Books by Alexandre DUCHESNE
Trois questions sont étudiées. Quelle est la situation de l’Afrique face aux questions de dévelop... more Trois questions sont étudiées. Quelle est la situation de l’Afrique face aux questions de développement ?
L’Afrique est-elle toujours « mal partie » ?
Quels sont les défis d’ordre économique, démographique et socio-environnemental que doit relever l’Afrique ?
[Three questions are studied. What is the situation in Africa deal with development issues? Is the African always "bad part"? What are the challenges of economic, demographic and socio-environmental facing Africa?]
Trois questions sont étudiées. Existe-t-il une relation entre croissance démographique et croissa... more Trois questions sont étudiées. Existe-t-il une relation entre croissance démographique et croissance économique ?
La croissance démographique est-elle un potentiel ou un frein au développement de l’Asie du Sud et de l’Est ? Comment la croissance économique de l’Asie du Sud et de l’Est peut-elle entraîner le développement ?
[Three questions are studied. Is there a relationship between population growth and economic growth? Is the population growth potential or hinder the development of South Asia and East? How can economic growth in South Asia and East lead to the development?.]
Books by Alexandre DUCHESNE
[Three questions are studied. What is the situation in Africa deal with development issues? Is the African always "bad part"? What are the challenges of economic, demographic and socio-environmental facing Africa?]
[Three questions are studied. Is there a relationship between population growth and economic growth? Is the population growth potential or hinder the development of South Asia and East? How can economic growth in South Asia and East lead to the development?.]
[Three questions are studied. What is the situation in Africa deal with development issues? Is the African always "bad part"? What are the challenges of economic, demographic and socio-environmental facing Africa?]
[Three questions are studied. Is there a relationship between population growth and economic growth? Is the population growth potential or hinder the development of South Asia and East? How can economic growth in South Asia and East lead to the development?.]