Papers by Bastian Krüger
Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt die ganzheitliche Antriebsauslegung für batterieelektrischen Al... more Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt die ganzheitliche Antriebsauslegung für batterieelektrischen Allradfahrzeuge mithilfe von Algorithmen zur Mehrzieloptimierung. Hierzu werden gleichzeitig Parameter der elektrischen Maschine und des Getriebes hinsichtlich der Zielgrößen elektrischer Verbrauch, Performance und Kosten optimiert. Seitens der elektrischen Maschine werden Leistung, Spannungslage, Eckdrehzahl und relative Länge variiert. Hierzu wird ein Open-Source Auslegungswerkzeug herangezogen. Dieses ermöglicht die Auslegung von sowohl Asynchronmaschinen als auch permanent erregte Synchronmaschinen, womit der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Maschinentypen bewertet werden kann. Im Subsystem Getriebe werden die Übersetzungen optimiert und die Auswirkung einer Abkopplungseinheit untersucht. Die Lösungsgüte setzt sich aus elektrischem Verbrauch und Beschleunigungszeit von 0-100 km/h zusammen. Zur Berechnung des elektrischen Verbrauchs kommt eine quasi-statische Rückwärtssimulation in Kombination mit einer verlustminimierenden Betriebsstrategie zum Einsatz. Die Beschleunigungszeit wird mithilfe einer Längsdynamiksimulation ermittelt. Um die Fahrleistungsreproduzierbarkeit zu berücksichtigen, erfolgt die Bewertung der Beschleunigungszeit sowohl mit Peak-als auch mit Dauerleistung. Neben der Bewertung technischer Eigenschaften, ermöglicht ein Kostenmodell die Bestimmung der Antriebskosten. Aufgrund der sich ergebenden Lösungsvielfalt ist eine reine Brute-Force Optimierung aller Lösungsvariationen zu rechenaufwändig. Um optimale Lösungen in der Lösungsmenge identifizieren zu können, wird ein Mehrziel-Optimierungsalgorithmus angewandt. So können Pareto optimale Lösungen gefunden werden, ohne den gesamten Lösungsraum betrachten zu müssen. Durch eine Analyse der Pareto optimalen Lösungen, werden Zusammenhänge zwischen den Opti
In vehicles, both electric motors and internal combustion engines are often used as traction moto... more In vehicles, both electric motors and internal combustion engines are often used as traction motors. The drive torque of the traction motors is passed through a drivetrain to driven wheels of the vehicle. In the drive train transmission structures are integrated, which allow to selectively drive the vehicle only with the electric motor only with the engine or by using the traction torques of the two motors. It is an object of the present invention is to propose a hybrid transmission for a vehicle having a plurality of modes, and at the same time requires only a limited number of components. The invention relates to a hybrid transmission for a vehicle for coupling an internal combustion engine and an electric motor and a vehicle having this hybrid transmission.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Feb 1, 2022
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2020
The sizing of the cooling system is one of the most crucial parts of the design of power electron... more The sizing of the cooling system is one of the most crucial parts of the design of power electronics since it has a high impact on the overall performance of the packages as well as the lifetime of the chips. The high temperature causes irreversible damage and increases the cost for maintenances and substitutions. However, during the design of the package, some geometric constraints can occur, such as maximum height or width. Moreover, limitations about volume rate and fluid temperature must be taken into account. This work aims to create a tool that can automatize the design of the heat sink cooling system with geometric constraints. The analytical model can consider in-line and staggered configurations. In this study, a genetic algorithm is applied as the optimization algorithm in order to find a solution which respects the boundary and fluid constraints and minimize the heat sink volume. Numerical simulations for the resulted geometries have been performed to validate the tool. The results of the numerical simulations show an error between the numerical and the expected maximum temperature of the plate lower than 2% and 3% for in-line and staggered configuration, respectively. The model can be applied over a wide range of application, and it can be easily adapted to different material and different cooling liquid.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2020
This paper presents a rapid sizing method for electrical machines estimating the length, rotor an... more This paper presents a rapid sizing method for electrical machines estimating the length, rotor and stator diameter using only the maximum torque, the maximum speed, the maximum power and efficiency as input parameters. The method allows the calculation of separately excited synchronous (SSM), asynchronous (ASM) and permanent synchronous machines (PSM). To calculate the missing parameters needed for the estimation, a precompiled database of motors is considered. These parameters can be calculated using statistical interpolation methods. The proposed method combines these statistically calculated parameters with physical relations. Advantages of this method include the possibility to estimate the volume of the electrical motor as well as to use the interpolated data to scale the dimensions of the engine, which enables integrating the motor in a constrained space. To prove the validity of the method, different motors not present in the interpolated database are redesigned with the proposed method. This comparison shows that the model can display a divergence in a range of-6% to +10% in the estimation, which depends on the type of motor. This is small enough to be applied in the automatized design method of automotive transmission. The computational time of 1-2 s per motor design proves that the algorithm operates fast enough.
Elektrotech. Informationstechnik, 2021
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 652-657, 2020
The sizing of the cooling system is one of the most crucial parts of the design of power electron... more The sizing of the cooling system is one of the most crucial parts of the design of power electronics since it has a high impact on the overall performance of the packages as well as the lifetime of the chips. The high temperature causes irreversible damage and increases the cost for maintenances and substitutions. However, during the design of the package, some geometric constraints can occur, such as maximum height or width. Moreover, limitations about volume rate and fluid temperature must be taken into account. This work aims to create a tool that can automatize the design of the heat sink cooling system with geometric constraints. The analytical model can consider in-line and staggered configurations. In this study, a genetic algorithm is applied as the optimization algorithm in order to find a solution which respects the boundary and fluid constraints and minimize the heat sink volume. Numerical simulations for the resulted geometries have been performed to validate the tool. The results of the numerical simulations show an error between the numerical and the expected maximum temperature of the plate lower than 2% and 3% for in-line and staggered configuration, respectively. The model can be applied over a wide range of application, and it can be easily adapted to different material and different cooling liquid.
Papers by Bastian Krüger