Papers by Birgitte Henningsen
Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Dec 31, 2020
I Danmark flytter 90.000 unge årligt hjemmefra. For de fleste unge opleves det som et betydeligt ... more I Danmark flytter 90.000 unge årligt hjemmefra. For de fleste unge opleves det som et betydeligt skridt at flytte for sig selv og påbegynde et hverdagsliv uden forældrene. Det at flytte hjemmefra er ladet med betydning. Ladet med oplevelsen af at begynde på et nyt kapitel. At træde ind i en ny fase, som man skal indtage og lære at håndtere. En fase, hvor man potentielt kan blive til noget nyt og omdefinere sig selv og sin plads i verden. Når unge flytter hjemmefra zoomer ind på 36 unge mellem 17 og 25 år, der flytter hjemmefra og skal i gang med at skabe sig et liv som udeboende. Bogen undersøger, hvordan de oplever de mange skridt i flytteprocessen: Beslutningen om at flytte. Boligsøgningen. Turen til IKEA med mor og far. Følelsen af at lande et nyt sted. Usikkerheden den første tid. Savnet efter gamle venner. Hvordan de langsomt falder til. De nye muligheder der åbner sig. Hvis de altså ikke pakker flyttekasserne og flytter hjem igen. Når unge flytter hjemmefra kaster lys over, hvordan forskellige unge oplever og håndterer overgangen fra ude- til hjemmeboende, hvilke ressourcer de unge har med sig, og hvad det betyder for deres overgange til livet som udeboende. Den kaster også lys over, hvilke strategier forskellige unge anlægger for at håndtere de udfordringer, de møder, hvilken rolle deres forældre spiller, samt hvad vi som samfund kan gøre for at hjælpe de unge, som har svært ved at lande i livet som udeboende. I bogen møder vi også en række forældre, der fortæller om, hvordan de oplever det, når deres børn forlader barndomshjemmet. Bogen sætter spot på nye forældreroller, nye måder at blive voksen på, trivsel og mistrivsel blandt unge, uddannelsespres, venskaber, betydningen af digitale medier og alle de ting, der fylder, når man er ung i dag og på vej ind i voksenlivet. Bogen henvender sig til studerende, undervisere, praktikere på efteruddannelse samt andre, der teoretisk og praktisk beskæftiger sig med unge, ungdomsliv og ungdomssociologi. Bogen er også rettet mod frivillige og ansatte i foreninger, socialforvaltninger, interesseorganisationer, forældreorganisationer og boligselskaber, som er i kontakt med unge på vej ind i voksenlivet. Bogens primære forfattere er alle tilknyttet Center for Ungdomsforskning eller Forskningscenter for Video ved Aalborg Universitet i København. Projektet bag udgivelsen er støttet af Nordea-fonden.
Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2021
Design-Based Research er en forskningspraksis med fokus på uddannelsesdesign (både processer og k... more Design-Based Research er en forskningspraksis med fokus på uddannelsesdesign (både processer og konkrete produkter). Gennem intervenerende iterative afprøvninger med inddragelse af centrale aktører i en virkelig praksiskontekst søger Design-Based Research at hhv. udvikle praksis og udvikle viden til forskningsfeltet (
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning, 2019
In today's media, we often read about how much energy digital services consume, with stre... more In today's media, we often read about how much energy digital services consume, with streaming services, such as Netflix, and social media hosting, such as Facebook, in the spotlight. Though these are certainly serious issues that we as a society must address, there are also opportunities for using digital and online technologies to help organisations respond to the sustainability imperative by reducing their carbon footprints. For example, as researchers working with online leadership, collaboration and learning, we often hear organisations address the need for meeting online from a cost-effective perspective, such as reducing travelling costs, reducing time spent on meetings and reducing the necessary preparation time. Though we do not generally disagree with this practice, we find that a similar perspective regarding environmental issues could prove beneficial, shifting the focus from a time and cost-effective ideal to a new value-driven perspective on life and work. Thus, the questions become how can we use digital services, such as online video conferencing, to yield meaningful results for the organisation and the environment and how can we create organisational incentives to identify and apply these online alternatives to benefit the organisation and society at large. This may also provide a new set of dynamics for motivating employees, students and others to partake in such digitalisation strategies if they are associated with concern for the environment. In this paper, we address in more detail the arguments for a sustainability perspective to online leadership, collaboration and learning rooted in the literature and the daily news, and we discuss cases from our own settings to provide suggestions for working with the positively charged concept of Environmental Conversion Value; however, this remains a complex arena with multiple considerations and concerns.
This paper introduces a video sketching technique applied to learning settings and investigates w... more This paper introduces a video sketching technique applied to learning settings and investigates what participants learn from creating and redesigning videos while sketching. This process links various sketching techniques and creative reflection processes to video productions. Traditionally, designers across various disciplines have used sketching as an integrative part of their everyday practice, and sketching has proven to have a multitude of purposes in professional design. The purpose of this paper is to explore what happens when an extra layer of video recording is added during the early sketching phases. Using empirical examples, this paper presents and discusses the video recording of sketching sessions. The empirical data is based on workshop sessions with researchers, students and teachers. Inspired by the work of Olofsson and Sjölén (2007), the sketching sessions were organised into four different phases: investigative, exploratory, explanatory and persuasive. The findings...
This paper explores, through a pilot study, the potentials and pitfalls of using digital storytel... more This paper explores, through a pilot study, the potentials and pitfalls of using digital storytelling-inspired approaches combined with investigative sketching processes in teacher professional development (TPD) and in-service teacher training, focusing on an individual sense of agency and collegial collaboration. Seen in a broader perspective of societal developments, TPD is increasingly imperative, as teachers have to navigate through extended inclusion of students with special needs, digital literacy, and multicultural classrooms; and as more teachers are entering the profession through alternative pathways, without having the initial teacher education, TPD is increasingly seen as a process of lifelong learning (OECD, 2009 & 2014). The research in this article originates from a small segment of a large longitudinal research project on online teacher professional development (oTPD) for science teachers in Danish elementary schools. Data in this pilot study derive from a two-day wo...
This paper introduces to what we define as a collaborative video sketching process. This process ... more This paper introduces to what we define as a collaborative video sketching process. This process links various sketching techniques with digital storytelling approaches and creative reflection processes in video productions. Traditionally, sketching has been used by designers across various disciplines, as an integrative part of everyday practice and has proven to have a multitude of purposes in professional design. One of the main purposes is to either investigate a problem space or explore multiple solutions to a specific design challenge. In the paper we clarify, how sketching can take many forms and through empirical examples, we present and discuss the video recording of sketching sessions, as well as development of video sketches by rethinking, redoing and editing the recorded sessions. The empirical data is based on workshop sessions with researchers and students from universities and university colleges and primary and secondary school teachers. As researchers, we have had different roles in these action research case studies where various video sketching techniques were applied. The analysis illustrates that video sketching can take many forms, and two common features are important findings: 1) They are based on a collaborative approach. 2) The sketches act as a mean to externalizing hypotheses and assumptions among the participants. Based on our analysis we present an overview of factors involved in collaborative video sketching and shows how the factors relate to steps, where the participants: shape, record, review and edit their work, leading the participants to new insights about their work.
First experiences from a Nordic digital storytelling (DS) project have shown how the involved you... more First experiences from a Nordic digital storytelling (DS) project have shown how the involved youth reconfigures parts of the DS mindset among other through their experiences with social media. This paper presents and discusses a project called “Stories from the North” involving researchers, facilitators and young participants from Denmark, Iceland and Norway producing digital stories based on Digital Storytelling (DS) developed at The project is based on a common curiosity around the authentic dimension in the story work in DS and the often one-sided and glorified stories on social media (SoMe). Analysis of the first project phase, show us how the youth experiences with SoMe, challenge the applied DS thinking. The analysis raises questions for further debate, such as how individually or how collaborate can a DS process be, and how online presence may play, as well as awareness of other important elements.
This paper presents and discusses practical experiences from a Nordic digital storytelling projec... more This paper presents and discusses practical experiences from a Nordic digital storytelling project called “Stories from the North” involving researchers, facilitators and participants from Denmark, Iceland and Norway. Participants produce digital stories based on Digital Storytelling (DS) originally developed at and the first project phase, show us how the youth experiences with social media (SoMe), challenge the applied DS thinking and raise interesting perspectives.
Early version, also known as pre-print Link to publication from Aalborg University Citation for p... more Early version, also known as pre-print Link to publication from Aalborg University Citation for published version (APA):
The drop-out rate among students attending vocational training institutions is higher than for ot... more The drop-out rate among students attending vocational training institutions is higher than for other forms of education at the same entry level (in Denmark, but also generally in Europe). A recent Danish reform has aided students, who enter the first part of the basic program directly from primary school. However, there remains a high risk for older students, who do not come directly from primary school; and there is a risk of becoming ‘school-weary’ (in its broadest understanding) in the periods between school and company practice. This paper introduces experiences with students own digital multimedia and video productions in Vocational Educational Training (VET). These video productions focused on the subjects of their future profession, and increased students’ motivation and experience of professional pride. Through a semistructured literature review, the paper then argues for a research agenda focusing on video productions in combination with digital storytelling, followed by a ...
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play an increasing role in public schools as a w... more Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play an increasing role in public schools as a whole; at the same time, ICT is championed as part of a proposed solution (in Danish educational policies) to strengthen inclusion of children with various difficulties in ordinary classes. However, the vision of ICT as a solution rests upon the teachers’ ability to implement ICT into their teaching methods in ways that are supportive and inclusive. Furthermore, the general perspective on ICT is that it is a tool that mediates between a user and that user’s intention to achieve some specific aim. In relation to inclusion, this means that ICT is used as a tool to bridge the gap produced by a child’s disability and mediate between the child and learning. However, recent research shows that ICT has multiple representations and also emerges as an actor in its own right in educational practices. Another research trend characterizes included children as being in difficult situations and context...
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on e-learning ECEL 2017 : ISCAP Porto, Portugal, 26-27 October 2017, 2017
This paper introduces a video sketching technique applied to learning settings and investigates w... more This paper introduces a video sketching technique applied to learning settings and investigates what participants learn from creating and redesigning videos while sketching. This process links various sketching techniques and creative reflection processes to video productions. Traditionally, designers across various disciplines have used sketching as an integrative part of their everyday practice, and sketching has proven to have a multitude of purposes in professional design. The purpose of this paper is to explore what happens when an extra layer of video recording is added during the early sketching phases. Using empirical examples, this paper presents and discusses the video recording of sketching sessions. The empirical data is based on workshop sessions with researchers, students and teachers. Inspired by the work of Olofsson and Sjölén (2007), the sketching sessions were organised into four different phases: investigative, exploratory, explanatory and persuasive. The findings...
Papers by Birgitte Henningsen