experimental diets. It was concluded that all the dietary treatments in general increased blood cholesterol, TG and LDL in mice fed broiler fat with different oil supplements. However, the soybean and palm oil group was comparatively bet...
Papers by Dr. M. Enamul Hossain
The great Western philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau once wrote: “I would rather be a man of paradoxes than a man of prejudices,” as if we are faced with only two options that are: man of uncouth ignorance (who else would entertain paradoxical thinking?) and man of deliberate ignorance (who else would entertain prejudices?) The fact is, modern age is full of examples of such paradoxical and prejudicial thoughts. We are constantly bombarded with fundamentally absurd notions that can be deconstructed with simplest of logic, yet few if any dare question the incessant proclamations of these nonsensical theories as ‘laws’. Take, for instance, the centuries old teaching that resources are finite, whereas needs are infinite. Where does that put any engineering solutions of pre-Industrial age era that is based on the principle zero-waste? Yes, it makes the time-tested principle of nature-based approach an absurd concept. Yet, we go ahead and define sustainability as the target for any technology development. Is it possible that we don’t understand there is no sustainability without zero-waste or is it that we like to use the word sustainability just because it is fashionable to do so. Then, the case of ad hominem fear mongering that population explosion is the biggest threat to humanity. Before we can catch the breath, we are then told that humans are the greatest creation of all. Then take the case of “grim climate concerns” due to the production of fossil fuel. Why is the fossil fuel all of a sudden a villain. Ah, it’s carbon dioxide, we are told. It’s as if we are to forget that carbon is the most essential component of plants – the very same plants that is in the core of sustainability of the ecosystem.
I know of no other scientist that has done so much in deconstructing the myths of modern era than Prof. Islam, the lead author of this book. His pioneering work includes the introduction of zero-waste engineering and green petroleum – the terms that were considered to be oxymoron when he first introduced them over a decade ago. In this book, he, along with his co-authors, delve into one of the most controversial topics in petroleum engineering. It was long known, basement reservoirs and everything about them cannot be explained with conventional diagenesis models. However, no one dared take on the problem with an approach that would answer all the questions and solve all the paradoxes. Instead, in line with what has become the hallmark of New science, everyone agreed to disagree and settle for a particular branch of the dogmatic process. Prof. Islam characteristically takes an entirely different approach. This book gets to the root of the problem by advancing an option radically divergent from both the ‘petroleum is of organic origin no matter what’ and the ‘petroleum is of non-organic origin – no matter what’. With this approach, people would no longer be reduced to “choosing” between the equally paradoxical paths.
This is a unique book that describes Geology with the logic of mathematics and engineering with the lucidity of fine arts. There is no fallacy, no resorting to dogma and most importantly there is not a single statement that would lead to a paradox. This book gives a great hope in restoring the time-honoured fact that nature’s bounty is infinite and as long human greed is in check, we don’t have to worry about energy needs of mankind.
If there is any shortcoming of this book, it is in the fact that it covers only basement reservoirs. One can envision the theories advanced in this book will be able to explain many phenomena, the scientific explanation of which have eluded all scientists – none of whom has been able to answer all the questions, without resorting to dogma. This book is a masterpiece that belongs to every scientist and engineer that aspires to be educated about the most important energy source of human history.