Papers by Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro
espanolEn el yacimiento del Pleistoceno inferior de Venta Micena (Orce, prov. Granada), datado en... more espanolEn el yacimiento del Pleistoceno inferior de Venta Micena (Orce, prov. Granada), datado en 1,5-1,6 millones de anos, se han identificado abundantes elementos fosiles de grandes mamiferos que presentan patologiasoseas, las cuales corresponden en su mayor parte a elementos del esqueleto postcraneal, aunque tambien se han registradoelementos dentales y craneales con malformaciones. El analisis de estas patologias ha puesto demanifiestosu mayor concentracion en los elementos anatomicos de las extremidades posteriores, lo que posiblemente se relaciona con los problemas locomotrices experimentados por estos animales durante las fases iniciales de la marcha, suponiendo por ello una limitacion importante para escapar del ataque de los carnivoros, que los seleccionarian(activa o pasivamente) durante la depredacion. Entre las anomalias dentales se ha identificado la presencia de hipoplasia, ocasionada por procesos de malnutricion o estres fisiologico, asi como malformaciones geneticas ...
Human Paleoecology in the Levantine Corridor
Actas de las XXXII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 2016, ISBN 978-84-9138-016-0, págs. 207-211, 2016
Dental measurements of modern canids used in the discriminant analysis between omnivorous (i.e., ... more Dental measurements of modern canids used in the discriminant analysis between omnivorous (i.e., hypo- and mesocarnivores) and hypercarnivorous species in Bartolini Lucenti et al. The early hunting dog from Dmanisi with comments on the social behaviour in Canidae and hominins. 3D files (.stl) of the specimens of <em>Canis </em>(<em>Xenocyon</em>) <em>lycaonoides </em>from Dmanisi (D6327a: hemimandible fragment; D6327b: m1)
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 2007
Anatomical reinterpretation of a horn-core from the Ponte Milvio site, previously ascribed to Bub... more Anatomical reinterpretation of a horn-core from the Ponte Milvio site, previously ascribed to Bubalus murrensis , suggests that it belongs to the species Hemibos galerianus , originally described from the type locality of the Galerian Land Mammal Age (LMA). This is the second record in the Italian Pleistocene of this rare Bovini species, derived from the genus Hemibos of Indian origin.
Quantitative comparison of dental macrowear patterns in Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithe... more Quantitative comparison of dental macrowear patterns in Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus africanus and Pan troglodytes Stefanie Stelzer et al. New insights to the transitional sequence of Les Cottes (Saint-Pierre-de-Maillé, France). A zooarchaeological approach William Rendu et al.
We describe a new viverrid species ( Viverra howelli n. sp.). Viverra howelli n. sp. is identifie... more We describe a new viverrid species ( Viverra howelli n. sp.). Viverra howelli n. sp. is identified in Late Miocene (Messinian) localities in the circum Mediterranean area (Italy and Lybia) and in East Africa (Kenya). Morphologically, the new species is characterized by a relatively small size and a lower carnassial with short talonid.
Venta Micena, an Early Pleistocene site of the Baza Basin (SE Spain), preserves a rich and divers... more Venta Micena, an Early Pleistocene site of the Baza Basin (SE Spain), preserves a rich and diverse assemblage of large mammals. VM3, the main excavation quarry of the site, has been interpreted as a den of the giant hyaena Pachycrocuta brevirostris in the plain that surrounded the Baza palaeolake. Taphonomic analysis of VM3 has shown that the hyaenas scavenged the prey previously hunted by the hypercarnivores, transported their remains to the communal den, and consumed the skeletal parts according to their marrow contents and mineral density. In a recent paper, a small sample of remains unearthed from VM4, an excavation quarry ~350 m distant from VM3, are analysed. The authors indicate several differences in the taphonomic features of this assemblage with VM3, and even suggest that a different carnivore could have been the agent involved in the bone accumulation process. Here we make a comparative analysis of both quarries and analyse more skeletal remains from VM4. Our results indi...
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 2020
ABSTRACTAncient DNA (aDNA) sequencing has enabled unprecedented reconstruction of speciation, mig... more ABSTRACTAncient DNA (aDNA) sequencing has enabled unprecedented reconstruction of speciation, migration, and admixture events for extinct taxa1. Outside the permafrost, however, irreversible aDNA post-mortem degradation2 has so far limited aDNA recovery within the ˜0.5 million years (Ma) time range3. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS)-based collagen type I (COL1) sequencing provides direct access to older biomolecular information4, though with limited phylogenetic use. In the absence of molecular evidence, the speciation of several Early and Middle Pleistocene extinct species remain contentious. In this study, we address the phylogenetic relationships of the Eurasian Pleistocene Rhinocerotidae5-7 using ˜1.77 million years (Ma) old dental enamel proteome sequences of a Stephanorhinus specimen from the Dmanisi archaeological site in Georgia (South Caucasus)8. Molecular phylogenetic analyses place the Dmanisi Stephanorhinus as a sister group to the woolly (Coelodonta antiquitatis) and Merck...
revista PH, 2018
El presente volumen de revista PH está dedicado al patrimonio paleontológico de España. En él se ... more El presente volumen de revista PH está dedicado al patrimonio paleontológico de España. En él se describe, desde la perspectiva de profesionales cualificados, investigadores y académicos de larga trayectoria profesional y reconocida experiencia, la importancia de los registros fósiles de nuestro país, tanto marinos como continentales. Con ello se pretende explicar, en el contenido de un número monográfico, las principales cuencas sedimentarias y yacimientos de las distintas épocas de la historia geológica en la Península Ibérica.
revista PH, 2018
España es el país con mayor número de yacimientos bien conservados, cantidad y calidad de fósiles... more España es el país con mayor número de yacimientos bien conservados, cantidad y calidad de fósiles de todo el continente europeo. Aquí se describe el patrimonio paleobiológico correspondiente al Plio-Pleistoceno (últimos 5,3 millones de años) registrado en los principales yacimientos con presencia de fósiles de grandes mamíferos de la Península Ibérica. Ningún otro país de nuestro entorno al norte del Mediterráneo ofrece mayores posibilidades para el estudio y disfrute de los registros paleontológicos del Plioceno y Pleistoceno. En este contexto destacan las principales cuencas sedimentarias como las de Besalú-Bañolas, Vallés, Calatayud-Teruel, o ya en el sur las cuencas intrabéticas, donde merece especial interés la de Baza y Guadix, con localidades emblemáticas como Baza 1 para el Plioceno, y como los yacimientos de Orce (Fuente Nueva 1 y 3, Venta Micena o Barranco León, entre otros) para el Pleistoceno inferior. También se hace referencia a otro tipo de yacimientos, como son los ...
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2017
Canis othmanii sp. nov. (Carnivora, Canidae) from the early Middle Pleistocene site of Wadi Sarra... more Canis othmanii sp. nov. (Carnivora, Canidae) from the early Middle Pleistocene site of Wadi Sarrat (Tunisia) Canis othmanii sp. nov. (Carnivora, Canidae) du site de Wadi Sarrat (Tunisie), base du Pléistocène moyen
PeerJ, 2017
Pleistocene South American megafauna has traditionally attracted the interest of scientists and t... more Pleistocene South American megafauna has traditionally attracted the interest of scientists and the popular media alike. However, ecological interactions between the species that inhabited these ecosystems, such as predator-prey relationships or interspecific competition, are poorly known. To this regard, carnivore marks imprinted on the fossil bones of megamammal remains are very useful for deciphering biological activity and, hence, potential interspecific relationships among taxa. In this article, we study historical fossil collections housed in different European and Argentinean museums that were excavated during the 19th and early 20th centuries in the Pampean region, Argentina, in order to detect carnivore marks on bones of megamammals and provide crucial information on the ecological relationships between South American taxa during the Pleistocene. Our results indicate that the long bones of megafauna from the Pampean region (e.g., the Mylodontidae and Toxodontidae families) ...
Quaternary International, 2017
The modern history of thinking about the origin of species has been dominated by the relationship... more The modern history of thinking about the origin of species has been dominated by the relationship between environments-and their changes-and the process of speciation. Darwin's original argument for evolution by means of natural selection (Darwin, 1859) is an ecological argument: species 'adapt' to their physical and biotic environments. Those best adapted to their environment survive and leave more descendants than those that are less adapted. This reasoning clearly works on biological, even paleontological terms. But, does it work on social and cultural ones? And, if it does, how? This volume discussed these questions in the context of human evolution, and covering both continental lands and islands. The research on human dispersals out of Africa, into Eurasia, Australia and the Americas, has changed the ideas about chronologies and the ecological scenarios where humans were able to colonize new territories with new environments in different and, sometimes, inhospitable climates with marked seasonality.
Presencia Humana En El Pleistoceno Inferior De Granada Y Murcia 1992 Isbn 84 604 4409 0 Pags 155 188, 1992
Quaternary International, 2017
Abstract Dental morphology and tooth microwear studies are used as analytical proxies for underst... more Abstract Dental morphology and tooth microwear studies are used as analytical proxies for understanding the taxonomy, biochronology, paleobiology and ecogeographical context of Early Pleistocene Ursus species ( U. etruscus ) and other large carnivore taxa (Hyaenidae and Canidae) preserved in the Early Pleistocene (Calabrian) sites from Orce (Guadix-Baza basin, Andalusia, Spain), including Venta Micena (VM), Barranco Leon (BL-D) and Fuente Nueva-3 (FN-3). The results of this study suggest varied dietary habits and behavior among Ursus species and other carnivorous taxa. Morphologically, the bunodont dentition and microwear patterns of Ursus etruscus advanced forms from VM, BL-D and FN-3 indicate their omnivorous feeding ecology, in agreement with the dietary habits of extant brown bear, Ursus arctos (a purported descendant of U . etruscus ). However, in the case of VM isotopic analyses of bioapatite and bone collagen suggest a significant contribution of fish in their diet, as in the case of some populations of modern brown bear, and also a regular consumption of plant tissues, as evidenced by the comparatively high δ 15 N and δ 18 O values in this extinct species, respectively.
Quaternary International, 2015
In this paper, a biozonation of the Pleistocene continental record of the Guadix-Baza Basin is pr... more In this paper, a biozonation of the Pleistocene continental record of the Guadix-Baza Basin is proposed. This biozonation is based on the small mammal succession, which ranges from the earliest Pleistocene (ca. 2.6 Ma) to the Middle Pleistocene (ca. 0.3 Ma). A total of 9 biozones have been recognized, all based on the range or concurrent-range of arvicolid species. Therefore, seven biozones have been defined for the Early Pleistocene: Kislangia gusii Zone, Mimomys cf. reidi Zone, Mimomys (Tcharinomy)s oswaldoreigi Zone, Allophaiomys ruffoi Zone, Allophaiomys aff. lavocati Zone, Iberomys huescarensis Zone and Terricola arvalidens Zone. In the Middle Pleistocene of the basin two biozones have been recognized: Iberomys brecciensiseArvicola mosbachensis Zone and Iberomys brecciensis-Arvicola aff. sapidus Zone. According to different dating methods, the duration of each Early Pleistocene biozone ranges between 0.4 and 0.1 My, with increasing resolution from the Earliest Pleistocene to the late Early Pleistocene. The small mammal succession reveals a high degree of endemism and a persistent Eastern Mediterranean influence, as opposed to Central and Eastern Europe. However, correlation with other Iberian and European sites has been possible on the basis of each biozone associated fauna.
Papers by Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro
Palabras clave: Expansión humana, Orce, Pleistoceno Inferior, evolución tecnológica, adaptación, paleoecología humana, Barranco León, Fuente Nueva 3.
The municipality of Orce, in the Guadix-Baza basin (Granada), contains the earliest record of human occupation in Europe, on the sites of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva 3. This paper presents the results obtained and future lines of work that the current research project has approached in the field of archaeology and human behaviour: adaptive technology, resource procuring systems, the acquisition of food resources, land zoning, and the routes and origins of the settlements established in Orce. Finally, the paper looks at the process of the evolution of human adaptation down to the introduction of Mode 2, or Acheulean, about which there are also uncertainties to be solved, such as its chronology and its exogenous or endogenous nature in relation to Europe. The present article is an introduction and an approach for the future in all these lines of work.
Keywords: Human Expansion, Orce, Lower Pleistocene, Technological Evolution, Adaptation, Human Palaeoecology, Barranco León, Fuente Nueva 3.
The Guadix-Baza basin was an endorheic depression from the end of the Late Miocene until the late middle Pleistocene. It shows one of the best paleobiological records (including archaeology) from all over the European continent. Unfortunately, research in the basin, and specially in the Orce region, has been continuously contaminated by the endless debate about the hypothetical human attribution of the Venta Micena cranial fragment VM-0. This study proposes a different anatomical interpretation of this piece, in which it is affirmed that it is not an equid or a hominid, and really it does correspond to a large-sized female ruminant that does not present frontal appendixes.