Books by Dario Panariti
Hierapolis di Frigia VI. La Tomba Bella Un heroon giulio-claudio e il suo sarcofago, 2014
La Tomba Bella ed il suo sarcofago furono rinvenuti nella necropoli nord di Hierapolis negli anni... more La Tomba Bella ed il suo sarcofago furono rinvenuti nella necropoli nord di Hierapolis negli anni '60 in condizioni frammentarie, e sono sin qui rimasti sostanzialmente inediti. Questo lavoro intende quindi colmare una lacuna di antica data e conferire al monumento la dovuta rilevanza tra le piu illustri testimonianze dell'Asia Minore romana. La cronologia claudia dell'edificio, e del grandioso sarcofago in esso contenuto, colloca infatti la Tomba all'inizio di uno sviluppo che coinvolgera sia l'architettura funeraria asiatica che la produzione di grandi sarcofagi a fregio continuo. La ricostruzione grafica del monumento e partita da una accurata rilevazione di tutte le tracce di lavorazione presenti sull'edificio, che si e rivelata importante strumento conoscitivo delle modalita operative delle maestranze locali. I rapporti della decorazione architettonica con altri cantieri giulio-claudi a Hierapolis, e segnatamente con quello del Santuario di Apollo, dimostrano la comune circolazione di maestranze in quella che in anni recenti si e rivelata una tra le fasi piu vivaci dell'urbanizzazione della citta frigia. Infine, l'assoluta eccezionalita del programma decorativo del sarcofago, che include un'assemblea di dinasti seleucidi, autorizza ad inserire la committenza della Tomba Bella nell'ambito di quella classe sociale di antica origine ellenistica, che tanta parte rivesti nel consolidamento del dominio romano in Asia.
As Rome’s most notorious opponents on Italian soil, the Samnites have always occupied a special p... more As Rome’s most notorious opponents on Italian soil, the Samnites have always occupied a special position in scholarship on ancient Italy and early Roman imperialism. The prominence of the Samnites in classical studies can be traced directly to Livy’s detailed account of the Samnite Wars. Writing centuries after the fact, Livy romantically portrays the Romans and Samnites as formidable opponents, and as almost evenly matched expansionist States. Consequently, scholars have propped up the ‘Samnite State’ by combining historical and archaeological data. However, historiographical research over the last few decades paints a different picture. Recent studies have questioned the historical role of ‘the Samnites’, and have indeed tended to deconstruct notions of strong Samnite socio-political cohesion and organizational capacity. The ultimate conclusions reached by some of the recent ‘deconstructivist’ studies are not yet uniformly accepted across different schools of thought. Especially the issues of a shared Samnite identity or socio-political organization, and the reality of Samnite military power and territorial expansion have become subject of a heated debate. However, these developing theoretical positions have remained partly isolated from a growing body of exciting new archaeological discoveries.
To stimulate synergy, this volume brings together an international group of experts from different fields and backgrounds. It opens up the discussion by offering fresh viewpoints and new evidence for the political organization, social life, mountain settlement, cults and cult sites, and finally the character of Samnite and Roman expansionism.
La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale ricadente nel territorio del Comune di Pietravairano è... more La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale ricadente nel territorio del Comune di Pietravairano è stata, sin dall'insediamento dell'Amministrazione da me presieduta, nel 2009, uno degli obiettivi prioritari dell'azione politica. Difatti, è stata pianificata una serie di eventi culturali (convegni, seminari, visite guidate ecc.), indirizzati verso la diffusione della conoscenza del patrimonioprimo passo verso un'efficace azione di valorizzazione -, che hanno posto l'attenzione sia su quello architettonico, storico-artistico e paesaggistico dei borghi medievali di Pietravairano e di San Felice, sia su quello archeologico del complesso teatro-tempio di Monte San Nicola.
Conference Presentations by Dario Panariti
Prima campagna rilievo fotogrammetrico aereo e terrestre a S. Marco nord-est, Monasterace marina-... more Prima campagna rilievo fotogrammetrico aereo e terrestre a S. Marco nord-est, Monasterace marina-antica Caulonia
Papers by Dario Panariti
This volume, the first in a new series dedicated to the archaeological and historical landscapes ... more This volume, the first in a new series dedicated to the archaeological and historical landscapes of central Mediterranean Italy, aims to offer a fresh and dynamic new approach to our understanding of central-southern maritime Tuscany during the Roman period. Drawing on research that was initially presented at the first International Mediterranean Tuscan Conference (MediTo) held in Paganico (Grosseto, Italy) in June 2018, and supported by invited papers from other experts in the field, this collection of essays offers the most up-to-date research into Roman and Late Antique landscapes within Tuscany and its broader Mediterranean context, as well as the political, economic, and social networks that developed in this area during the Classical Period. Ultimately, what emerges from this in-depth study of river valleys, urban centres, and coastal settlements is an understanding of a dynamic Roman territory of cities and villages, villas and sanctuaries, minor sites, and manufacturing districts in which the local population fought to establish and maintain connections with the wider Mediterranean.
In this study, the analysis of the technical and dimensional aspects of the temple walls, the ter... more In this study, the analysis of the technical and dimensional aspects of the temple walls, the terrace and the cavea of the theater have allowed us to demonstrate that the sanctuary complex of Pietravairano is the result of a single architectural project, designed in this shape from the earliest construction stages. The ground plan of the temple (Tuscanic temple with three cells), the building technique used to make walls (opus incertum), the unit of measure for measurement of the sacred area and the single structures of the plan (Roman foot) refer to the Roman cultural environment. Therefore, they indicate the full coherency of the monumental complex with the historical and architectural trends established between Lazio and Campania during the middle and late Republican period. Thanks to the measurements for the entire yard, it is possible to examine the metrological aspects of the sanctuary plan. The data point out relationships of proportionality, the modular system, the geometric pattern at the base of the architectural project and prove the contemporary use of a reference plane geometric shape and a related modular grid.
Since 2016 the University of Florence has undertaken a new excavation project in the ancient city... more Since 2016 the University of Florence has undertaken a new excavation project in the ancient city of Cosa (Ansedonia, province of Grosseto), under the auspices of the "Strada di Cosa" Project. The first excavation campaigns have been focused to the west of the Casa di Diana, at the crossing between Streets P and 5 and along the eastern edge of Insula 10. A thick series of layers was investigated above the paved Roman road: they appeared to be the result of dumping activities, consisting of successive layers of earth, building materials and pottery, which date by the end of the 2 nd century CE. In 2017 the excavation extended further south, along Street P, halfway between the Forum and the Arx, where the 2016 georadar surveys revealed a building of great dimensions, opening onto Street P. The collapsed building features a wide rectangular central courtyard, onto which a series of smaller rooms open.
L'archéologie funéraire en Italie du Sud (Fin VI e–début III e siècles av. J.-C.) Rencontre exploratoire franco-italienne, INHA, Paris 24 et 25 mars 2017
International Conferences by Dario Panariti
From the late 4th century BC onwards, numerous pottery production centres emerged. While kilns an... more From the late 4th century BC onwards, numerous pottery production centres emerged. While kilns and waste deposits are unmistakable indicators of ceramic production, more information about the manufacturers, their workshops, and the working process are needed. Analyses of the sites, together with their products, working tools and epigraphic evidence should provide more information about the organisation of the manufactures and their pottery production. Of equal importance is the examination of different scales and types of ceramic workshops to reveal, which consumer markets these workshops were targeting. Considerations of issues of supply and demand, specialised products, nature and degree of market engagement, and evidence of levels of exchange in local, regional, and interregional scale would all be welcome, especially considering the fact that not every workshop focused on a large-scale production. Papers dealing with archaeometry, particularly focusing on provenience studies of ceramics, are especially welcome. TOPIC 2 Aegean Networks Trade relations between different Aegean regions are a topic that has frequently attracted the attention of scholars. This is due to the fact that the Aegean basin had been an extremely active commercial area since the prehistoric times, focusing on the transfer of commodities, as well as promoting the transfer of technological and cultural knowledge. The Hellenistic period constitutes a crucial moment in the development of new interactions and the increase of commercial relations between regions in the Aegean. The foundation of new settlements, and/or the renewal and promotion of already existing ones, facilitated pottery production and exchange. There are also changes in demand-first locally and later more widely-leading to mass production of pottery that focused on the export market including transport amphoras. The aim of this section is to examine the archaeological evidence of these dynamics and the resulting networks of exchange. Presentations of quantified pottery contexts where empirical data of the imported types can be demonstrated, those of closed contexts that reflect the pottery types in a given period of the Hellenistic era, and those involving shipwrecks or data from shipwrecks are especially encouraged.
Mediterraneo Toscano (MediTo)
Paesaggi dell'Etruria romana
29 - 30 Giugno 2018
Comitato sc... more Mediterraneo Toscano (MediTo)
Paesaggi dell'Etruria romana
29 - 30 Giugno 2018
Comitato scientifico
Richard Hodges - American University of Rome
Daniele Manacorda - Università Roma Tre
Carolina Megale - Università di Firenze
Riccardo Rao - Università di Bergamo
Alessandro Sebastiani - University at Buffalo (SUNY)
MediTo è organizzato in collaborazione con l’Associazione culturale Past in Progress e con il patrocinio di:
Comune di Civitella Paganico
Centro Studi Città e Territorio
Ass. Cult. Past in Progress
Department of Classics - University at Buffalo (SUNY)
IEMA Institute of European and Mediterranean Archaeology (University at Buffalo)
American University of Rome
Book Reviews by Dario Panariti
CARLO DE SIMONE, Etrusco arcaico (Caere!?), VIl sec. a.C.) Numasia(na) p. 7 prenestino Numasio-: ... more CARLO DE SIMONE, Etrusco arcaico (Caere!?), VIl sec. a.C.) Numasia(na) p. 7 prenestino Numasio-: chiuso ormai un annoso dibattito CARLO RESCIGNO, Tre gorgoni campane 53 FRANCESCO NAPOLITANO, Alcune note sulla ricezione e acquisizione di manmufatti italicia Kym nell 'Orientalizzante medio e recente 83 CHRISTIANE NoWAK, I balsamari nel rituale funerario degli insediamenti 111 campani ENRICO ANGELO STANCO, Alife sannitica: uove acquisizioni storico-143 topografiche (in appendice: relazione Dall'Osso del 18.06.1907) MICHAEL H. CRAWFORD, The provenance of Vetter 19 173 FABRIZIO RUFFO, L insula sud-occidentale del cosiddetto impianto urbano' di 177 Stabiae. Nuovi dati dalla recente campagna di scavo (2009) HEIKKI SOLIN, Nuove iscrizioni di Capua II 241 SIMONE DI MAURO, Un griuppo di anfore afondo piatto da Alife 289 LuiGI DI CoSMO, Alife (CE). Ceramiche medievali dall'area del mausoleo 301 romano di Piazza XIX Ottobre Recensioni: F. Russo, Pitagorismo e Spartanità. Elementi politico-culturali tra 325 Taranto, Roma ed i Sanniti alla fine del IV sec. a.C. (AMEDEO VISCONTI)-C. Ebanista, M. Rotili (edd.), La Campaniafra tarda antichità e alto medioevo. Ricerche di archeologia del territorio (ANNA SMERAGLIUOLO PERROTTA)-T.D. Stek, Cult Places and Cultural Changes in Republican Italy. A Contestual Approach to Religious Aspects of Rural Society after the Roman Conquest (DARIO PANARITI)-G. Boccadamo, A. Ilibato (edd.), Domenico Mallardo.
Talks by Dario Panariti
Poster realizzato in occasione della mostra: "Il Gruppo FAI Maremma per Settefinestre: il recuper... more Poster realizzato in occasione della mostra: "Il Gruppo FAI Maremma per Settefinestre: il recupero di un affresco. Dettagli di interni tra la villa romana e la città di Cosa". 16 settembre-15 novembre 2018 presso ex Polveriera Guzman a Orbetello.
Books by Dario Panariti
To stimulate synergy, this volume brings together an international group of experts from different fields and backgrounds. It opens up the discussion by offering fresh viewpoints and new evidence for the political organization, social life, mountain settlement, cults and cult sites, and finally the character of Samnite and Roman expansionism.
Conference Presentations by Dario Panariti
Papers by Dario Panariti
International Conferences by Dario Panariti
Paesaggi dell'Etruria romana
29 - 30 Giugno 2018
Comitato scientifico
Richard Hodges - American University of Rome
Daniele Manacorda - Università Roma Tre
Carolina Megale - Università di Firenze
Riccardo Rao - Università di Bergamo
Alessandro Sebastiani - University at Buffalo (SUNY)
MediTo è organizzato in collaborazione con l’Associazione culturale Past in Progress e con il patrocinio di:
Comune di Civitella Paganico
Centro Studi Città e Territorio
Ass. Cult. Past in Progress
Department of Classics - University at Buffalo (SUNY)
IEMA Institute of European and Mediterranean Archaeology (University at Buffalo)
American University of Rome
Book Reviews by Dario Panariti
Talks by Dario Panariti
To stimulate synergy, this volume brings together an international group of experts from different fields and backgrounds. It opens up the discussion by offering fresh viewpoints and new evidence for the political organization, social life, mountain settlement, cults and cult sites, and finally the character of Samnite and Roman expansionism.
Paesaggi dell'Etruria romana
29 - 30 Giugno 2018
Comitato scientifico
Richard Hodges - American University of Rome
Daniele Manacorda - Università Roma Tre
Carolina Megale - Università di Firenze
Riccardo Rao - Università di Bergamo
Alessandro Sebastiani - University at Buffalo (SUNY)
MediTo è organizzato in collaborazione con l’Associazione culturale Past in Progress e con il patrocinio di:
Comune di Civitella Paganico
Centro Studi Città e Territorio
Ass. Cult. Past in Progress
Department of Classics - University at Buffalo (SUNY)
IEMA Institute of European and Mediterranean Archaeology (University at Buffalo)
American University of Rome