Barad Agarsang
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HRS is officially published quarterly (March, June, September and December) every year, in English (print & online version), under the keen auspices of Biosciences & Agriculture Advancement Society (BAAS), Meerut (India).
Aims & Scope
The main objective of the journal ‘HortFlora Research Spectrum’ is to serve as a platform to promote, publish and disseminate the R & D innovations and advances in all aspects of Horticultural Sciences and allied branches of botanical sciences & technology, and to facilitate closer interaction among the academicians, researchers and entrepreneurs at global scale.
The journal HortFlora Research Spectrum (HRS), having International impact (ICV: 27.39; GIF: 0.364, IBI Factor: 2.8; NJIF: 2.14)), publishes high quality peer reviewed/refereed original research papers, review articles and research notes on all aspects of Horticultural plants’ research including agronomic management, plant nutrition, biotechnology, crop improvement, plant protection, plant physiology, cell & molecular biology, medicinal & aromatic plants, food & nutrition science, agroforestry, environmental science, plant medicinal properties, ethno-phytomedicine, technology dissemination etc.
Call for Papers:
We would like to invite to the researchers/subject experts to contribute original research/review paper for peer-review and the earliest possible publication in the HortFlora Research Spectrum. HRS publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, in all areas of horticultural sciences. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Manuscript/paper may be submitted online as MS word attachment to the editorial office via e-mail to:;
HRS is fully committed to provide Print/PDF files of articles published to corresponding author's e-mail/address as soon as they are published. Abstracts and full texts of all articles published in the journal are also available open access online at:
HRS is officially published quarterly (March, June, September and December) every year, in English (print & online version), under the keen auspices of Biosciences & Agriculture Advancement Society (BAAS), Meerut (India).
Aims & Scope
The main objective of the journal ‘HortFlora Research Spectrum’ is to serve as a platform to promote, publish and disseminate the R & D innovations and advances in all aspects of Horticultural Sciences and allied branches of botanical sciences & technology, and to facilitate closer interaction among the academicians, researchers and entrepreneurs at global scale.
The journal HortFlora Research Spectrum (HRS), having International impact (ICV: 27.39; GIF: 0.364, IBI Factor: 2.8; NJIF: 2.14)), publishes high quality peer reviewed/refereed original research papers, review articles and research notes on all aspects of Horticultural plants’ research including agronomic management, plant nutrition, biotechnology, crop improvement, plant protection, plant physiology, cell & molecular biology, medicinal & aromatic plants, food & nutrition science, agroforestry, environmental science, plant medicinal properties, ethno-phytomedicine, technology dissemination etc.
Call for Papers:
We would like to invite to the researchers/subject experts to contribute original research/review paper for peer-review and the earliest possible publication in the HortFlora Research Spectrum. HRS publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, in all areas of horticultural sciences. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Manuscript/paper may be submitted online as MS word attachment to the editorial office via e-mail to:;
HRS is fully committed to provide Print/PDF files of articles published to corresponding author's e-mail/address as soon as they are published. Abstracts and full texts of all articles published in the journal are also available open access online at: