Employment and Projects by Claudia Sojer
https://www.schlossambras-innsbruck.at/; https://www.khm.at/
(Karenzvertretung) 08-2015–08-2016 und 03-2017–08-2017: Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung für Sonder... more (Karenzvertretung) 08-2015–08-2016 und 03-2017–08-2017: Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung für Sondersammlungen der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck).
09-2016–02-2017: Wiss. Mitarbeiterin im FWF-Projekt zur Erschließung der Handschriften der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol: "Katalog der Handschriften der ULB Tirol, Cod. 951–1191" (Laufzeit 2013–02-2017) (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck)
Projekt zur Erforschung und Beschreibung griechischer Handschriften in italienischen Bibliotheken... more Projekt zur Erforschung und Beschreibung griechischer Handschriften in italienischen Bibliotheken, das für das größere nationale Projekt Manoscritti greci d'Italia [MaGI] (http://www.nuovabibliotecamanoscritta.it/MaGI/progetto.html?language=it) Arbeitsfelder erschließt. (Persönlicher Forschungsschwerpunkt: Griechische Handschriften in Bibliotheken der Region Emilia Romagna, Arbeitsgruppe Pavia).
Teaching Activity by Claudia Sojer
Cycle of seminar lessons: "Methodology of early medieval historical sources: methods for the stud... more Cycle of seminar lessons: "Methodology of early medieval historical sources: methods for the study and restoration of manuscript fragments and archival documents”, at: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA: ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021.
within: 70746 - STORIA MEDIEVALE (70746 - MEDIEVAL HISTORY): https://www.unibo.it/it/didattica/insegnamenti/insegnamento/2020/380260
of Univ.-Prof. Dr. RAFFAELE SAVIGNI: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/raffaele.savigni
Le lezioni saranno strutturate in tre blocchi, ciascuno della durata di due ore.
Blocco 1:
- Frammentologia analogica e digitale. Definizione della disciplina. Frammenti di artigianato, frammenti di catastrofi (guerra, frammentazione per motivazioni politiche, fuoco, acqua), frammenti d'arte e di collezionisti.
- Supporti scrittori (carta, pergamena), materiale da scrittura (inchiostri, colori, pigmenti). Materiale nuovo, materiale riciclato. Mercati di merce di seconda mano nel Medioevo.
Blocco 2:
- Archeologia del libro: quando libri si trovano nei libri. Rilegatori di libri.
- Altri artigiani medievali che hanno lavorato con frammenti di libri: il costruttore di organi, l'operaio edile, il costruttore dell'altare, il costruttore di cornici, il fabbricante di giocattoli, il sarto.
Blocco 3:
- Caso studio 1: Il restauratore come chirurgo: frammenti di pergamena e il loro uso secondario. Il recupero il più possibile non invasivo per la ricerca.
- Caso studio 2: Il restauratore come chirurgo: frammenti di carta e il loro uso secondario. Il recupero il più possibile non invasivo per la ricerca.
Al termine delle sei ore, lo studente conosce sia il processo di manifattura di frammenti manoscritti sia i materiali prevalentemente impiegati in questo processo, e in particolare avrà maturato una consapevolezza delle sfide che questi materiali e il loro impiego presentano per il restauratore.
Lo studente avrà inoltre acquisito la terminologia specialistica fondamentale intorno allo studio di frammenti manoscritti, avrà un'idea generale dello sviluppo storico e dell'attuale rilevanza scientifica della disciplina.
Lo studente conoscerà il metodo applicato in frammentologia durante l’esame autoptico dei manufatti e attraverso le più avanzate tecnologie digitali.
The lessons will be structured in three blocks, each lasting two hours.
Block 1:
- Analog and digital fragmentology. Definition of the discipline. Handicraft fragments, fragments of catastrophic events (war, fragmentation for political reasons, fire, water), fragments of art and artifacts.
- Writing materials (paper, parchment), writing tools (inks, colours, pigments). New material, recycled material. Second-hand markets in the Middle Ages.
Block 2:
- Archeology of the book: when books are in books. Bookbinders.
- Other medieval artisans who worked with manuscript fragments: the organ builder, the construction worker, the altar builder, the frame builder, the toy maker, the tailor.
Block 3:
- Case study 1: The restorer as surgeon: Parchment fragments and their secondary use. Recovery as non-invasive as possible for research.
- Case study 2: The restorer as surgeon: fragments of paper and their secondary use. Recovery as non-invasive as possible for research.
By the end of the six hours, the student will be familiar with both the process of producing manuscript fragments and the principal materials used in this process. In particular, they will have gained an awareness of the challenges that these materials and their use present for the restorer.
The student will also have acquired the fundamental specialist terminology common to the study of manuscript fragments, will have a general idea of the historical development and current scientific relevance of the discipline.
The student will understand the methods used in fragmentology during the autopsy examination of the artefacts and through the most advanced digital technologies.
Collaboration in scholarly editions by Claudia Sojer
Thomas STOCKINGER–Thomas WALLNIG–Patrick FISKA–Ines PEPER–Manuela MAYER– unter Mitarbeit von Clau... more Thomas STOCKINGER–Thomas WALLNIG–Patrick FISKA–Ines PEPER–Manuela MAYER– unter Mitarbeit von Claudia SOJER, Die gelehrte Korrespondenz der Brüder Pez. Text, Regesten, Kommentare, 2: 1716–1718 (Quelleneditionen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 2/2, Wien 2015).
OPEN ACCESS: http://www.univie.ac.at/monastische_aufklaerung/en/publishing-the-letters/
Der Band bietet auf mehr als 1500 Seiten die Korrespondenz der Brüder Pez aus den Jahren 1716-1718:
557 Briefnummern, davon 256 erhaltene Stücke. Diese Briefe dokumentieren das erfolgreiche Eintreten der beiden Melker Historiker in den breiteren Kontext der europäischen Gelehrtenrepublik, zugleich aber auch erste gravierende
Konflikte innerhalb des Klosters. Die Edition enthält die Briefe im meist lateinischen Volltext mit ausführlichen
deutschen Regesten, Kommentaren und Registern.
Band 1: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:370
Band 2, 1. Halbband: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:824
Papers by Claudia Sojer
The Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, 2022
in Arc Humanities Press (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, Bloomsbury Publishing,... more in Arc Humanities Press (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, Bloomsbury Publishing, London 2022.
in Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 45/3 (2021), 533–553. https://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2021-0047.
... more in Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 45/3 (2021), 533–553. https://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2021-0047.
Departing from a history of the term fragment and its definition in book and archive history, the paper offers a classification of fragmenting processes and the resulting types of handwritten fragments. Furthermore, it presents the state of research and the potential of fragments in research and teaching as well as the internationally standardized digital image and metadata formats primarily in the international portal Fragmentarium, and highlights the characteristics of fragments which pose a special challenge in the allotation of signatures to fragments and the labelling of digital imagery. An overview of the primary fragment platforms and recent literature concludes the paper.
in Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen 13/2020, herausgegeben von Peter Assmann,... more in Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen 13/2020, herausgegeben von Peter Assmann, Astrid Flögel, Roland Sila, Tiroler Landesmuseen-Betriebsgesellschaft m. b. H., Studienverlag, Innsbruck-Wien 2020, 114–133.
Bibliothecae.it, 2020
in Bibliothecae.it 9/1 (2020), 417–453. Online: https://bibliothecae.unibo.it/index
This articl... more in Bibliothecae.it 9/1 (2020), 417–453. Online: https://bibliothecae.unibo.it/index
This article outlines the history of the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Tirol (University and Provincial Library of Tirol at Innsbruck, ULB Tirol) in
Innsbruck from the initial idea for its establishment arising in 1731 through its actual foundation in 1745, as well as its connection, shaped by various interactions, with the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck founded in 1669.
The text also provides general information on the modern-day ULB Tirol,
including data on its general tasks and mission, its holdings and numbers of users, and the individual departments of the library. The main focus of the article lies on the Department of Special Collections and its manuscript holdings, however. It offers an overview of the cataloguing projects conducted over the past fifty years and the status quo of those projects, as well as discussing their boundaries and the possibilities they have opened up. Finally, three specific projects are presented that are either currently being implemented or will be
undertaken in the coming years and will substantially expand existing knowledge on the department’s manuscript assets. A bibliography lists all modern manuscript catalogs published between 1987 and 2017 as well as the essential literature on the history of the library’s holdings from 1874 to 2019.
in VI Ciclo di Studi Medievali, Atti del Convegno, tenutosi a Firenze l’8–9 Giugno 2020, EBS Ediz... more in VI Ciclo di Studi Medievali, Atti del Convegno, tenutosi a Firenze l’8–9 Giugno 2020, EBS Edizioni, Lesmo 2020, 489–497.
At the turn of the year 1551/52, an elephant travelled through Europe accompanied by the entourage of Archduke Maximilian before he became Emperor Maximilian II. The event was widely circulated and documented in numerous sources. On January 6, 1552 the entourage reached the city of Innsbruck. The fragment labeled “Innsbruck, Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Tirol (University and Provincial Library of Tyrol), Frg. 81” (henceforth: ULBT, Frg. 81) is one of 233 fragments being studied in the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank project, “Die abgelösten Handschriftenfragmente der Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Tirol und ihre digitale Erschließung” (The Detached Manuscript Fragments of the University and Provincial Library of Tyrol (ULB Tirol) and Their Digital Cataloguing), and represents an additional little-noticed source that appears to describe this elephant passage. This paper focuses on the genesis of the fragment and its secondary use as a cover lining. The paleographical-contextual assessment of ULBT Frg. 81 takes us to late medieval humanism; the linguistic assessment to the early modern era. The text contained in the fragment will be published here for the first time. Anton Zingerle already identified parallels to antique texts within the fragment. In the best case, the edition of the fragment will reveal if other records of the text exist in other places, or if it is a unique and not widely disseminated record (Schreiber-zeugnis) or creation (Schreib-erzeugnis) of a courtly or conciliar scribe.
Online-Talk in Italian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4MqDEIpTB8&list=PLd4JK43DUT75qAy5hqyD3TzLq7rQKl9vp&index=44.
Conference page: https://www.nuovomedioevo.it/2020/05/23/vi-ciclo-di-studi-medievali/.
Employment and Projects by Claudia Sojer
Projektleitung: Dr. Claudia Sojer
Und an der Philosophischen Fakultät, an der Professur für Mittelalterliche Geschichte: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/philosophische-fakultaet/seminare-professuren/historisches-seminar/professuren/mittelalterliche-geschichte.
(Projektansiedelung: Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Abteilung für Sondersammlungen der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck.
In Kooperation mit FRAGMENTARIUM. Digital Research Laboratory for Medieval Manuscript Fragments (https://fragmentarium.ms/).
Projektleitung: Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Martin Wagendorfer, M.A.S. Fördergeber: Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichische Nationalbank (OeNB).
09-2016–02-2017: Wiss. Mitarbeiterin im FWF-Projekt zur Erschließung der Handschriften der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol: "Katalog der Handschriften der ULB Tirol, Cod. 951–1191" (Laufzeit 2013–02-2017) (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck)
Teaching Activity by Claudia Sojer
within: 70746 - STORIA MEDIEVALE (70746 - MEDIEVAL HISTORY): https://www.unibo.it/it/didattica/insegnamenti/insegnamento/2020/380260
of Univ.-Prof. Dr. RAFFAELE SAVIGNI: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/raffaele.savigni
Le lezioni saranno strutturate in tre blocchi, ciascuno della durata di due ore.
Blocco 1:
- Frammentologia analogica e digitale. Definizione della disciplina. Frammenti di artigianato, frammenti di catastrofi (guerra, frammentazione per motivazioni politiche, fuoco, acqua), frammenti d'arte e di collezionisti.
- Supporti scrittori (carta, pergamena), materiale da scrittura (inchiostri, colori, pigmenti). Materiale nuovo, materiale riciclato. Mercati di merce di seconda mano nel Medioevo.
Blocco 2:
- Archeologia del libro: quando libri si trovano nei libri. Rilegatori di libri.
- Altri artigiani medievali che hanno lavorato con frammenti di libri: il costruttore di organi, l'operaio edile, il costruttore dell'altare, il costruttore di cornici, il fabbricante di giocattoli, il sarto.
Blocco 3:
- Caso studio 1: Il restauratore come chirurgo: frammenti di pergamena e il loro uso secondario. Il recupero il più possibile non invasivo per la ricerca.
- Caso studio 2: Il restauratore come chirurgo: frammenti di carta e il loro uso secondario. Il recupero il più possibile non invasivo per la ricerca.
Al termine delle sei ore, lo studente conosce sia il processo di manifattura di frammenti manoscritti sia i materiali prevalentemente impiegati in questo processo, e in particolare avrà maturato una consapevolezza delle sfide che questi materiali e il loro impiego presentano per il restauratore.
Lo studente avrà inoltre acquisito la terminologia specialistica fondamentale intorno allo studio di frammenti manoscritti, avrà un'idea generale dello sviluppo storico e dell'attuale rilevanza scientifica della disciplina.
Lo studente conoscerà il metodo applicato in frammentologia durante l’esame autoptico dei manufatti e attraverso le più avanzate tecnologie digitali.
The lessons will be structured in three blocks, each lasting two hours.
Block 1:
- Analog and digital fragmentology. Definition of the discipline. Handicraft fragments, fragments of catastrophic events (war, fragmentation for political reasons, fire, water), fragments of art and artifacts.
- Writing materials (paper, parchment), writing tools (inks, colours, pigments). New material, recycled material. Second-hand markets in the Middle Ages.
Block 2:
- Archeology of the book: when books are in books. Bookbinders.
- Other medieval artisans who worked with manuscript fragments: the organ builder, the construction worker, the altar builder, the frame builder, the toy maker, the tailor.
Block 3:
- Case study 1: The restorer as surgeon: Parchment fragments and their secondary use. Recovery as non-invasive as possible for research.
- Case study 2: The restorer as surgeon: fragments of paper and their secondary use. Recovery as non-invasive as possible for research.
By the end of the six hours, the student will be familiar with both the process of producing manuscript fragments and the principal materials used in this process. In particular, they will have gained an awareness of the challenges that these materials and their use present for the restorer.
The student will also have acquired the fundamental specialist terminology common to the study of manuscript fragments, will have a general idea of the historical development and current scientific relevance of the discipline.
The student will understand the methods used in fragmentology during the autopsy examination of the artefacts and through the most advanced digital technologies.
Collaboration in scholarly editions by Claudia Sojer
OPEN ACCESS: http://www.univie.ac.at/monastische_aufklaerung/en/publishing-the-letters/
Der Band bietet auf mehr als 1500 Seiten die Korrespondenz der Brüder Pez aus den Jahren 1716-1718:
557 Briefnummern, davon 256 erhaltene Stücke. Diese Briefe dokumentieren das erfolgreiche Eintreten der beiden Melker Historiker in den breiteren Kontext der europäischen Gelehrtenrepublik, zugleich aber auch erste gravierende
Konflikte innerhalb des Klosters. Die Edition enthält die Briefe im meist lateinischen Volltext mit ausführlichen
deutschen Regesten, Kommentaren und Registern.
Band 1: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:370
Band 2, 1. Halbband: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:824
Papers by Claudia Sojer
Departing from a history of the term fragment and its definition in book and archive history, the paper offers a classification of fragmenting processes and the resulting types of handwritten fragments. Furthermore, it presents the state of research and the potential of fragments in research and teaching as well as the internationally standardized digital image and metadata formats primarily in the international portal Fragmentarium, and highlights the characteristics of fragments which pose a special challenge in the allotation of signatures to fragments and the labelling of digital imagery. An overview of the primary fragment platforms and recent literature concludes the paper.
This article outlines the history of the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Tirol (University and Provincial Library of Tirol at Innsbruck, ULB Tirol) in
Innsbruck from the initial idea for its establishment arising in 1731 through its actual foundation in 1745, as well as its connection, shaped by various interactions, with the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck founded in 1669.
The text also provides general information on the modern-day ULB Tirol,
including data on its general tasks and mission, its holdings and numbers of users, and the individual departments of the library. The main focus of the article lies on the Department of Special Collections and its manuscript holdings, however. It offers an overview of the cataloguing projects conducted over the past fifty years and the status quo of those projects, as well as discussing their boundaries and the possibilities they have opened up. Finally, three specific projects are presented that are either currently being implemented or will be
undertaken in the coming years and will substantially expand existing knowledge on the department’s manuscript assets. A bibliography lists all modern manuscript catalogs published between 1987 and 2017 as well as the essential literature on the history of the library’s holdings from 1874 to 2019.
At the turn of the year 1551/52, an elephant travelled through Europe accompanied by the entourage of Archduke Maximilian before he became Emperor Maximilian II. The event was widely circulated and documented in numerous sources. On January 6, 1552 the entourage reached the city of Innsbruck. The fragment labeled “Innsbruck, Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Tirol (University and Provincial Library of Tyrol), Frg. 81” (henceforth: ULBT, Frg. 81) is one of 233 fragments being studied in the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank project, “Die abgelösten Handschriftenfragmente der Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Tirol und ihre digitale Erschließung” (The Detached Manuscript Fragments of the University and Provincial Library of Tyrol (ULB Tirol) and Their Digital Cataloguing), and represents an additional little-noticed source that appears to describe this elephant passage. This paper focuses on the genesis of the fragment and its secondary use as a cover lining. The paleographical-contextual assessment of ULBT Frg. 81 takes us to late medieval humanism; the linguistic assessment to the early modern era. The text contained in the fragment will be published here for the first time. Anton Zingerle already identified parallels to antique texts within the fragment. In the best case, the edition of the fragment will reveal if other records of the text exist in other places, or if it is a unique and not widely disseminated record (Schreiber-zeugnis) or creation (Schreib-erzeugnis) of a courtly or conciliar scribe.
Online-Talk in Italian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4MqDEIpTB8&list=PLd4JK43DUT75qAy5hqyD3TzLq7rQKl9vp&index=44.
Conference page: https://www.nuovomedioevo.it/2020/05/23/vi-ciclo-di-studi-medievali/.
Projektleitung: Dr. Claudia Sojer
Und an der Philosophischen Fakultät, an der Professur für Mittelalterliche Geschichte: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/philosophische-fakultaet/seminare-professuren/historisches-seminar/professuren/mittelalterliche-geschichte.
(Projektansiedelung: Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Abteilung für Sondersammlungen der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck.
In Kooperation mit FRAGMENTARIUM. Digital Research Laboratory for Medieval Manuscript Fragments (https://fragmentarium.ms/).
Projektleitung: Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Martin Wagendorfer, M.A.S. Fördergeber: Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichische Nationalbank (OeNB).
09-2016–02-2017: Wiss. Mitarbeiterin im FWF-Projekt zur Erschließung der Handschriften der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol: "Katalog der Handschriften der ULB Tirol, Cod. 951–1191" (Laufzeit 2013–02-2017) (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck)
within: 70746 - STORIA MEDIEVALE (70746 - MEDIEVAL HISTORY): https://www.unibo.it/it/didattica/insegnamenti/insegnamento/2020/380260
of Univ.-Prof. Dr. RAFFAELE SAVIGNI: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/raffaele.savigni
Le lezioni saranno strutturate in tre blocchi, ciascuno della durata di due ore.
Blocco 1:
- Frammentologia analogica e digitale. Definizione della disciplina. Frammenti di artigianato, frammenti di catastrofi (guerra, frammentazione per motivazioni politiche, fuoco, acqua), frammenti d'arte e di collezionisti.
- Supporti scrittori (carta, pergamena), materiale da scrittura (inchiostri, colori, pigmenti). Materiale nuovo, materiale riciclato. Mercati di merce di seconda mano nel Medioevo.
Blocco 2:
- Archeologia del libro: quando libri si trovano nei libri. Rilegatori di libri.
- Altri artigiani medievali che hanno lavorato con frammenti di libri: il costruttore di organi, l'operaio edile, il costruttore dell'altare, il costruttore di cornici, il fabbricante di giocattoli, il sarto.
Blocco 3:
- Caso studio 1: Il restauratore come chirurgo: frammenti di pergamena e il loro uso secondario. Il recupero il più possibile non invasivo per la ricerca.
- Caso studio 2: Il restauratore come chirurgo: frammenti di carta e il loro uso secondario. Il recupero il più possibile non invasivo per la ricerca.
Al termine delle sei ore, lo studente conosce sia il processo di manifattura di frammenti manoscritti sia i materiali prevalentemente impiegati in questo processo, e in particolare avrà maturato una consapevolezza delle sfide che questi materiali e il loro impiego presentano per il restauratore.
Lo studente avrà inoltre acquisito la terminologia specialistica fondamentale intorno allo studio di frammenti manoscritti, avrà un'idea generale dello sviluppo storico e dell'attuale rilevanza scientifica della disciplina.
Lo studente conoscerà il metodo applicato in frammentologia durante l’esame autoptico dei manufatti e attraverso le più avanzate tecnologie digitali.
The lessons will be structured in three blocks, each lasting two hours.
Block 1:
- Analog and digital fragmentology. Definition of the discipline. Handicraft fragments, fragments of catastrophic events (war, fragmentation for political reasons, fire, water), fragments of art and artifacts.
- Writing materials (paper, parchment), writing tools (inks, colours, pigments). New material, recycled material. Second-hand markets in the Middle Ages.
Block 2:
- Archeology of the book: when books are in books. Bookbinders.
- Other medieval artisans who worked with manuscript fragments: the organ builder, the construction worker, the altar builder, the frame builder, the toy maker, the tailor.
Block 3:
- Case study 1: The restorer as surgeon: Parchment fragments and their secondary use. Recovery as non-invasive as possible for research.
- Case study 2: The restorer as surgeon: fragments of paper and their secondary use. Recovery as non-invasive as possible for research.
By the end of the six hours, the student will be familiar with both the process of producing manuscript fragments and the principal materials used in this process. In particular, they will have gained an awareness of the challenges that these materials and their use present for the restorer.
The student will also have acquired the fundamental specialist terminology common to the study of manuscript fragments, will have a general idea of the historical development and current scientific relevance of the discipline.
The student will understand the methods used in fragmentology during the autopsy examination of the artefacts and through the most advanced digital technologies.
OPEN ACCESS: http://www.univie.ac.at/monastische_aufklaerung/en/publishing-the-letters/
Der Band bietet auf mehr als 1500 Seiten die Korrespondenz der Brüder Pez aus den Jahren 1716-1718:
557 Briefnummern, davon 256 erhaltene Stücke. Diese Briefe dokumentieren das erfolgreiche Eintreten der beiden Melker Historiker in den breiteren Kontext der europäischen Gelehrtenrepublik, zugleich aber auch erste gravierende
Konflikte innerhalb des Klosters. Die Edition enthält die Briefe im meist lateinischen Volltext mit ausführlichen
deutschen Regesten, Kommentaren und Registern.
Band 1: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:370
Band 2, 1. Halbband: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:824
Departing from a history of the term fragment and its definition in book and archive history, the paper offers a classification of fragmenting processes and the resulting types of handwritten fragments. Furthermore, it presents the state of research and the potential of fragments in research and teaching as well as the internationally standardized digital image and metadata formats primarily in the international portal Fragmentarium, and highlights the characteristics of fragments which pose a special challenge in the allotation of signatures to fragments and the labelling of digital imagery. An overview of the primary fragment platforms and recent literature concludes the paper.
This article outlines the history of the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Tirol (University and Provincial Library of Tirol at Innsbruck, ULB Tirol) in
Innsbruck from the initial idea for its establishment arising in 1731 through its actual foundation in 1745, as well as its connection, shaped by various interactions, with the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck founded in 1669.
The text also provides general information on the modern-day ULB Tirol,
including data on its general tasks and mission, its holdings and numbers of users, and the individual departments of the library. The main focus of the article lies on the Department of Special Collections and its manuscript holdings, however. It offers an overview of the cataloguing projects conducted over the past fifty years and the status quo of those projects, as well as discussing their boundaries and the possibilities they have opened up. Finally, three specific projects are presented that are either currently being implemented or will be
undertaken in the coming years and will substantially expand existing knowledge on the department’s manuscript assets. A bibliography lists all modern manuscript catalogs published between 1987 and 2017 as well as the essential literature on the history of the library’s holdings from 1874 to 2019.
At the turn of the year 1551/52, an elephant travelled through Europe accompanied by the entourage of Archduke Maximilian before he became Emperor Maximilian II. The event was widely circulated and documented in numerous sources. On January 6, 1552 the entourage reached the city of Innsbruck. The fragment labeled “Innsbruck, Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Tirol (University and Provincial Library of Tyrol), Frg. 81” (henceforth: ULBT, Frg. 81) is one of 233 fragments being studied in the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank project, “Die abgelösten Handschriftenfragmente der Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Tirol und ihre digitale Erschließung” (The Detached Manuscript Fragments of the University and Provincial Library of Tyrol (ULB Tirol) and Their Digital Cataloguing), and represents an additional little-noticed source that appears to describe this elephant passage. This paper focuses on the genesis of the fragment and its secondary use as a cover lining. The paleographical-contextual assessment of ULBT Frg. 81 takes us to late medieval humanism; the linguistic assessment to the early modern era. The text contained in the fragment will be published here for the first time. Anton Zingerle already identified parallels to antique texts within the fragment. In the best case, the edition of the fragment will reveal if other records of the text exist in other places, or if it is a unique and not widely disseminated record (Schreiber-zeugnis) or creation (Schreib-erzeugnis) of a courtly or conciliar scribe.
Online-Talk in Italian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4MqDEIpTB8&list=PLd4JK43DUT75qAy5hqyD3TzLq7rQKl9vp&index=44.
Conference page: https://www.nuovomedioevo.it/2020/05/23/vi-ciclo-di-studi-medievali/.
This article presents an overview of the current state of knowledge concerning detached and in situ fragments in the collection of the University and Provincial Library of Tyrol (ULB Tyrol). The detached fragments were removed in several different phases from manuscripts and printed volumes, and, at the turn of the twentienth century, were assembled in a separate collection, which now numbers 233 shelfmarks, some of which contain as many as 26 individual pieces. A current Austrian National Bank project is underway to publish images and descriptions on Fragmentarium. Among in situ fragments, only those in manuscript codices have been described, namely in the ten-volume ULB Tyrol manuscript catalogue, but they represent only part of the holdings of fragments. Nevertheless, these 390 fragments contained in some 302 manuscripts provide an overview of the range of material in the collection, and the promise held by the larger collection.
In the course of a Scholarship for Transnational Access to Special Collec-tions and Transnational Access to Archival Documents provided by ReIReS (Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies) in March 2019, the author had the opportunity to make detailed acquaintance with the Biblioteca Giuseppe Dossetti of the Fondazi-one per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII (FSCIRE) in Bologna. This contribution aims to share the experiences made there. The Biblioteca is a research library spe-cializing in religious studies on all major or minor religious communities (including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism). With its copious holdings, unique in their composition, it is one of a kind, a site of contact and exchange for international experts – including those from Austrian institutions – and for corresponding research and publications.
The University and Provincial Library of Tirol (ULB Tirol) holds manuscript fragments both in detached condition and in situ. The fragments preserved in situ within manuscripts are described in the ten-volume catalogue of the manuscripts of the ULB Tirol, but they represent only part of the holdings of fragments. Overall, some 390 in situ fragments contained in 302 manuscripts are documented at present. Their chronological range extends from the 8th to the 17th century. Other fragments removed from manuscripts and printed volumes were assembled in a separate collection at the end of the 19th century. A few of them were catalogued in the 1980s, but these descriptions have not been published. For this reason, the ULB Tirol’s collection of detached fragments is currently being described within the Austrian National Bank project „The Detached Fragments of the ULB Tirol and Their Digital Catalogue” (timeframe: 2018–2020). The fragments will be made accessible at the end of 2020 within Fragmentarium, the „Digital Research Laboratory for Medieval Manuscript Fragments“. The collection contains about 214 shelfmarks, some of which consist of as many as 26 individual pieces. Subsequently, the goal is a complete catalogue embracing the fragments in situ in manuscripts, those in printed works (especially incunabula), and the existing collection of detached fragments. All are to be described in detail and on the basis of specific guidelines for the description of fragments, combined with a complete digitization of all fragments. The results are to be published digitally online, and in part also in a classic printed format.
In early November 2018, the Commission for Book and Library History of the Austrian Association of Librarians (VÖB) spent a week in Rome. Tours of several of the Eternal City’s most important libraries were conducted by PD Dr. Christine Maria Grafinger, including the Biblioteca Casanatense, Biblioteca Angelica, Biblioteca Corsiniana and Biblioteca dei Lincei, as well the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) in the Vatican State, where Dr. Grafinger was employed for more than thirty years. In the course of the week, Dr. Grafinger was willing to give an interview about her work in the Vatican and her recent retirement.
Wer kennt ihn nicht, den Promovierenden zwischen dissertationsspezifischen Höhen- und Sturzflugmanövern? Er stöhnt, er rauft sich die Haare, er altert zusehends, und schließlich entgleitet ihm doch ein Seufzer der Erleichterung: Das Opus Magnum scheint endlich vollbracht. Wie nah Lust und Frust im Promotionsprozess beieinanderliegen, offenbaren die in diesem Band erzählten Anekdoten auf treffliche Art und Weise. Über dreißig Promovierende und Promovierte enthüllen ungeschönt Intimes rund um den begehrten Doktortitel. Defensio-Traumata, Phasen der Alkoholabhängigkeit oder aber auch erfüllende Betreuungsbeziehungen und umschlagende Erkenntniseuphorie entführen in die Welt der mit Doktorwürde (bald) Gesegneten. Das Buch liefert jenen, die sich aktuell in der Gemengelage des Promovierens befinden, Genugtuung mit ihren skurrilen Erfahrungen nicht allein dazustehen. Jenen, die nach Jahren der Begleitung von Promovierenden kaum mehr Licht am Ende des Tunnels sehen, bringt es die trostspendende Erkenntnis, dass es sie auch weitaus schlimmer hätte treffen können. Jenen wiederum, die mit dem Besteigen des Promotions-Olymps liebäugeln, verrät es, dass bei diesem Unterfangen einiges auf sie zukommen wird …
Summa Summarum: „Literaturberge, Lorbeerkränze und Halbgötter. Lust- und frustvolle Geschichten rund ums Promovieren“ ist ein Buch für Zwischendurch – besonders dann, wenn einem nach Schmunzeln, Staunen oder ungläubigem Kopfschütteln ist.
The reference version is kept at: http://fragmentology.ms
Online: https://www.uibk.ac.at/newsroom/wissenswert-oktober-2020.html.de