Books by Ahmet Faruk Çelik
Abdülbâkî Gölpınarlı, son devrin ömrünü bilime ve inandığı gibi yaşamaya adamış koca çınarlarında... more Abdülbâkî Gölpınarlı, son devrin ömrünü bilime ve inandığı gibi yaşamaya adamış koca çınarlarından biriydi. Köklerini önceki kuşaktan yetişebildiği değerli bilim ve edebiyat adamlarının ve mâneviyat ehlinin fazilet ve feyiz pınarları ile besledi. İki kuşak arasında bilim ve kültür akışı için bir köprü oldu, üstadlık pâyesini kazandı. Mevki makam sevdasına düşmeden, inançlarından taviz vermeden yaşadı. En büyük zevki okumak ve öğrenmekti. Tek gayesi vardı, o da rûhen ve ilmen bir önceki ânına göre daha ilerde ve daha mükemmel olmak. Bu emelini gerçekleştirmek için sürekli okudu ve çalıştı. Düzenli çalışma zamanlarının dışında, dinlenirken bile düşünen, zihni hiç boş kalmayan hep faal biriydi. Onun, nefsin istek ve rağmına olarak gösterdiği bu tavizsiz yaşayış ve fedâkârlık neticesidir ki muasır Türk edebiyatı onlarca eser ve makale kazandı. Unutulmak üzere olan tasavvuf edebiyatı, onunla bir müddet daha canlı kaldı.
Papers by Ahmet Faruk Çelik
Bazgest is a period when Persian Literature strived for salvation and self-quests after a time th... more Bazgest is a period when Persian Literature strived for salvation and self-quests after a time that brought a style depression with it. After the magnificent period of Khorosan style evolved into a dervish lodge literature as a result of sorrows and constrains that Mongols had brought, poets that gave life to Persian Language and Literature again in Indian sphere developed a style called Hindi. In India, life of Mughal Emperors full of phantasms; and in Persia, palace life mixed with phantasms and aside from the real world determined in accordance with religious bigotry by Safavid rulers were the definitive drives for the style and form of these poets. At the end, very different from Khorosan style, deep phantasms, use of abstrusely delicate meaning and poetic themes with Arabic words, besides going far ahead with this turned literature into a medium of art. It only separated literature from people. Under the effect of such a mood, some Persian poets and writers sought for ways to restore the literature its original state. Nevertheless, as a result of both lack of experience concerning transformation and renaissance, and oppositions made by eminent literary men they decided to take the simple and plain Khorosan style by imitating early masters such as Rudaki, Farruhi, Firdavsi and Manochihri. Unaware of innovations and changes in Europe, Persian literature had continued to produce its literal works with this fake style called Bazgesht Movement or Bazgesht Ecole of Persian Literature for two hundred years approximately by the time constitutional period in 19th century. ÖZET Bazgeşt devresi, İran edebiyatı'nın içine düştüğü üslup bunalımı sonucu yaşadığı bir kurtuluş çabası ve kendini arama sürecidir. İhtişamlı Horasan üslubu devresi, Moğol devrinin getirdiği acılar ve zorlamalar neticesi bir tekke ve dergah edebiyatı kimliğine evrildikten sonra, Hindistan'da Fars dili ve edebiyatını canlandıran şairler Hind üslubunu kurup geliştirdiler. Hindistan'daki Babür Devleti sultanlarının hülyalarla dolu efsanevi dünyaları, İran'da Safevî hükümdarlarının din taassubu ile oluşturdukları, gerçek dünyanın dışında, hayallerle karışık
Together monarchy in Iran the horizon of people have been opened and the limits of their thoughts... more Together monarchy in Iran the horizon of people have been opened and the limits of their thoughts have been expanded. People went out of accustomed subjects in literature, too. They included the daily life into the literature subjects. Like regenerating of the subjects, language and literature either regenerated. Poet and writers have renewed themselves in according to new conditions. The world of literature met new poets and writers. Here Pervin was from one of these new faces, new and apparent. She was someone makes associate the feeling with mentality and can comprehend the real word without stay in the world of feelings. And she was a new someone makes her literature works in a mental basement complicated with feeling.
Baba Taher-i Hamadani is accepted from one of a brightest and most famous poets of Iran. His poem... more Baba Taher-i Hamadani is accepted from one of a brightest and most famous poets of Iran. His poems is a bright and reflective mirror for Persian language and litterature. Because of his ascetist and dervish life style that he had preferred, he remained hidden from eyes of litterature researcher for long terms. And consequently literal researchs couldn’t be concentrated on him works and poems. He wasn’t someone of studied at madrasah and he had no have a good literary education. But however he song poems with aruz prosody. Baba Taher had expressed his feelings in Lorestan dialect of Persian and it wasn’t a way of expression feelings for literary men at that terms. As well as he was a dialect poet he could take effect all of Iranisch men and all neighbour lands’ people with his poems and mistycism. But unfortunately his poets and expressions changed in some ways when peoples transferred them from mouth to mouth. And ultimately his poem couldn’t save its own originality in point of language properties. Now we hope that some Baba Taher researchers search his works and poems once again. We have present his quatrains and their Turkish translate here, which studied by Mahdi Hamedi.
Books by Ahmet Faruk Çelik
Papers by Ahmet Faruk Çelik