We live in a culture that is predominantly visual. This happened as a result of the simplificatio... more We live in a culture that is predominantly visual. This happened as a result of the simplification and the subsequent popularization of the process and devices employed in creating pictures. The individual as a photographer portrays aspects that are, at the same time, personal and social in the photographs he creates. Hence the possibility of using images to analyze a certain moment in time. This work focuses on the revision of pictures belonging to the Tamayo family and that were taken in 1921. In general, the topics presented allude to the outings preferred by the youth, as well as the dress and social codes pertaining young ladies and gentlemen. These postcards of everyday life allow us to see a reflection of Culiacan´s society in the second decade of the last century. At the same time, they make it possible to get a glimpse of the delicate pattern of values and social customs that predominated in this society.
We live in a culture that is predominantly visual. This happened as a result of the simplificatio... more We live in a culture that is predominantly visual. This happened as a result of the simplification and the subsequent popularization of the process and devices employed in creating pictures. The individual as a photographer portrays aspects that are, at the same time, personal and social in the photographs he creates. Hence the possibility of using images to analyze a certain moment in time. This work focuses on the revision of pictures belonging to the Tamayo family and that were taken in 1921. In general, the topics presented allude to the outings preferred by the youth, as well as the dress and social codes pertaining young ladies and gentlemen. These postcards of everyday life allow us to see a reflection of Culiacan´s society in the second decade of the last century. At the same time, they make it possible to get a glimpse of the delicate pattern of values and social customs that predominated in this society.
Revista Xihmai, Aug 10, 2014
industria es un libro que desde el exterior seduce al lector; pues en la sencilla portada del mis... more industria es un libro que desde el exterior seduce al lector; pues en la sencilla portada del mismo se encuentra una modesta viñeta donde aparece un peculiar personaje de ojos redondos y grandes, sombrero de copa y pantalón a cuadros, degustando, por supuesto, un cigarro, de su brazo una señorita de amplio sombrero y vestido casual, también con un cigarrillo, ambos personajes dotados de alas y sobrevolando la ciudad. El lector sólo puede preguntarse ¿De dónde ha salido tan peculiar viñeta? Con una pregunta tan básica, o por simple curiosidad el lector puede adentrarse en el mundo de la litografía industrial de principios del siglo XX.
Letras Históricas, 2020
De la sala de costura a la cacería: un estudio de la fotografía de grupo en el Culiacán en la déc... more De la sala de costura a la cacería: un estudio de la fotografía de grupo en el Culiacán en la década de los veinte From the sitting room to the hunting site: a study in group photography in 1920's Culiacan Este trabajo se concentra en la revisión de imágenes pertenecientes a la familia Ta-mayo, las que fueron tomadas en 1921. En general las temáticas abordadas presentan los paseos preferidos por la juventud, así como la indumentaria y las relaciones sancionadas tanto para las señoritas como para los caballeros. Estas postales de vida cotidiana permiten ver un reflejo de la so-ciedad culiacanense de la segunda década del siglo pasado. Y, a su vez, dejan entrever el delicado entramado de valores y usos so-ciales que predominaban en esta sociedad. Abstract This work focuses on the revision of pictures belonging to the Tamayo family that were taken in 1921. In general, the topics presented allude to the outings preferred by the youth, as well as the dress and social codes pertaining young ladies and gentlemen. These postcards of everyday life allow us to see a reflection of Culiacan´s society in the second decade of the last century. At the same time, they make it possible to get a glimpse of the delicate pattern of values and social customs that predominated in this society.
la fotografía como parte del vestigio de la industria decimonónica en culiacán. los casos de el c... more la fotografía como parte del vestigio de la industria decimonónica en culiacán. los casos de el coloso y la aurora en la revolución bárbara anahí toloza arambur0*/amanda liliana osuna rendón**